Counterpart requires a newer version of rsync than currently ships with Mac OS X. Currently, the minimum supported version is rsync 3.0.7 or later with acl and hfs-compression patches applied. Luckily, the required rsync binary with patches is easily installed with Homebrew, an excellent package manager for OS X. I also supply a Homebrew formula for installing Counterpart, including the required version of rsync.
NOTE: As of version 1.2, Counterpart depends on and installs rsync 3.0.9. As of this being written, rsync version 3.1.0 is broken on Mac OS X, and is unusable as a basis for Counterpart. 3.0.9 performs perfectly, and as such, is utilised by Counterpart. More information on the issues with rsync version 3.1.0 can be found here.
The instructions below detail how to install Homebrew, Counterpart, and the required version of rsync. If you already have Homebrew installed, simply skip to step 4.
- Download and install Xcode or Command Line Tools for Xcode. More info available here:
- Visit the Homebrew site, and scroll down to the "Install Homebrew" heading. As instructed, paste the ruby command listed into a Terminal prompt, and follow the prompts.
- At a Terminal prompt, run
brew doctor
to ensure Homebrew is installed correctly. - At a Terminal prompt, run
brew tap homebrew/dupes
to add the repository rsync is stored in. - At a Terminal prompt, run
brew tap jedda/counterpart
to add the counterpart repository itself. - At a Terminal prompt, run
brew install counterpart
. This will install the latest version of Counterpart, including the requisite rsync version. - You are ready to run Counterpart. For help, check out the README, or run
counterpart -h