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Proposal: kubeadm-local-cluster tool


The kubeadm-local-cluster tool creates local multinode Kubernetes clusters using kubeadm tool and the Docker-in-Docker technique. Most of its functionality is already implemented in Mirantis' kubeadm-dind-cluster project. The plan is to rewrite the shell scripts that comprise kubeadm-dind-cluster in Go language.

The kubeadm-local-cluster tool supports building Kubernetes from source, but also can utilize prebuilt binaries. The tool can work against both remote and local docker engines. It's well suited for constrained environments such as CI jobs running inside VMs (e.g. Travis CI) because it doesn't create any VMs for the cluster, thus avoiding problems with nested virtualization. kubeadm-local-cluster works on Linux and Mac.

Unlike hack/ and minikube, kubeadm-local-cluster supports starting multinode clusters that can pass conformance e2e tests. Unlike minikube, kubeadm-local-cluster supports building Kubernetes from source easily and doesn't create VMs.

Background and Motivation

There's a number of tools that can be used to start local clusters, most well known being minikube and hack/ minikube covers the needs of many application developers and hack/ is quite helpful if you're working on Kubernetes itself or a project that extends Kubernetes functionality by adding Third Party Resources, controllers, implementing CRI and so on. There's also vagrant provider in cluster/ directory of Kubernetes source, but it's very slow, becomes broken at times and on top of that the whole cluster/ subtree is considered deprecated.

Despite the availability of said tools there's a number of use cases that unfortunately isn't covered well enough by them:

  • Multiple nodes are required to run some of the e2e tests. Multiple nodes may also be necessary if the user wants to try out some of the Kubernetes features like node affinity, pod (anti)affinity and so on.
  • Running e2e tests locally with ease. It should be easy for developers of Kubernetes to invoke e2e tests against local cluster.
  • Realistic clusters. hack/ has little resemblance to production clusters in how it runs Kubernetes components. minikube utilizes localkube wrapper which is also something specific to local cluster setups.
  • Using different CNI implementations. In some cases it may be useful to debug CNI implementations themselves, e.g. use local cluster setup to investigate a network issue specific to particular CNI plugin such as weave, flannel or calico.
  • Using locally-built Kubernetes binaries, with ability to quickly relaunch the cluster with new binaries. This can be used for quick local testing of Kubernetes functionality you work on or for using git bisect to track down a problem in k8s. This is covered by hack/ but not minikube. So for instance if your project became broken by newer k8s version and it can't run in the environment provided by hack/, git bisect will not help you much.
  • Running in a constrained CI environment such as Travis CI. minikube is not well-suited for this because this use case may entail the need for nested virtualization which is disabled by cloud operators most of the time. hack/ requires building Kubernetes from source which adds to the build time and complexity of CI setup.
  • Local Kubernetes clusters that don't hog machine's resources. Both building Kubernetes from source and running VMs can place substantial load on one's system. In case of Mac, most k8s users are likely to run Mac Docker anyway, and on 8 Gb machine having another VM for minikube may cause noticeable slowdown.
  • Local development environments and easy to use single-script demos for Kubernetes-related projects. This use case may be covered to an extent using minikube yet the previous points about an ability to run such scripts on CI and resource usage are also valid for this use case. DIND solutions provides the possibility of a more lightweight demo for Docker users, see Virtlet demo as an example.
  • Support for other platforms besides Linux. You can run minikube on your Mac (at the cost of having to run a VM for it) but you can't run hack/ there unless you make an effort to run it in a container.
  • Support for remote docker engines. If you prefer lightweight laptop for your work it would be nice to be able to utilize some powerful remote box or a cloud instance for your Kubernetes work. You can build Kubernetes this way, but what about test clusters? Moreover, if you have a habit of working from places with limited network speed, while current k8s build container rsync functionality will save you some traffic, you still have to pull back bulky binaries like hyperkube.

These use cases are actually already covered by kubeadm-dind-cluster. The plan is to adapt this project for inclusion in the kubeadm repository.


The kubeadm-local-cluster tool consists of a docker image that contains systemd, docker and necessary tools for the cluster startup. There are several image versions for supported versions of Kubernetes that include corresponding version of hyperkube and kubeadm binaries. Also there's a 'bare' image that doesn't include hyperkube and kubeadm binaries and can only be used for building Kubernetes from source.

The cluster itself consists of several docker containers used as Kubernetes nodes. The containers are created with systemd and docker running inside them, then kubeadm is used to install Kubernetes onto them.

kubeadm-local-cluster architecture


local-cluster defaults to start the most recent stable Kubernetes version based on binaries downloaded from It's behavior can be customized using configuration variables specified in ~/.kubeadm-local-cluster/config.yaml or in another configuration file passed via LOCAL_CLUSTER_CONF environment variable. For each configuration variable there's corresponding command line flag and environment variable that can be passed to ./local-cluster up and ./local-cluster reup commands.

Below is an example shell session

$ wget https://...../local-cluster
$ chmod +x local-cluster

$ # start the cluster
$ ./local-cluster

$ # make it easier to access the cluster
$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kubeadm-local-cluster/admin.conf
$ alias kubectl=$HOME/.kubeadm-local-cluster/kubectl

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME          STATUS    AGE       VERSION
kube-master   Ready     2m        v1.6.1
kube-node-1   Ready     2m        v1.6.1
kube-node-2   Ready     2m        v1.6.1

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   etcd-kube-master                        1/1       Running   1          1m
kube-system   kube-apiserver-kube-master              1/1       Running   1          2m
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-kube-master     1/1       Running   1          2m
kube-system   kube-dns-3946503078-6mh7l               3/3       Running   0          1m
kube-system   kube-proxy-b3rs2                        1/1       Running   1          2m
kube-system   kube-proxy-pqb48                        1/1       Running   1          2m
kube-system   kube-proxy-zdt8f                        1/1       Running   1          2m
kube-system   kube-scheduler-kube-master              1/1       Running   1          2m
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-2396447444-8wz7p   1/1       Running   0          1m

$ kubectl proxy &
$ # k8s dashboard available at http://localhost:8001/ui

$ # restart the cluster, this should happen much quicker than initial startup
$ ./local-cluster up

$ # stop the cluster
$ ./local-cluster down

$ # remove DIND containers, network and volumes
$ ./local-cluster clean

After the cluster is set up using kubeadm, it's state is snapshotted to make cluster restarts several times faster. The underlying mechanism will be described later in this document. Only single cluster snapshot per docker engine is supported at the moment.

The local-cluster command supports the following subcommands:

./local-cluster up [flags...]

Brings up a local cluster. If cluster config didn't change since the last cluster startup, reuse the previous snapshot. If a snapshot didn't exist, a new one is created for current cluster config. If there's a cluster snapshot which was made for different cluster config, the snapshot is deleted and a new one is made. After this command the user can access the cluster conveniently by issuing the following additional commands:

export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kubeadm-local-cluster/admin.conf
alias kubectl=$HOME/.kubeadm-local-cluster/kubectl

For this command to work with BUILD_* options, it must be invoked from Kubernetes source directory.

./local-cluster down

If the cluster is up, brings it down, deleting all the node containers, but keeping the current cluster snapshot. This command does nothing if the cluster is not running.

./local-cluster clean

Same as ./local-cluster down, but also deletes the current cluster snapshot if it exists, along with k8s-kubeadm-local-cluster docker network.

./local-cluster e2e
./local-cluster e2e "test name substring"

When invoked without extra arguments, this runs all the non-serial e2e conformance tests against the current cluster. If an argument is given, the command will run e2e tests that have the specified substring in their name. When using this command, GINKGO_PARALLEL is set to a non-empty string so the tests run in parallel.

./local-cluster e2e-serial
./local-cluster e2e-serial "test name substring"

When invoked without extra arguments, this runs all the serial e2e conformance tests against the current cluster. If an argument is given, the command will run e2e tests that have the specified substring in their name. When using this command the tests are not run in parallel.

./local-cluster reup [flags...]

Same as ./local-cluster up, but also rebuilds hyperkube & kubectl binaries and updates them in case if Kubernetes is built from source. This command can still reuse the last snapshot.

Configuration variables

The variables are listed with their default values and corresponding command line flags. They can be specified in ~/.kubeadm-local-cluster/config.yaml or a file under the path passed via LOCAL_CLUSTER_CONF, or using environment variables. The environment variables which are names are based on the names of command line options, but uppercased, with leading dashes replaced by K8S_DIND_ and with remaining dashes replaced with underscore (_), e.g. K8S_DIND_BUILD_KUBEADM or K8S_DIND_NO_DEDICATED.

Configuration setting Command line option Type Default Description
dind.subnet --dind-subnet CIDR an IP range for use by node containers
verbose --v int 1 verbosity level for kubeadm-local-cluster. Set to at least 2 to see kubeadm output
source.kubernetesVersion --kubernetes-version string latest stable the version of k8s to use
source.buildKubeadm --build-kubeadm bool false build kubeadm locally from Kubernetes sources
source.buildHyperkube --build-hyperkube bool false build hyperkube locally from Kubernetes sources
source.buildKubectl --build-kubectl bool false build kubectl locally from Kubernetes sources
source.k8sDir --k8s-dir current directory Kubernetes source directory (only when at least one of* options is enabled)
source.kubeadmUrl --kubeadm-url URL an URL to download kubeadm binary from
source.kubeadmSha1 --kubeadm-sha1 SHA1 sha1sum of the kubeadm binary downloaded from kubeadmUrl
source.hyperkubeUrl --hyperkube-url URL an URL to download hyperkube binary from
source.hyperkubeSha1 --hyperkube-sha1 SHA1 sha1sum of the hyperkube binary downloaded from hyperkubeUrl
source.kubectlUrl --kubectl-url URL an URL to download kubectl binary from
source.kubectlSha1 --kubectl-sha1 SHA1 sha1sum of the kubectl binary downloaded from kubectlUrl
cluster.numNodes --num-nodes int 2 the number of worker nodes to create. If set to 0, only master node is set up and dedicated taint is removed from it.
cluster.cniPlugin --cni-plugin weave, flannel, calico, bridge bridge CNI plugin to use. When bridge plugin is used, kubeadm-local-cluster joins the bridges from the nodes together with another bridge
cluster.noDedicated --no-dedicated bool false remove dedicated taint from master node even if NUM_NODES is greater than zero
cluster.apiServerPort --apiserver-port bool false apiserver port to use. It'll be exposed on the Docker host
cluster.addons --adons comma-separated list dashboard specifies a list of non-critical cluster addons to install (see below)

The cluster.addons configuration variable is a comma-separated lists of optional cluster addons to install. Each item is either a path to a .yaml file containing addon object definition(s), an URL or a name of predefined addon. Currently the only predefined addon supported is dashboard which is the same as specifying the URL of current Kubernetes dashboard installation yaml file.

Below is an example of configuration file.

verbose: 2
  # build kubeadm from source
  buildKubeadm: true
  # download hyperkube
  hyperkubeUrl: ""
  hyperkubeSha1: 4e375e27a5aa10a8d1a0d10da5c3c2f2d0ee4770
  # set number of nodes to 6 for faster e2e
  numNodes: 6
  # use Weave Net
  cniPlugin: weave
  # use some addons besides the default (dashboard)
  addons: dashboard,,/path/to/local/addon.yaml

As an additional configuration example, script bundled with kubeadm-local-cluster can be used to set up a cluster on a GCE instance that's prepared using docker-machine.

Implementation notes

Base image

The kubeadm-local-cluster tool by default uses a prebuilt image to start the cluster. There's an image per each supported Kubernetes version and supported architecture (amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le and s390x). There's also an image for each architecture that doesn't contain prebuilt Kubernetes binaries. The images are based on$(ARCH):0.1

It's possible to customize the behavior of the tool by creating a config file named ~/.kubeadm-local-cluster/config.yaml. It's possible to override default config path via LOCAL_CLUSTER_CONF environment variable.

When* options are enabled, local-cluster invokes appropriate build/ make ... commands in Kubernetes source tree, preventing the build container from copying back the binaries using KUBE_RUN_COPY_OUTPUT=n. The control container then pulls the binaries directly from build container.


The kubeadm-local-cluster tool utilizes named docker network k8s-kubeadm-local-cluster. This network is always created or replaced upon the cluster startup using address range specified via DIND_SUBNET configuration variable. kubeadm-local-cluster makes docker's internal DNS server available to all the nodes in the cluster, so nodes can be referred by their hostnames: kube-master, kube-node-1, kube-node-2 and so on.

Cluster snapshot mechanism

In order to reduce the amount of time needed to restart the cluster, the kubeadm-local-cluster tool takes the snapshot of the cluster after setting it up. The snapshot is made by means of preserving each node's /var/lib/docker directory as a docker volume and saving each node container's filesystem in an image. The volumes and images created by snapshotting mechanism are removed during ./local-cluster clean.

Future directions

The following features may be added later:

  • automatic PV creation like it's done in minikube, so most Helm charts from kubernetes/charts repository work out of the box
  • enabling feature gates for Kubernetes components
  • automatic installation of helm and tiller
  • support using delve to debug k8s components. Should be an option for building k8s with GOGCFLAGS="-N -l" plus delve binary in the images. Possible problem: as of Go 1.7, trying to build e.g. kubectl with GOGCFLAGS="-N -l" may result in stack overflow in Go compiler.


A test matrix needs to be set up so each combination of supported Kubernetes version and supported CNI plugin is tested. In addition to this, there should be a test that builds Kubernetes binaries based on master branch of kubernetes/kubernetes repository. k8s master test should be executed daily so possible issues that break DIND can be tracked down in timely manner and with minimal use of git bisect.


There are problems with btrfs support because of a docker bug and possible problems with running kubelet on btrfs. To be investigated further.

Differences from kubeadm-dind-cluster

Listed below are the differences between kubeadm-local-cluster and kubeadm-dind-cluster project.

  • kubeadm-local-cluster is written in Go, while kubeadm-dind-cluster consists mostly of shell scripts
  • kubeadm-dind-cluster uses Ubuntu images while kubeadm-local-cluster uses smaller debian images
  • kubeadm-local-cluster supports more platforms, e.g. ARM
  • kubeadm-dind-cluster doesn't support command line flags
  • kubeadm-dind-cluster uses a combination of docker diff and tar for snapshots instead of images
  • kubeadm-local-cluster by default hides kubeadm output
  • kubeadm-local-cluster provides BUILD_KUBECTL option (kubectl binary management in case of source build is incomplete in kubeadm-dind-cluster)
  • kubeadm-local-cluster makes it possible to specify URLs for hyperkube/kubeadm/kubectl binaries as part of its configuration (in kubeadm-dind-cluster the URLs are saved in the image, there's possibility to override them but it's not well tested)
  • kubeadm-local-cluster automatically detects k8s version mismatch in snapshots
  • kubeadm-local-cluster can start single-node clusters and supports NO_DEDICATED option
  • kubeadm-dind-cluster uses docker save to save the images used by the cluster inside the main image, so they don't have to be pulled afterwards. It needs to be checked how much it really helps before including this functionality in kubeadm-local-cluster.

Prior work

  • kubeadm-dind-cluster was initially derived from kubernetes-dind-cluster, although as of now the code was completely rewritten. kubernetes-dind-cluster is somewhat faster but uses less standard way of k8s deployment. It also doesn't include support for consuming binaries from remote dockerized builds.
  • kubeadm-ci-dind, kubeadm-ci-packager and kubeadm-ci-tester. These projects are similar to kubeadm-dind-cluster but are intended primarily for CI. They include packaging step which is too slow for the purpose of having convenient k8s "playground". kubeadm-dind-cluster uses Docker images from kubeadm-ci-dind.
  • nkube starts Kubernetes-in-Kubernetes clusters.