Row that is generally used in a <SwipeListView/>
If you are rendering a <SwipeRow/>
explicitly you must pass the <SwipeRow/>
exactly two children.
The first will be rendered behind the second.
<View style={hiddenRowStyle} />
<View style={visibleRowStyle} />
Prop | Notes | Type | (func) Signature | Default |
closeOnRowPress |
Should the row be closed when it is tapped | bool |
true |
directionalDistanceChangeThreshold |
Change the sensitivity of the row | number |
2 |
friction |
Friction for the open / close animation. Controls "bounciness"/overshoot. | number |
7 |
tension |
Tension for the open / close animation. Controls speed. | number |
40 |
restSpeedThreshold |
RestSpeedThreshold for the open / close animation. Controls speed. | number |
0.001 |
restDisplacementThreshold |
RestDisplacementThreshold for the open / close animation. Controls speed. | number |
0.001 |
leftOpenValue |
TranslateX value for opening the row to the left (positive number) | number |
0 |
rightOpenValue |
TranslateX value for opening the row to the right (negative number) | number |
0 |
leftActivationValue |
TranslateX value for firing onLeftActionStatusChange (positive number) | number |
rightActivationValue |
TranslateX value for firing onRightActionStatusChange (negative number) | number |
initialLeftActionState |
Initial value for left action state (default is false) | bool |
initialRightActionState |
Initial value for right action state (default is false) | bool |
leftActionValue |
TranslateX value for left action to which the row will be shifted after gesture release | number |
rightActionValue |
TranslateX value for right action to which the row will be shifted after gesture release | number |
stopLeftSwipe |
TranslateX value for stop the row to the left (positive number). This number is the stop value corresponding to the leftOpenValue (while the row is swiping in the right direction) |
number |
stopRightSwipe |
TranslateX value for stop the row to the right (negative number). This number is the stop value corresponding to the rightOpenValue (while the row is swiping in the left direction) |
number |
onRowPress |
Called when row is pressed. | func |
{ } : void |
onRowOpen |
Called when row is animating open. Used by the SwipeListView to keep references to open rows. | func |
{ toValue: number } : void |
onRowDidOpen |
Called when row has animated open | func |
{ toValue: number } : void |
onRowClose |
Called when row is animating closed | func |
{ } : void |
onRowDidClose |
Called when a swipe row has animated closed | func |
{ } : void |
onLeftActionStatusChange |
Called once when swipe value crosses the leftActivationValue | func |
{ data: { isActivated: boolean, value: number, key: string } } : void |
onRightActionStatusChange |
Called once when swipe value crosses the rightActivationValue | func |
{ data: { isActivated: boolean, value: number, key: string } } : void |
onLeftAction |
Called when row shifted to leftActivationValue | func |
{ } : void |
onRightAction |
Called when row shifted to rightActivationValue | func |
{ } : void |
swipeToOpenPercent |
What % of the left/right openValue does the user need to swipe past to trigger the row opening. | number |
50 |
swipeToClosePercent |
What % of the left/right openValue does the user need to swipe past to trigger the row closing. | number |
50 |
setScrollEnabled |
Used by the SwipeListView to close rows on scroll events. You shouldn't need to use this prop explicitly. | func |
disableLeftSwipe |
Disable ability to swipe the row left | bool |
false |
disableRightSwipe |
Disable ability to swipe the row right | bool |
false |
recalculateHiddenLayout |
Enable hidden row onLayout calculations to run always | bool |
false |
style |
Styles for the parent wrapper View of the SwipeRow | object |
preview |
Should the row do a slide out preview to show that it is swipeable | bool |
false |
previewDuration |
Duration of the slide out preview animation | number |
300 |
previewRepeat |
Should the animation repeat | bool |
false |
previewRepeatDelay |
Delay between each preview repeat in milliseconds | number |
1000 |
previewOpenValue |
TranslateX value for the slide out preview animation | number |
0.5 * props.rightOpenValue | |
onSwipeValueChange |
Callback invoked any time the translateX value of the row changes | func |
{ swipeData: { key: string, value: number, direction: 'left' | 'right', isOpen: bool } } : void |
swipeGestureBegan |
Called when the row is animating swipe | func |
{ } : void |
swipeGestureEnded |
Called when user has ended their swipe gesture | func |
{ rowKey: string; data: { translateX: number; direction: 'left' | 'right'; event: GestureResponderEvent; gestureState: PanResponderGestureState; } } : void |
swipeToOpenVelocityContribution |
Describes how much the ending velocity of the gesture affects whether the swipe will result in the item being closed or open. A velocity factor of 0 (the default) means that the velocity will have no bearing on whether the swipe settles on a closed or open position and it'll just take into consideration the swipeToOpenPercent. Ideal values for this prop tend to be between 5 and 15. | number |
0 |
shouldItemUpdate |
Callback to determine whether component should update | func |
{ currentItem: any, newItem: any } |
forceCloseToLeftThreshold |
TranslateX amount(not value!) threshold that triggers force-closing the row to the Left End (positive number) | number |
forceCloseToRightThreshold |
TranslateX amount(not value!) threshold that triggers force-closing the row to the Right End (positive number) | number |
onForceCloseToLeft |
Callback invoked when row is force closing to the Left End | func |
onForceCloseToRight |
Callback invoked when row is force closing to the Right End | func |
onForceCloseToLeftEnd |
Callback invoked when row has finished force closing to the Left End | func |
onForceCloseToRightEnd |
Callback invoked when row has finished force closing to the Right End | func |
useNativeDriver |
useNativeDriver: true for all animations |
bool |
true |
swipeKey |
Optional key to identify a standalone row, used in the onSwipeValueChange callback |
string |
onPreviewEnd |
Callback that runs after row swipe preview is finished | func |
{ } : void |