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Support the project 资助项目

A lot of AAC (alternative and augmentative communication) products on the market are outrageously expensive. I think this is unfair and a big problem. Everyone with motor and speech limitations should have access to suitable software. OptiKey is my contribution to help make this possible, but I am finding it increasingly tough to balance my full time job, family life, and ongoing work on OptiKey. I am not going anywhere, but if people are kind enough to support this project through sponsorship I will be able to dedicate more time to OptiKey. That means better and more frequent updates and more time spent finding and helping people in need.

许多市面上的 AAC(替代和辅助沟通)产品都惊人的贵。这是不公平的,也是一个大问题。每个患有肌肉、发声障碍的人都应该使用适合他们的软件。OptiKey 就是我为达成这一目标做出的贡献,但是我发现我越来越难平衡我的工作,家庭生活以及 OptiKey 方面的工作,但我不会停止这个项目,如果大家足够热心能给这个项目提供一些资助,我会有更多的时间来维护 OptiKey。这意味着我可以更好更频繁的更新 OptiKey 以及花更多的时间来寻找和帮助那些需要帮助的人。

If you would like to sponsor this project please visit:


Thank you, Julius


I would like to say a big thank you to my patrons: 特别感谢以下各位的资助:

  • Gerald Walden (for his patronage, as well as very kindly donating an OpenBCI Ultracortex kit)
  • Gerald Walden (提供 OpenBCI Ultracortex 套件)
  • Udo Heintz
  • Sean McLane
  • Nikolas
  • Rachael Hanson
  • Neal Wiggermann
  • Chris Brockett
  • Bryan Powell
  • Alexander Blech
  • Peter Grant
  • Marcel Abraas
  • Rod Galvão
  • Volluta
  • William Johnson
  • Bill Sumner
  • Jason Adams
  • Emanuele
  • Wolfgang Engel
  • Nan de R
  • Bradley Adams
  • David Rowland
  • Simon Evans
  • Mu Qiao
  • Jo Thompson
  • Karson Chan
  • Loreta Boskovic
  • Luis Pohoski
  • Juniichi Odagiri
  • Brian Bourne
  • Alan Dickson
  • Independent Living Centre Tasmania Inc

I would also like to say a huge thank you to JetBrains for supplying me with free Open Source licenses for their fantastic product ReSharper (R#). In my opinion R# completes Visual Studio and I'm a huge fan and advocate of using it - check it out!

我还要特别感谢 JetBrains 将他们优秀的产品 ReSharper(R#) 以免费的开放源代码许可证提供给我,在我看来,R# 使得 Visual Studio 成为一个 完整 产品,我是 R# 的铁粉,强烈建议你也试试。