This document explains the Kaniko release process.
Kaniko is not an officially supported Google product. Kaniko is maintained by Google.
Kaniko is not an officially supported Google product however only contributors part of
Google organization can release Kaniko to official kaniko project at kaniko-project
If you are a part of Google organization, please see skip to Kaniko Release Process - Google Contributors
Non-Google Contributors or users, please follow the following steps:
- Follow the setup instruction to fork kaniko repository here
- Run the following
commands to build and push Kaniko image to your organization image repository. make images
The above command will build and push all the 3 kaniko images
- You can choose tag these images using
docker tag
e.g. To
, rundocker tag
Please change all usages of
for executor image and so on.
4. Finally, pushed your tagged images via docker. You could also use the Makefile target push
to push these images like this make images
In order to kick off kaniko release, you need to write access to Kaniko project.
To get write access, please ping one of the Kaniko Maintainers.
Once you have the correct access, you can kick off a release.
Create a release PR and update Changelog.
In order to release a new version of Kaniko, you will need to first
a. Create a new branch and bump the kaniko version in Makefile
In most cases, you will need to bump the
number. In case you are doing a patch release for a hot fix, bump theVERSION_BUILD
number.b. Run the script to create release notes.
./hack/ Collecting pull request that were merged since the last release: v1.0.0 (2020-08-18 02:53:46 +0000 UTC) * change repo string to just string [#1417]( * Improve --use-new-run help text, update README with missing flags [#1405]( ... Huge thank you for this release towards our contributors: - Alex Szakaly - Alexander Sharov
Copy the release notes and update the at the root of the repository.
c. Create a pull request like this and get it approved from Kaniko maintainers.
Once the PR is approved and merged, create a release tag with name
whereX corresponds to VERSION_MAJOR Y corresponds to VERSION_MINOR Z corresponds to VERSION_BUILD
E.g. to release 1.2.0 version of kaniko, please create a tag v1.2.0 like this
git pull remote master git tag v1.2.0 git push remote v1.2.0
Pushing a tag to remote with above naming convention will trigger the Github workflow action defined here It takes 20-30 mins for the job to finish and push images to
You could verify if the images are published using the docker pull
docker pull
In case the images are still not published, ping one of the kaniko maintainers and they will provide the cloud build trigger logs.
You can also request read access to the Google kaniko-project
- Finally, once the images are published, create a release for the newly created tag and publish it. Summarize the change log to mention,
- new features added if any
- bug fixes,
- refactors and
- documentation changes