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executable file
398 lines (348 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
398 lines (348 loc) · 11.6 KB

collector Functionl Benchmark Results


  • Image:
  • Total Log Stressors: 1
  • Lines Per Second: 2500
  • Run Duration: 5m
  • Payload Source: synthetic

Latency of logs collected based on the time the log was generated and ingested

Total Msg Size Elapsed (s) Mean (s) Min(s) Max (s) Median (s)
765250 1024 5m0s 2.768 0.114 9.593 2.403

Percent logs lost between first and last collected sequence ids

Stream Min Seq Max Seq Purged Collected Percent Collected
functional.0.000000000000000062E9B9047639D017 0 765249 0 765250 100.0%


# This file is a copy of the fluentd configuration entrypoint
# which should normally be supplied in a configmap.

  log_level "#{ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] || 'warn'}"

# Prometheus Monitoring
  @type prometheus
  bind "#{ENV['PROM_BIND_IP']}"
  <transport tls>
    cert_path /etc/collector/metrics/tls.crt
    private_key_path /etc/collector/metrics/tls.key
    min_version TLS1_2
    max_version TLS1_3

  @type prometheus_monitor
    hostname ${hostname}

# excluding prometheus_tail_monitor
# since it leaks namespace/pod info
# via file paths

# tail_monitor plugin which publishes log_collected_bytes_total
  @type collected_tail_monitor
    hostname ${hostname}

# This is considered experimental by the repo
  @type prometheus_output_monitor
    hostname ${hostname}

# Logs from containers (including openshift containers)
  @type tail
  @id container-input
  path "/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_*/loader-*/*.log"
  exclude_path ["/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_collector-*/*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_elasticsearch-*/*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_kibana-*/*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_*/loki*/*.log", "/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_*/gateway/*.log", "/var/log/pods/testhack-jyhcxgwg_*/opa/*.log", "/var/log/pods/*/*/*.gz", "/var/log/pods/*/*/*.tmp"]
  pos_file "/var/lib/fluentd/pos/es-containers.log.pos"
  follow_inodes true
  refresh_interval 5
  rotate_wait 5
  tag kubernetes.*
  read_from_head "true"
  skip_refresh_on_startup true
  @label @CONCAT
    @type regexp
    expression /^(?<@timestamp>[^\s]+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) (?<logtag>[F|P]) (?<message>.*)$/
    time_key '@timestamp'
    keep_time_key true

# Concat log lines of container logs, and send to INGRESS pipeline
<label @CONCAT>
  <filter kubernetes.**>
    @type concat
    key message
    partial_key logtag
    partial_value P
    separator ''

  <match kubernetes.**>
    @type relabel
    @label @INGRESS

# Ingress pipeline
<label @INGRESS>
  # Filter out PRIORITY from journal logs
  <filter journal>
    @type grep
      key PRIORITY
      pattern ^7$

  # Process OVN logs
  <filter ovn-audit.log**>
    @type record_modifier
      @timestamp ${DateTime.parse(record['message'].split('|')[0]).rfc3339(6)}
      level ${record['message'].split('|')[3].downcase}

  # Process Kube and OpenShift Audit logs
  <filter k8s-audit.log openshift-audit.log>
    @type record_modifier
      @timestamp ${record['requestReceivedTimestamp']}

  # Retag Journal logs to specific tags
  <match journal>
    @type rewrite_tag_filter
    # skip to @INGRESS label section
    @label @INGRESS

    # see if this is a kibana container for special log handling
    # looks like this:
    # k8s_kibana.a67f366_logging-kibana-1-d90e3_logging_26c51a61-2835-11e6-ad29-fa163e4944d5_f0db49a2
    # we filter these logs through the kibana_transform.conf filter
      pattern ^k8s_kibana\.
      tag kubernetes.journal.container.kibana

      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_logging-eventrouter-[^_]+_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._default_.kubernetes-event

    # mark logs from default namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_default_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._default_

    # mark logs from kube-* namespaces for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_kube-(.+)_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._kube-$1_

    # mark logs from openshift-* namespaces for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_openshift-(.+)_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._openshift-$1_

    # mark logs from openshift namespace for processing as k8s logs but stored as system logs
      pattern ^k8s_[^_]+_[^_]+_openshift_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container._openshift_

    # mark fluentd container logs
      pattern ^k8s_.*fluentd
      tag kubernetes.journal.container.fluentd

    # this is a kubernetes container
      pattern ^k8s_
      tag kubernetes.journal.container

    # not kubernetes - assume a system log or system container log
      key _TRANSPORT
      pattern .+
      tag journal.system

  # Invoke kubernetes apiserver to get kubernetes metadata
  <filter kubernetes.**>
    @id kubernetes-metadata
    @type kubernetes_metadata
    kubernetes_url 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    annotation_match ["^containerType\.logging\.openshift\.io\/.*$"]
    allow_orphans false
    cache_size '1000'
    ssl_partial_chain 'true'

  # Parse Json fields for container, journal and eventrouter logs
  <filter kubernetes.var.log.pods.**_eventrouter-**>
    @type parse_json_field
    merge_json_log true
    preserve_json_log true
    json_fields 'message'

  # Fix level field in audit logs
  <filter k8s-audit.log**>
    @type record_modifier
      k8s_audit_level ${record['level']}

  <filter openshift-audit.log**>
    @type record_modifier
      openshift_audit_level ${record['level']}

  # Viaq Data Model
  <filter **>
    @type viaq_data_model
    enable_flatten_labels true
    enable_prune_empty_fields false
    default_keep_fields CEE,time,@timestamp,aushape,ci_job,collectd,docker,fedora-ci,file,foreman,geoip,hostname,ipaddr4,ipaddr6,kubernetes,level,message,namespace_name,namespace_uuid,offset,openstack,ovirt,pid,pipeline_metadata,rsyslog,service,systemd,tags,testcase,tlog,viaq_msg_id
    keep_empty_fields 'message'
    rename_time true
    pipeline_type 'collector'
    process_kubernetes_events false
      name warn
      match 'Warning|WARN|^W[0-9]+|level=warn|Value:warn|"level":"warn"'
      name info
      match 'Info|INFO|^I[0-9]+|level=info|Value:info|"level":"info"'
      name error
      match 'Error|ERROR|^E[0-9]+|level=error|Value:error|"level":"error"'
      name critical
      match 'Critical|CRITICAL|^C[0-9]+|level=critical|Value:critical|"level":"critical"'
      name debug
      match 'Debug|DEBUG|^D[0-9]+|level=debug|Value:debug|"level":"debug"'
      tag "journal.system**"
      type sys_journal
      tag "kubernetes.var.log.pods.**_eventrouter-** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log** ovn-audit.log**"
      type k8s_json_file
      remove_keys stream
      process_kubernetes_events 'true'
      tag "kubernetes.var.log.pods**"
      type k8s_json_file
      remove_keys stream

  # Generate elasticsearch id
  <filter **>
    @type elasticsearch_genid_ext
    hash_id_key viaq_msg_id
    alt_key kubernetes.event.metadata.uid
    alt_tags 'kubernetes.var.log.pods.**_eventrouter-*.** kubernetes.journal.container._default_.kubernetes-event'

  # Discard Infrastructure logs
  <match kubernetes.var.log.pods.openshift_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.openshift-*_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.default_** kubernetes.var.log.pods.kube-*_** journal.** system.var.log**>
    @type null

  # Include Application logs
  <match kubernetes.**>
    @type relabel
    @label @_APPLICATION

  # Discard Audit logs
  <match linux-audit.log** k8s-audit.log** openshift-audit.log** ovn-audit.log**>
    @type null

  # Send any remaining unmatched tags to stdout
  <match **>
    @type stdout

# Routing Application to pipelines
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
      log_type application

  <match **>
    @type label_router
      @label @FORWARD_PIPELINE
        namespaces testhack-jyhcxgwg

# Copying pipeline forward-pipeline to outputs
  <match **>
    @type relabel
    @label @HTTP

# Ship logs to specific outputs
<label @HTTP>
  #dedot namespace_labels and rebuild message field if present
  <filter **>
    @type record_modifier
      _dummy_ ${if m=record.dig("kubernetes","namespace_labels");record["kubernetes"]["namespace_labels"]={}.tap{|n|m.each{|k,v|n[k.gsub(/[.\/]/,'_')]=v}};end}
      _dummy2_ ${if m=record.dig("kubernetes","labels");record["kubernetes"]["labels"]={}.tap{|n|m.each{|k,v|n[k.gsub(/[.\/]/,'_')]=v}};end}
      _dummy3_ ${if m=record.dig("kubernetes","flat_labels");record["kubernetes"]["flat_labels"]=[].tap{|n|m.each_with_index{|s, i|n[i] = s.gsub(/[.\/]/,'_')}};end}
    remove_keys _dummy_, _dummy2_, _dummy3_

  <match **>
    @type http
    endpoint http://localhost:8090
    http_method post
    content_type application/x-ndjson
    headers {"k1":"v1"}

      @type file
      path '/var/lib/fluentd/http'
      flush_mode interval
      flush_interval 1s
      flush_thread_count 2
      retry_type exponential_backoff
      retry_wait 1s
      retry_max_interval 60s
      retry_timeout 60m
      queued_chunks_limit_size "#{ENV['BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT'] || '32'}"
      total_limit_size "#{ENV['TOTAL_LIMIT_SIZE_PER_BUFFER'] || '8589934592'}"
      chunk_limit_size "#{ENV['BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT'] || '8m'}"
      overflow_action block
      disable_chunk_backup true