React wrapper of flowchart.js.
A simple React component to create interactive flow charts, using flowchart.js behind the scenes.
Built-in TypeScript support.
Please see the ./example/
folder for a simple example on how to use the component.
Flow chart example:
# Yarn
yarn add react-flowchart.js
npm install --save react-flowchart.js
Please see code below:
import React from 'react';
import { Flowchart, FlowchartConfig, Node } from 'react-flowchart.js';
const App = () => {
// Nodes (required) - this is our list of nodes to display in the flowchart.
// The properties "type", "id" and "label" are required. Connections are optional.
// Note that the structure of connections vary based on the node type (eg. "condition" allows both "yes" and "no" connections).
// Please see the flowchart.js README for documentation on this:
const nodes: Node[] = [
type: 'start',
id: 'my_start_node',
label: 'Start flow',
state: 'highlighted', // Support for flowstate (allows you to modify the styling of a node based on this value)
connection: {
id: 'my_condition_node',
position: 'bottom',
type: 'condition',
id: 'my_condition_node',
label: 'True or false?',
connections: {
yes: {
id: 'dummy_node',
position: 'right',
no: {
id: 'my_operation_node',
position: 'bottom',
type: 'operation',
id: 'my_operation_node',
label: 'Foo operation',
type: 'inputoutput',
id: 'dummy_node',
label: 'Dummy',
connection: {
id: 'end',
position: 'bottom',
type: 'end',
id: 'end',
label: 'End flow',
// Config (optional) - here we configure the flowchart, eg. line width, font family, arrow type, yes and no texts, etc.
const config: FlowchartConfig = {
lineWidth: 3,
yesText: 'Yes!',
noText: 'No',
// Styles (optional) - here we define the base styling for our nodes based on the node type (the "type" property)
const styles = {
condition: {
fill: 'lightyellow',
operation: {
fill: 'lightblue',
'font-color': 'red',
inputoutput: {
fill: 'green',
'font-color': 'white',
// States (optional) - here we define styling for the flowstate defined on nodes (the "state" property)
const states = {
highlighted: {
fill: 'orange',
'font-color': 'blue',
// OnClick (optional) - here we define a callback for when clicking a node
const onClick = (item: any, mouseEvent: MouseEvent) => {
console.log('Item clicked:', item);
console.log('Mouse event:', mouseEvent);
return (
<h1>Flowchart example</h1>
interface FlowchartProps {
nodes: Node[]; // required
config?: FlowchartConfig;
styles?: {
[nodeType: string]: Object;
states?: {
[state: string]: Object;
onClick?: (item: any, mouseEvent: MouseEvent) => void;
interface FlowchartConfig {
lineWidth?: number; // default: 2
lineLength?: number; // default: 50
textMargin?: number; // default: 10
fontSize?: number; // default: 14
fontFamily?: string; // default: Helvetica
fontWeight?: string; // default: normal
fontColor?: string; // default: black
lineColor?: string; // default: black
elementColor?: string; // default: black
fill?: string; // default: white
yesText?: string; // default: yes
noText?: string; // default: no
arrowEnd?: 'block' | 'classic-wide-long'; // default: classic-wide-long
scale?: number; // default: 1
Please see ./src/types.ts
for type information on the Node
For documentation on how flowchart.js works please check out the README of flowchart.js.
Contributions are most welcome!
Thanks to Adriano Raiano for creating flowchart.js.