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Releases: j4s0n-c/trowaSoft-VCV

Bug fix and minor adjustments

20 Sep 10:18
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Compiled vs Rack SDK v0.6.2.


  • All Sequencers: Fixed a bug where the resetting while paused/not running and then running again would sometimes misstep (not start at the first step).
  • VoltSeq: Fixed display issue with some notes.
  • Other: Changed json floating point value function to json_number_value().
  • Other misc. minor changes.

multiWave, reconnect OSC at load (Rack v0.6.1)

25 Jun 02:01
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For Rack v0.6.1.


  • multiWave: New module with three (3) oscillator clocks and two (2) outputs each. Developed for use with multiScope, but can be used for anything.

    • CV Inputs/Controls:
      • Per 'oscillator/clock': Amplitude, Frequency, Phase Shift, Offset, Sync.
      • Per wave output: Wave Type, Aux, Phase Shift (from parent oscillator), Modulation, Mod Type.
    • Output:
      • Per 'oscillator/clock': Sync.
      • Per wave output: Raw signal, Mod Signal.
    • Screen:
      • Generally shows the values from the user controls (not the CV input) and the values can be edited via text box (click on value to edit).
      • Allows tabbing through text fields.
  • OSC Interfaces: (trigSeq, trigSeq64, voltSeq & cvOSCcv).
    Added an Auto Conn feature for restoring the connection on load from a save file. (From @jfrey-xx cvOSCcv: restore connection.)
    Will automatically reconnect if the connection was active in the save AND the Auto Conn checkbox is checked.

Bug fixes and compatibility with Rack 0.6.1

18 Jun 01:22
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Minor bug fixes and changes for compatibility with Rack 0.6.1. Compiles vs Rack 0.6.1 SDK.


  • cvOSCcv: Added advanced channel configuration (allows scaling of values from CV to OSC and vice-versa).


  • cvOSCcv: Fixed charts (direction was inverse). (Issue #26)

Bug fixes

04 Apr 23:01
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  • Use old multiScope on Mac (since it crashes, until we can figure out the bug).
  • Delay RESET until next step (not immediate). Issue 11
  • Fix weird 16th step bug (hopefully). Issue 21

Other Changes

  • multiScope colors are now full saturation instead of pastel

Rack v0.6 Plugin; New cvOSCcv module.

27 Mar 03:36
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  • All sequencers: "Structured" Randomization Patterns:
    • Additional patterns added courtesy of @cladelpino.
    • Minor change to only use patterns with up to 2 unique values for trigSeq and trigSeq64.
  • voltSeq:
    • Output voltages in NOTE mode returned to -5 to +5V (octaves will be labeled -1 to +9 instead of 0 to 10 when it was -4V to +6V). C4 is still 0V.
      Please use the Shift Values features in the context menu to adjust your saves if needed.
    • Default knob positions for VOLT and NOTE modes changed to 0 V (C4) instead of -10 V / -5 V (C-1). (Right-clicking on a knob will return it to the default position.) When switching to PATT mode, the default position will be PATT 1, but you must right click on it to set to 1. (Issue #15).
  • TextBoxes now have some limited scrolling. Revised look similiar to Rack's LED controls.


  • cvOSCcv: New module for Rack CV Input => OSC output and OSC Input => Rack CV Output.
    • [INPUTS] CV => OSC (8 Channels), each channel:
      • TRG input : If active, then OSC messages will output the VAL input value when triggered.
      • VAL input : The value that will output over OSC. Currently sent as a float.
        If there is no trigger present, the module will output whenever VAL changes at least 0.05 up to 100 Hz.
    • [OUTPUTS] OSC => CV (8 channels), each channel:
      • TRIG output : (0-10V) Triggers whenever an OSC message is received.
      • VAL output : Outputs the last OSC value received.


  • All sequencers: Fixed issue where the OSC drop down list would still respond to mouse click when the OSC Configuration screen was not supposed to be visible.
  • trigSeq, trigSeq64: Fixed issue where last button sticks when holding down the mouse and dragging across multiple pad buttons. (Issue #12).

OSC Update, Scope Update

18 Feb 04:51
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  • All sequencers: Randomize Each Step or "Structured" Randomization Pattern for:

    • All Patterns,
    • Current Edit Pattern (all channels),
    • or Current Edit Channel only (default behavior).

    Advanced Random options are in the Context Menu (right click on the module).

  • trigSeq, trigSeq64: Hold down mouse and swipe across buttons to toggle. (Issue #7).

  • voltSeq: Shift Values (+/- 1 Volt or 1 Octave or 1 Pattern) for:

    • All Patterns,
    • Current Edit Pattern (all channels),
    • or Current Edit Channel only.

    Shift Value options are in the Context Menu (right click on the module).

  • multiScope: Background color, 'effects' (with culling/clipping), and other features added. These changes were mostly done a while ago and are now being released, works fine in Windows and Linux but is buggy in Mac.
    NOTE: Mac binary build has the old multiScope module in it until we can figure out the bug. You may download the source and build for Mac to demo the new version scope.


  • voltSeq: Base pitch for NOTE mode changed from C5 to C4. Output is now -4V to +6V to follow VCV Rack's voltage standards. (Issue #9).

    To adjust your current saves, if you want to keep the same voltage output (until you hit the limits), use the Shift Values feature in the context menu.

  • TextField code adjusted for older Linux compilers (Issue #5).

  • Various minor fixes.

Sequencer OSC Interface

02 Jan 06:45
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  • First draft OSC interface added to sequencers.
  • trigSeq: Changed label on output mode CONT to GATE (functions the same way, just named more clearly).


  • Initialize implemented for sequencers. (Issue #3)[]
  • If trigSeq is reset while paused, upon playing, the first step is triggered.

v0.5.5: multiScope and 64 pattern sequencer update

03 Dec 08:56
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  • multiScope added.
  • Sequencers updated to 64 patterns.

Mac Build courtesy of Jeremy Wentworth (JW Modules).