A form type that moves file uploads and remembers them even if there's a validation error elsewhere in the form.
Suppose you have a Company entity with a single, optional CompanyLogo. Your CompanyLogo entity must implement AttachmentInterface (or just extend Attachment):
class CompanyLogo extends \Infinite\FormBundle\Attachment\Attachment
// etc
And you must define a save path and filename format in your YAML configuration:
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/uploads'
format: 'logos/{hash(0..2)}/{name}'
Then you can add the logo to your form as follows:
$builder->add('logo', AttachmentType::class, array(
'allowed_mime_types' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
'data_class' => CompanyLogo::class,
'required' => false,
And that's it. Your form will appear with a standard file field. If you edit a company with an existing logo, the form will instead display the existing file name and a Remove button.