Github: jaeseok4104 Email : [email protected] \
LinkedIn: Jaeseok Park Mobile : (+82) 010-8682-2676
My main interest lies at SLAM(Visual-Inertial, LiDAR-Inertial), visual localization and robotics mathmetics. My favourite applications are autonomous driving and robotics.
Motion2AI Seoul, South Korea Robotics Researcher (Full-time) 2023.01.02 - 2023.02.17
- Improvement Pose Graph Optimize performance
- Created algorithm to generate a pose to marker relative pose using local BA Maintenance of mass-production check application
- Improvement Pose Graph Optimize performance
Motion2AI Seoul, South Korea Robotics Researcher (Full-time) 2021.02.08 - 2022.08.31
Development server side graph optimization application using Ceres
- Created a Pose graph optimizer application that runs on the server.
- Created a pose node addition/delete logic and conduct Covariance tuning to operate in general.
Development LiDAR mapping backpack.
- Building SLAM algorithms and applications that use LiDAR, IMU, and camera to estimate Apriltag's location. Create a GUI using Qt, and use openGL to allow users to view PointCloud and add Constraint (Point to plane) manually to Cost function.
FAST feature extractor and FAST feature tracker using CUDA
- Using CUDA, the VIO system can be operated on light edge devices such as Jetson Nano.
- Created the Feature Extraction Kernel, and use modules in the opencv-contribute repository for image to image feature matching using the sparse optical flow (KLT feature tracker).
Development firmware and device management application
- Maintenance of the power management board using the Coretex-m3 MCU (firmware).
Maintenance C++ Application
Helper Robotics Seoul, South Korea Intern (Full-time) 2020.12.01 - 2021.02.05
- Development multi robot path planning using Dijkstra algorithm.
- Create Docker Image for SLAM Research
- Make shell script for user
- Writhe dockerle and compose conguration
Wheel Detection for parking robot
- Key Technology Development Project for Robot Industry in Korea(TUK)
- Make vehicle wheel detection algorithm using image processing
- Make measurement algorithm of vehicle wheel size using camera view geometry
Drowsiness Recognition Smart Stand AI Makerthon 3rd Place
- Drowsiness Recognition
- LED brightness control using photo resistor
- Mobile Robot Control uisng joy stick
- BLDC Motor Control using MODBUS protocol based motor driver Development joy stick controller
- Development External PID Contoller for unstable driving of mobile robot Mobile Robot Control Algorithm
- Programming - C++, Firmware side C, CUDA, Python
- Libraries - ROS, GTSAM, Ceres, Qt, OpenGL, HAL(Firmware)
- Some skills - SLAM(Visual-Inertial, Lidar-Inertial), MSCKF, Visual localization, Firmware, Nonlinear optimization
- Tech University Of Korea(TUK) Siheung, South Korea Electrical Engineering [B.A] 3.14/4.5 2016.03.01 - Present 2020
- Second Semester Grade Scholarship D-1
- Inteligence Healthcare LAB(IH LAB), Tech University Of Korea(TUK) Siheung, South Korea
- Undergraduate research student (Advisor: Eung-Hyuk Lee) 2019.01 - 2020.10