Data used for these examples and pre-trained KANN models from the data can be downloaded from this link:
curl -LJs | tar -zxf -
curl -LJs | tar -zxf -
Implemented in mlp.c. It reads TAB delimited files, where on each line, the first column is an arbirary name and the rest of columns gives a vector. On training, you need to provide two files, one for network input and one for output. On prediction, only network input is needed.
./mlp -o mnist-mlp.kan kann-data/mnist-train-?.knd.gz
./mlp -i mnist-mlp.kan kann-data/mnist-test-x.knd.gz | kann-data/
Implemented in ae.c. It takes the same format as mlp.c
. This example
shows how to construct a neural network with shared weights.
Implemented in vae.c. It uses sampling and a complex cost function.
./vae -o mnist-vae.kan -c 3 kann-data/mnist-train-x.knd.gz # code dimension is 3
./vae -i mnist-vae.kan -A kann-data/mnist-test-x.knd.gz | kann-data/ # reconstruction
./vae -i mnist-vae.kan -g 10 | kann-data/ # generate 10 random images
Implemented in mnist-cnn.c.
./mnist-cnn -o mnist-cnn.kan -t4 kann-data/mnist-train-?.knd.gz
./mnist-cnn -i mnist-cnn.kan kann-data/mnist-test-x.knd.gz | kann-data/
Implemented in rnn-bit.c. This example can easily learn addition:
seq 30000 | awk -v m=10000 '{a=int(m*rand());b=int(m*rand());print a,b,a+b}' \
| ./rnn-bit -m5 -o add.kan -
echo 400958 737471 | ./rnn-bit -Ai add.kan -
Although the model is trained on numbers below 10000, it can be applied to
larger numbers. This example can also learn simple a*b
where b
is a number
no more than 100:
./rnn-bit -m50 -l2 -n160 -o mul100.kan -t4 kann-data/mul100.train.txt
echo 15315611231621249 78 | ./rnn-bit -Ai mul100.kan -
A pre-trained model can be found in kann-models. There is also a Keras-based implementation. It does not converge. That is possibly because KANN is taking initial hidden values as variables, which potentially makes the model easier to learn. KANN uses layer normalization and dropout by default, but without these operations, training does not stray too far away like the python version.
Implemented in textgen.c. This is not a standard model in that the initial hidden states depend on the previous output. It tends to memorize text better.
./textgen -o acc.kan accelerando.txt
./textgen -i acc.kan
You can also found a bigger model in kann-models. It can generate meaningful text even with near-to-zero temperature.
./textgen -i kann-models/acc-l3-n256r.kan -T 1e-6