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Example 5: Using openshift/mysql, Ceph Persistent Volume and Claim

This example is similar to example 3 except that we're using the official openshift mysql image. This image has the UID hard-coded to 27 in the Dockerfile, and as a result presents challenges from a permissions/volume-mounting perspective. The solution to running the mysql container as non-root is to separate the creation of the pod from the creation of the bind mounts for the container. This is accomplished by using the oc new-app command to create the pod with the default emptyDir volume binding, followed by oc volume to replace emptyDir with the ceph rbd plugin binding.

oc new-app in this example creates the following:

  • a new service named "mysql-55-centos7"
  • a new replication controller named "mysql-55-centos7-1"
  • a new deployment configuration named "mysql-55-centos7"
  • a new imageStream named "mysql-55-centos7"
  • an emptyDir volume named "mysql-55-centos7-volume-1"
  • the target mysql pod named "mysql-55-centos7-1-".


If the steps to install the environment, ceph, ose and mysql have not already been completed, then follow the instuctions linked-to directly below:

The enviromnent used for all of the examples in this repo is described here.

Setting up Openshift Enterprise (OSE):

The steps needed to seup a simple OSE cluster with 1 master and 1 worker node are described here.

Setting up Ceph:

The steps needed to setup ceph in a single container (AIO, all-in-one container) are described here.

Setting up MySQL:

Follow the instructions here to initialize and validate containerized openshift/mysql. Be sure to docker pull the openshift/mysql image.

Defining the PV and PVC Files:

The PVC created here is the same used in example 3; however, the PV has a different name to coincide with the default naming used by the oc new-app command. PVs are typically created by an OSE administrator, whereas PVCs will typically be created and requested by non-admins. The example here creates both the PV and claim separate from the pod.

Creating the PV and PVC:

oc create -f is execute on the OSE-master to create almost all OSE objects, and is used here to create the ceph PV and PVC.

#on the OSE-master:
$ oc create -f mysql-55-centos7-volume-1.yaml

$ oc get pv
NAME                        LABELS    CAPACITY     ACCESSMODES   STATUS      CLAIM     REASON
mysql-55-centos7-volume-1   <none>    1073741824   RWX           Available      

$ oc create -f ../mysql_ceph_pvc/ceph-claim.yaml

$ oc get pvc
ceph-claim   map[]     Bound     mysql-55-centos7-volume-1

Creating the openshift/mysql App:

The oc new-app command is used to create the openshift/mysql pod along with the other objects listed above.

$ oc new-app -e MYSQL_USER=mysql,MYSQL_PASSWORD=foopass,MYSQL_DATABASE=mysql openshift/mysql-55-centos7
NOTICE: Image "mysql-55-centos7" uses an EmptyDir volume. Data in EmptyDir volumes is not persisted across deployments.
Service "mysql-55-centos7" created at with port mappings 3306.
Run 'oc status' to view your app.

$ oc status
In project default
service/kubernetes -
service/mysql-55-centos7 -
  dc/mysql-55-centos7 deploys istag/mysql-55-centos7:latest 
    #1 deployment pending 6 seconds ago
dc/docker-registry deploys 
  #2 deployed 2 weeks ago - 1 pod
To see more, use 'oc describe <resource>/<name>'.
You can use 'oc get all' to see a list of other objects.

#list pods:
$ oc get pods
NAME                       READY     STATUS                                                                                                      RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-2-a57pb    0/1       Image: is ready, container is creating   0          1h
mysql-55-centos7-1-nmhmk   1/1       Running                                    

#list services:
$ oc get svc
NAME               LABELS                                    SELECTOR                            IP(S)            PORT(S)
kubernetes         component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes   <none>                           443/TCP
mysql-55-centos7   app=mysql-55-centos7                      deploymentconfig=mysql-55-centos7   3306/TCP

#list replication controllers:
$ oc get rc
CONTROLLER           CONTAINER(S)       IMAGE(S)                                                             SELECTOR                                                                                REPLICAS
docker-registry-2    registry    deployment=docker-registry-2,deploymentconfig=docker-registry,docker-registry=default   1
mysql-55-centos7-1   mysql-55-centos7   openshift/mysql-55-centos7:latest                                    deployment=mysql-55-centos7-1,deploymentconfig=mysql-55-centos7 

#list deployment configurations:
$ oc get dc
NAME               TRIGGERS                    LATEST VERSION
docker-registry    ConfigChange                2
mysql-55-centos7   ConfigChange, ImageChange   1

Volume Binding:

Now that the mysql pod has been successfully created (using the emptyDir volume), it's time to update the volume bind mount to reference the ceph volume claim rather than emptyDir.

Volume information is visible on the OSE-master:

#on the OSE-master:
#list all volumes based on pod selector:
$ oc volume pod/mysql-55-centos7-1-nmhmk --list
# pods mysql-55-centos7-1-nmhmk, volumes:
	# container mysql-55-centos7, volume mounts:
	mysql-55-centos7-volume-1 /var/lib/mysql/data
	default-token-1qip2 /var/run/secrets/

#list the volume base on dc selector:
$ oc volume dc/mysql-55-centos7 --list
# deploymentconfigs mysql-55-centos7, volumes:
	# container mysql-55-centos7, volume mounts:
	mysql-55-centos7-volume-1 /var/lib/mysql/data

#list more details about the volume:
$ oc describe dc mysql-55-centos7
Name:		mysql-55-centos7
Created:	31 minutes ago
Labels:		app=mysql-55-centos7
Latest Version:	1
Triggers:	Config, Image(mysql-55-centos7@latest, auto=true)
Strategy:	Rolling
  Selector:	deploymentconfig=mysql-55-centos7
  Replicas:	1
  mysql-55-centos7	openshift/mysql-55-centos7:latest	MYSQL_DATABASE=mysql,MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass,MYSQL_USER=mysql
Deployment #1 (latest):
	Name:		mysql-55-centos7-1
	Created:	31 minutes ago
	Status:		Complete
	Replicas:	1 current / 1 desired
	Selector:	deployment=mysql-55-centos7-1,deploymentconfig=mysql-55-centos7
	Labels:		app=mysql-55-centos7,
	Pods Status:	1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed

Notice that the default volume name is the image name with "-volume-N" appended.

Use the oc volume command to bind the running pod (whose container has already run its entrypoint initialization script) to the ceph volume:

$ oc volume dc/mysql-55-centos7 --add --name=mysql-55-centos7-volume-1 -t persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=ceph-claim --mount-path=/var/lib/mysql/data --overwrite

The container's rbd mounts are visible directly from the host and from within the container itself. On the OSE host:

#on the target/scheduled OSE-node:
$ mount | grep rbd
/dev/rbd0 on /var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.volumes/plugins/ type ext4 (rw,relatime,seclabel,stripe=1024,data=ordered)
/dev/rbd0 on /var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.volumes/pods/608af6aa-5335-11e5-b56b-52540039f12e/volumes/ type ext4 (rw,relatime,seclabel,stripe=1024,data=ordered)

And, shelling into the container:

#on the target/scheduled OSE-node:
$ docker exec -it 9a43017dbebf bash
root@ceph-mysql:/# mount | grep rbd
/dev/rbd0 on /var/lib/mysql type ext4 (rw,relatime,seclabel,stripe=1024,data=ordered)
root@ceph-mysql:/# exit

Mysql can also be run in the container as follows:

#on the target/scheduled OSE-node:
$ docker exec -it 9a43017dbebf bash
root@ceph-mysql:/# mysql                                                       
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
mysql> show databases;
| Database            |
| information_schema  |
| #mysql50#lost+found |
| mysql               |
| performance_schema  |
| us_states           |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use us_states;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
mysql> select * from states;
| id | state   | population |
|  1 | Alabama |    4822023 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit
root@ceph-mysql:/# exit