All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated dependences
- #22 removed support for Python 3.8 as end of life.
- #19 added a notification field to the mqtt message payload, apart from when an image is captured.
- #9 A configurable cooldown has been added to the end of an observation to allow other processes to possibly complete
- #3 Ability to publish messages to an MQTT Broker with supporting documentation.
- #4 Observation, Capture, Data and file information stored in data directory for image.
- #16 Publish status events to MQTT broker
- #1 Added additional tests
- #10 Modified timeout for the image capture subprocess to be configurable with a default
- #5 Resolved Sonar issues from the previous release
- #6 Added utility to convert microseconds to seconds for easier to read logs and messages
- #8 Configuration for the application is reloaded at the start of every observation rather and application startup
- #11 Update dependencies via dependabot, freeze suntime version as known breakage about 1.2.5
- #7 Updated readme with information
Initial Testing Release