Sparky is a library that help you to create dynamic UI using Javascript.
You can use it with Typescript (as it was think when it was developed) or you can use plain Javascript if you want too.
The idea behind this library was to create something like React but without some inconvenience of it, like transpiling stuff, so to be able to achieve this goal we render HTML from JS with ES6 Template String.
Sparky supports all browsers that are ES5-compliant (IE8 and below are not supported). But will need polyfills for some odd and older browsers as Internet Explorer 9, 10 or 11. If you can choose your browser, please use Chrome or Opera 😁
import { Sparky, render } from "sparky-js";
Sparky.mount(Sparky.component(Main), document.getElementById("app"));
function Main() {
return html `<span>Hello World</span>`;