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GraphAr Spark

This directory contains the code and build system for the GraphAr Spark library.

Building GraphAr Spark

System setup

GraphAr Spark uses maven as a package build system.

Building requires:

  • JDK 8 or JDK 11
  • Maven 3.2.0 or higher


All the instructions below assume that you have cloned the GraphAr git repository and navigated to the spark subdirectory:

    $ git clone
    $ cd incubator-graphar
    $ cd maven-projects/spark

Build the package:

    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests

GraphAr Spark uses Maven Profiles to support multiple Spark Versions. By default it is built with Spark 3.2.x or profile datasources-32. To built with Spark 3.3.4 use -P datasources-33 (mvn clean install -DskipTests -P datasources-33).

After compilation, the package file graphar-x.x.x-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar is generated in the directory spark/graphar/target/.

Build the package and run the unit tests:

first, you need to download the testing data:

    $ git clone testing
    $ GAR_TEST_DATA=./testing mvn clean install

Build and run the unit tests:

    $ GAR_TEST_DATA=./testing mvn clean test

Build and run certain unit test:

    $ GAR_TEST_DATA=${PWD}/testing mvn clean test -Dsuites='org.apache.graphar.GraphInfoSuite'   # run the GraphInfo test suite
    $ GAR_TEST_DATA=${PWD}/testing mvn clean test -Dsuites='org.apache.graphar.GraphInfoSuite load graph info'  # run the `load graph info` test of test suite

Generate API document

Building the API document with maven:

    $ mvn scala:doc

The API document is generated in the directory spark/graphar/target/site/scaladocs.

Running Neo4j to GraphAr example

Spark provides a simple example to convert Neo4j data to GraphAr data. The example is located in the directory spark/graphar/src/main/scala/org/apache/graphar/example/.

To run the example, download Spark and Neo4j first.

Spark 3.2.x

Spark 3.2.x is the recommended runtime to use. The rest of the instructions are provided assuming Spark 3.2.x. Alternative supported Spark version is 3.3.4, to force building with it use Maven Profile datasources-33.

To place Spark under ${HOME}:

export SPARK_HOME="${HOME}/spark-3.2.2-bin-hadoop3.2"
export PATH="${SPARK_HOME}/bin":"${PATH}"

Neo4j 4.4.x

Neo4j 4.4.x is the LTS version to use. The rest of the instructions are provided assuming Neo4j 4.4.x.

Neo4j is required to have a pre-installed, compatible Java Virtual Machine (JVM). For Neo4j 4.4.x, jdk11/jre11 is needed. Run java --version to check it.

To place Neo4j under ${HOME}:

export NEO4J_HOME="${HOME}/neo4j-community-4.4.23"
export PATH="${NEO4J_HOME}/bin":"${PATH}"
# initialize the password for user database
neo4j-admin set-initial-password xxxx # set your password here

Start Neo4j server and load movie data:


The username is neo4j and the password is the one you set in the previous step. Open the Neo4j browser at http://localhost:7474/browser/ to check the movie graph data.

Building the project



Running the Neo4j2GraphAr example

export NEO4J_USR="neo4j"
export NEO4J_PWD="xxxx" # the password you set in the previous step

The example will convert the movie data in Neo4j to GraphAr data and save it to the directory /tmp/graphar/neo4j2graphar.

Running the GraphAr2Neo4j example

We can also import the movie graph from GraphAr to Neo4j.

First clear the Neo4j movie graph to show the import result clearly:

echo "match (a) -[r] -> () delete a, r;match (a) delete a;" | cypher-shell -u ${NEO4J_USR} -p ${NEO4J_PWD} -d neo4j --format plain

Then run the example:


The example will import the movie graph from GraphAr to Neo4j and you can check the result in the Neo4j browser.

Running self defined neo4j importer

We can write a json configuration file like import/neo4j.json to do the import. Here is an example.

  1. Import movie data in neo4j
  2. Fill in the neo4j connection fields in the json file.
  3. cd import
  4. ./ neo4j.json

Running NebulaGraph to GraphAr example

Running this example requires Docker to be installed, if not, follow this link. Run docker version to check it.

Spark provides a simple example to convert NebulaGraph data to GraphAr data. The example is located in the directory spark/graphar/src/main/scala/org/apache/graphar/example/.

To run the example, download Spark and NebulaGraph first.

Spark 3.2.x

Spark 3.2.x is the recommended runtime to use. The rest of the instructions are provided assuming Spark 3.2.x.

To place Spark under ${HOME}:

export SPARK_HOME="${HOME}/spark-3.2.2-bin-hadoop3.2"
export PATH="${SPARK_HOME}/bin":"${PATH}"


To place NebulaGraph docker-compose.yaml under ${HOME}:


Start NebulaGraph server by Docker and load basketballplayer data:


Use NebulaGraph Studio to check the graph data, the username is root and the password is nebula.

Building the project



Running the Nebula2GraphAr example


The example will convert the basketballplayer data in NebulaGraph to GraphAr data and save it to the directory /tmp/graphar/nebula2graphar.

Running the GraphAr2Nebula example

We can also import the basketballplayer graph from GraphAr to NebulaGraph.

First clear the NebulaGraph's basketballplayer graph space to show the import result clearly:

docker run \
    --rm \
    --name nebula-console-loader \
    --network nebula-docker-env_nebula-net \
    vesoft/nebula-console:nightly -addr -port 9669 -u root -p nebula -e "use basketballplayer; clear space basketballplayer;"

Then run the example:


The example will import the basketballplayer graph from GraphAr to NebulaGraph and you can check the result in NebulaGraph Studio.

Running the local LDBC sample data to GraphAr example

we provide a simple example to convert LDBC sample data to GraphAr data. this example is located in the directory spark/graphar/src/main/scala/org/apache/graphar/example/.

To run the example, first build the project:


Then run the example:

# you first need to specify the `GAR_TEST_DATA` environment variable to the testing data directory:
export GAR_TEST_DATA=xxxx # the path to the testing data directory


How to use

Please refer to our GraphAr Spark Library Documentation.