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Releases: ivlevAstef/DITranquillity

DANGER! fix potential memory leak, but changed logic

11 Oct 05:30
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Changed logic for Provider and Lazy - now objectGraph object not retained until use Provider and Lazy. It's remove potencial memory leak, but can changed your program logic - if your not retained objects, this objects can removed, and remake after make object by Provider or Lazy.

Fix Support SwiftPM

28 Sep 05:32
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Fix Support SwiftPM. But swiftPM didn't support Storyboard injections.

Support sort singletons at all creation

26 Sep 06:50
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Now initializeSingletonObjects always resolved in the same order.

Support Lazy with tags

17 Sep 05:47
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Support Lazy with tags, many and other combinations. for example: let services: [Lazy<ServiceProtocol>] = many(by(tag: FooService.self, on: *container))

Support Lazy

10 Sep 05:24
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Support Many<Lazy<Type>>. For example: let objects: [Lazy<Service>] = many(*container)

Improve Support Module architecture

05 Sep 11:29
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  • Remove bundle from DIFramework - now used only DIFramework. It's need for support module architecture on static libraries.
  • Small improve logs - add make log.

Support carthage

05 Sep 11:26
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fix carthage build

Support order for many

19 Jul 11:10
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Support order for many

Support optional register

22 May 03:56
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  • Fully support optional register. c.register { optionalValue } now can correct resolve.
  • Improve logs for optional register if optional is nil.

Remove register1

11 May 13:12
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Remove register1 method - now only register in container.
Also stop support Swift 3.x