Releases: jaquadro/GardenCollection
Releases · jaquadro/GardenCollection
Garden Stuff 1.3.0
- Added decorative chains (hanging pots!).
- Added support for TCon axes in wood post recipes.
- Added partial AgriCraft integration.
- Added bonemeal support for grass / ferns.
- Added ornamental trees for extended vanilla saplings.
- Added mycelium as valid substrate.
- Wood posts and fences check the ore dictionary for any treeWood variant.
Garden Stuff 1.2.7
- Fixed plants confusing their data values when passing through block behaviors (read: very "interesting" behaviors)
- Plant Arrangement and Compost Bin GUIs highlight compatible items in your inventory when mousing over container inventory slots.
- Added most foods and string as valid compost bin items.
- Allow third party hoes (TCon mattock) to till soil in large clay pots.
- Added new 'ivy' plant, craftable with vine and enriched soil.
Garden Stuff 1.2.6
- Added Botania plant integration (Magical technical flowers are blacklist).
- Added Thaumcraft plant and tree integration.
- Added ExtraBiomesXL plant and tree integration.
- Fixed broken binding in the plant proxy blocks (plants would get wrong lighting/bounding box/behavior/etc).
Garden Stuff 1.2.5
- Prevent any matching 2x2 recipe from creating oak wood blocks.
Garden Stuff 1.2.4
- Containers of water no longer drop water source block when broken.
- Medium pots now drop as the correct color when broken.
- Grass will render with soil-test-correct color when used as a substrate in a container.
Garden Stuff 1.2.3
- Garden soil supports most hoe tools (including TiCon) for creating garden farmland.
- Fixed wood post / fence / block recipes sometimes failing for third party wood types.
- Added Chinese (zh_CN) translation. Thanks ViKaleidoscope.
Garden Stuff 1.2.2
- Fixed render bug where some single-height plants would render as double-height.
- Added "Dirty Clay Stamp", which will appear in dungeons in place of normal stamps. Wash them in a cauldron to get an assigned pattern.
The 'GardenStuff' jar contains all the modules.
Garden Stuff 1.2.1
Garden Containers:
- Fixed crash planting crops in a large container without a substrate.
Garden Stuff 1.2.0
Garden Core:
- Added "medium" size class for plants.
- Updated all existing integration to honor medium sizes.
- Changed default size class of plants from large to medium.
- Added Weee! Flowers integration (crops presently not working correctly).
- Fixed crops not planting correctly in large pots.
Note: The GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.2.0.jar file is a unified mod containing the other three mods. Do not mix it with the individual mod jars.
Garden Stuff 1.1.2
Garden Core:
- Fix crash when right-clicking garden blocks with empty hand.
- Fix invalid items being allowed into compost bin.
- Fix compost bin attributes (hardness, resistance, sound).
- Fix compost bin not dropping contents on being broken.
- Fix compost bin texture not updating when shift-clicking output.
- Improve slot management of compost bin.
Garden Containers:
- Fix redstone state not changing when extinguishing flame in decorative pots.
- Allow fire to be extinguished in decorative pot by hand.
Note: The GardenStuff-1.7.10-1.1.2.jar file is a unified mod containing the other three mods. Do not mix it with the individual mod jars.