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a7d7158 · Jan 15, 2023


44 lines (26 loc) · 1.91 KB

File metadata and controls

44 lines (26 loc) · 1.91 KB


  • zigimg's README says:

    This project assume current Zig master (0.10.0+)

    but accutually it only works with 0.11.0+, not 0.10.0+.

    • Mainly due to incompatibilities of std.buildin.Type.StructField.
  • Images of any format can be read using Image.fromFilePath/fromFile/fromMemory, as value of the Image type.

  • In addition to pixel data, we can get width and height of the image from struct Image.

  • An iterator that iterates over pixels of the image can be obtained from Image by iterator method.

I/O in zig

  • Via io.FixedBufferStream([]u8), we can use []u8 as io.Writer and io.Reader.
var buf = [100]u8 = undefined;
var stream =; // convenient constructor is available

stream.writer();    // convert to `io.Writer`
stream.reader();    // convert to `io.Reader`
  • io.StreamSource abstracts over File(.file), FixedBuffer([]u8)(.buffer) and FixedBuffer([]const u8)(.const_buffer) and offers generic I/O interface w/ seeking.

    • if it is .const_buffer variant, writing to it will always return error.
  • io.Writer and io.Reader has useful methods for serializing to/deserializing from binary data.

    • reader.readIntBig(u32) reads big-endian binary data from the reader as u32 value.
    • writer.writeIntBig(u32, n) writes u32 value to the writer as big-endian binary data.


  • To test functions that have comptime parameter (e.g. type) in Table Driven Testing style, use inline for instead of bare for to iterate over a test table.

    • It makes the for loop unrolled, and the value in the loop variable compile-time known as an additional effect.
    • If you use bare for loop, compiler complains with the error like: error: values of type '[N]SomeType' must be comptime-known, but index value is runtime-known
  • We can skip tests according to some runtime conditions by returning error.SkipZigTest.