This is an SBT plugin for Play Framework (or sbt-web) apps which works with a Chrome Extension to auto-refresh your browser when you make changes to your app.
- Add the SBT plugin to your
file (make sure to add an empty line before this one):
addSbtPlugin("com.jamesward" % "play-auto-refresh" % "0.0.20")
The plugin bootstraps itself automatically as soon as you enable Play in your project.
Add the Play Framework Tools Chrome Extension
Start your Play app in file watch mode:
sbt ~run
- The browser window should open automatically. If you don't want this add the following to your
shouldOpenBrowser := false
- Make a change to the code for your application and watch your changes magically appear in your browser!
- 0.0.1 - Push changes on compile with default watches
- 0.0.2 - Add
to default watches - 0.0.3 - Fix botched release
- 0.0.4 - Fix failure due to multiple instances trying to use the same port
- 0.0.5 - Bumps for Play 2.2.0 / sbt 0.13.0 and publish the sbt community repo
- 0.0.6 - Avoid overriding settings: #8
- 0.0.7 - Fix incompatibility with Play 2.2.x
- 0.0.8 - Fix incompatibility with Play 2.3.x
- 0.0.9 - Migrate to an sbt 0.13.5 auto-plugin
- 0.0.10 - Use the configured Play port to tell the Chrome plugin which URL to reload
- 0.0.11 - Automatically open the browser window when you run your app
- 0.0.12 - Prevent plugin from failing when running in a headless environment
- 0.0.13 - Fix incompatibility with Play 2.4.x
- 0.0.14 - Bump to sbt 0.13.11
- 0.0.15 - Bump to Play 2.5
- 0.0.16 - Bump to Play 2.6 and sbt 1.0
- 0.0.17 - Bump to Play 2.7
- 0.0.18 - Bump to Play 2.8
- 0.0.19 - Bump to Play 2.9
- 0.0.20 - Bump to Play 3.0
The source code of the extension can be found here:
cd test-project
sbt ~run
- Install the Play Framework Tools Chrome Extension
- Check out the app: http://localhost:9000
- Change a asset and watch your browser magically reload the changes!
- Update the version and "Release Info" in
- Git Tag:
git tag -s v0.0.xx
- Push tag
- Watch workflow doing the magic:
- Wait (sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes 2 hours):
- Enjoy!