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99 lines (79 loc) · 3.71 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (79 loc) · 3.71 KB


Compiles .scss/.sass files when changed. Updates styles during Live Preview. Experimental support for Quick Edit.


  • Compiles *.sass and *.scss files when changed and when any partial (@import dependency) is changed
  • Generates source maps
  • Show SASS compiler errors
  • Update CSS in Brackets' Live Preview

Future Plans

  • Compile keyboard shortcut (instead of waiting for file changes)
  • Selector highlighting
  • Swap libsass for Ruby sass compiler implementation
  • Compass support


These options are passed through to node-sass.

Reference: Sample project and .brackets.json preferences file.


Enable/Disable SASS compilation for a file. Default: true


Derived from node-sass README.


outputDir is a String relative file path (relative to the input file) to output both the CSS file and the source map. Default: <input file parent directory>.


output is a String relative file path (relative to the input file, or relative to outputDir) for the output CSS file. Default: <filename>.css.


includePaths is an Array of path Strings to look for any @imported files. It is recommended that you use this option if you are using the data option and have any @import directives, as otherwise [libsass] may not find your depended-on files. Default: [<empty>]


imagePath is a String that represents the public image path. When using the image-url() function in a stylesheet, this path will be prepended to the path you supply. eg. Given an imagePath of /path/to/images, background-image: image-url('image.png') will compile to background-image: url("/path/to/images/image.png") Default: null


outputStyle is a String to determine how the final CSS should be rendered. Its value should be one of 'nested' or 'compressed'. ['expanded' and 'compact' are not currently supported by [libsass]] Default: nested


sourceComments is a String to determine what debug information is included in the output file. Its value should be one of 'none', 'normal', 'map'. The default is 'map'. The map option will create the source map file in your CSS destination. [Important: souceComments is only supported when using the file option, and does nothing when using data flag.] Default: map


If your sourceComments option is set to map, sourceMap allows setting a new path context for the referenced Sass files. The source map describes a path relative to your your output CSS file location. In most occasions this will work out-of-the-box but, in some cases, you may need to set a different output. Default: <filename>

Sample .brackets.json File

Resulting file tree will appear as follows:
+ css
|--- bootstrap.css
+ sass
|--- bootstrap.scss
|--+ bootstrap
|  |--- somefiles.scss

/* REMOVE comments from json file before using this template */
    "path": {
        /* default options */
        "sass/bootstrap.scss": {
            "sass.enabled": true,
            "sass.options": {
                "outputDir": "../css/",
                "includePaths": [],
                "imagePath": null,
                "sourceComments": "map",
                "sourceMap": "",
                "outputStyle": "nested"
        /* disable compiling @import files in this project */
        "sass/bootstrap/*.scss": {
            "sass.enabled": false