This is a utility to browse the data gathered from the astro-pi ISS mission Hannah Belshaw and John Belshaw You should edit the filename and Directory below to the path on your computer
It requires matplotlib, numpy, mpl_toolkit, ephem to be installed which makes it easy to do numerical calculations on the data and plot it.
Lists the headers in the file and some statistics for each of the measurements - min, max, median, average, stddev
A graph is drawn for the first measurement, for 2208 points which is 4 orbits.
You can scroll through the data by typing one of wasd then return, a scrolls back, d goes forward 4 orbits, w goes to the next measurement, s goes back to the previous measurement z reduces the number of data points by half, x doubles the number of data points the statistics for the current measurement and time period are printed. t plots a map with the iss surface track plotted
Measurements - in array Headers 0 ROW_ID 1 temp_cpu 2 temp_h 3 temp_p 4 humidity 5 pressure 6 pitch 7 roll 8 yaw 9 mag_x 10 mag_y 11 mag_z 12 accel_x 13 accel_y 14 accel_z 15 gyro_x 16 gyro_y 17 gyro_z 18 reset 19 Time Stamp
If you want to re-use the data for your code it is in the 2d arrary Arrays. which has 20 elements, each of which is a sub-array with all the data points so Arrays[6] is an array of all the pitch measurements (quite long!) and Arrays[6][0] is the first data point, Arrays[6][-1] is the last data point Arrays[0] is the ROW_ID/6 which is the elapsed time in minutes Arrays[19] is the time stamps