- Setup express server and nunjucks templating
- Read about top NodeJs Hosting providers.
- Understood nothing about whats the price on deploying a webserver without database per month.
- Started coding the banner. Tried two experiment to create a desktop and mobile layout. 1st approach is to build 2 elements and hide them according to breakpoints. 2nd one is 1 element and think about how to structure them in mobile & desktop. 1st one didn't worked for me, went for 2nd haha.
- Fix some layout spacing and Added a warning state button for the landing page.
- Code my client work. Put some themed call-to-action buttons. Overriding classes in boostrap is hard. Well I guess that's their way of preventing confusion/bugs on their side. I like ease of overriding at bulma, which can also cause confusion on my end, and then blaming bulma haha
Code endlessly until the next day. Didn't make it to my client's skype meeting. Used markedjs to easily put content on each sections. Passed in different renderer options too. Stayed up till 8am lol.
First time to dive on AWS Lightsail. They say it's easy to deploy apps there, but got a little bit confused. Luckily there's video tutorials on how to connect a GoDaddy Domain name to Amazon lightsail IP. Added notes on deployment.
- Code my client's revisions on section names. Already deployed my app on the internet. Stayed up to 3 am now. Thinking of ways how to simplify deployment.
- Attend the Facebook dev circles meetup
- Rewrote my react portfolio from scratch
- Watched Kent Advanced react patterns tutorial. Learned about the updater function.
Client wants some additional sections. Pushed ui fixes and added the section. Separated the html by partials, using nunjucks templating engine
Code my portfolio. Added tests to my navbar. Used react-testing-library. Great utils.
Watched advanced react patterns. Learned about compound components
Push some content fix in my client work
Code my portfolio, added footer.
Installed Aws Elasticbeanstalk CLI. A little bit challenging to setup environment variables.
Setup a XAMPP environment, and also installed wordpress. A little bit confusing and challenging to set it up. But it works. I put some key notes on doing it.
Watch tutorial of AWS. Good intro of IAM roles.
Code my portfolio.
- Watched AWS Deployment videos in frontend masters
- Checked out wordpress API
- Stayed up late to practice deployment with AWS Beanstalk, my nextjs app has still errors
- Meeting with client
- Found out some clues on why my nextjs app is not working, some permission errors with node-sass
- Code my portfolio again. Building a card component
- Code my client work today. There are some revisions.
- Code my portfolio! It's done now at https://jcunanan05.github.io/
- Found a good tool called Jotform, That takes up filling out forms and has a pdf generator. Thumbs up for their tool.
- Client meetings
- Watched GraphQL fem intro videos
- GatsbyJS Tutorials. Greeted programmers Merry Christmas
- Had meeting with a friend on how would he make a blog. He wants wordpress, but I'm efficient with js. Settled with gatbsy and wordpress
- Checkout some tutorials, Found good ones at Frontend Masters
- Watched Webpack 4 Fundamentals on fem
- Last day of the year! Watched webpack 4 fundamentals. Got confidence in understanding webpack runtime code.
- I felt like I need to migrate my server rendered html into a full blown static site. I switched from node.js + nunjucks to Gatbsy.js I feel more comfortable with components.
- Started rewriting from bootstrap 4 to bulma. I love writing code in Bulma CSS framework.
- Tried parsing
files with gatsby-plugin-remark-transformer. I realized, I can just do it with marked.js library, liked I used to. Spent some time rewriting code again.
- Found out that git by default on my mac is case insensitive. When I renamed my exisitng files in TitleCase, nothing was commited. Lol I removed and returned my src folder.
- Found it difficult to put scripts in react. It doesn't execute when I just put it. I did some
and putasync
on the element, and injected it on the bottom of the page. Added the script on the component.
- I encountered a CORS issue when I am using mailgun. Stuck until evening. Even though i put headers, still nothing works.
- Solved CORS! I need a back-end to communicate with mailgun. I created 'again' a node server but still I have cors even with a cors plugin! Turns out, I need to enable CORS at a preflight request called OPTIONS, on a rest route. I can now send emails!
- Learned about react concepts.
will error out, when you didn't compare it to the upcoming props. It is well written in the docs.
, an express middleware to handleContent-Type: multipart/form-data
. Learned about multipart/form-data, that it has aboundary
. Boundary is automatically provided by a javascript api calledFormData
I used it with axios to post data to the server. -
Amazed that multer is well-writen.
Learned about buffer type. It is like the data. And learned about the mailgun api while reading its docs.
Bought Ruby on rails book! :)
- Finished my mailgun logic.
- Got problem in deploying, haven't really fixed my CORS problems. Tried the basic working code in npm's cors() package. Works, but only for one website.
- Finally got the site to deployment. Setup CI with travisCI, S3 / Cloudfront, in my portfolio's repo, and my work's repo.
Got some work feedback, fix some typo, add some sections. Encountered an issue because I disabled our domain with www subdomain. The indexed search result on google now is disabled.
Work client wants success mail features after they successfully have the email.
Updated my backend code with cors that supports multiple websites.
Also discovered about adding mailgun to my DNS, idk why still my MX (mail exchange) dns is still not working
Made some deployment logic, where I put up an heroku and netlify deployment on the
branch. Added aDEPLOYMENT_ENV
variable on heroku, that will add my netlify site to the whitelisted CORS websites. -
Refactored my back-end code. So satisfying to erase long codes. haha
- Finally added the success mail feature. Got some permissions problems in aws ElasticBeanstalk for putting travisCI also in our backend repo. My mistake is, I am creating the policy from scratch, tying elastic beanstalk services altogether. After few hours, I finally discovered there's already a permission defaults by aws, Which is called ElasticBeanstalkWorker.
- Watching webpack 4 fundamentals on frontendmasters, it's awesome learning about webpack-dev-server, webpack-merge, packages. Hot reloading is awesome.
- Just reading about MDN Docs, MDN docs is awesome. Read about high level concepts/pros/cons of Django and Express
- Played around with rails tutorial, adding minimal code to the generated code.
- Amazingly, I had another project! I used gatsby again to initialize my project. Finally made the test suite working! The docs were incomplete. I found the working code at GatsbyJS's repo.
- I setup the deployment environment of my new project using travisCI and AWS S3, CloudFront. Also managed my DNS using AWS Route53, transferred it from GoDaddy. I found a good guide in this stackoverflow link. It's just easier to manage, and get certificates from Route53.
- Slowly migrated my bulma components to the repo. Making a more reusable, general vanilla components because i believe i'll use more theming here.
- Started adding content code to my project. I used marked.js to parse my files.
- Deadline is almost there. I added a mailchimp api code with an exisiting server. So I made my cors more dynamic, but i had errors. Turns out, I just need to handle empty arguments.
- Made the banner component. I really don't know how to style the header. It's wierd because the image is square. I settled to a 2 column layout.
- Started a blog project with wordpress. It's for my friend.
- Setting up testing again with Gatsby made me do a boilerplate.
- Pushed some fixes on my works codebase
- Finished Webpack fundamentals! Learned about presets, environments, and most common packages to install. Planning to make my own boilerplate.
- Continued watching intro to node js. Learned about Async functions. There are other new Async functions asides from the common try/catch method.
- Since I finished Webpack 4 workshop, I figured I'll make a boilerplate using webpack.
- Continued coding the blog project.
- I wrote an article about enabling ES6 with Node.js https://medium.com/@j_cunanan05/how-to-enable-es6-and-beyond-syntax-with-node-and-express-c7110406b480
- Continued coding the blog project.
- I feel the need to study patterns. I watched Functional-Light JS by Kyle Simpson.