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Hosting a X-Style competition

People needed

  • Host
  • Chief Judge
  • Evaluation Team (2 People)
  • DJ
  • Moderator

Tools needed

  • Blank paper, pens
  • Calculator (for evaluation Team) or Laptop with prepared evaluation spreadsheet.
  • Printer for results
  • Printed forms (ranking)
  • Sound System, music
  • Judging Table, Chairs
  • Indicators for the Judges to show that they are ready

Time needed

  • Length of run = 2 Min
  • Time per run (judging) = 1 Min
  • Time per starting group (change judges, final judging) = 15 Min
  • Time per round (build starting groups, announce judges, evaluate results) = 20 Min
  • Time per competition (intro, award winners) = 20 Min

Things to do before the competition

  • Chief Judge: Brief judges (announced as workshop before the competition)
  • Chief Judge: Accept non-competitor judges
  • Chief Judge: Initial preparation for the first round: divide people into starting groups, select judges
  • Host: Decide where the riders sit. It is recommended to let them stay on the ground or benches around the riding area.

Things to do before each round

  • Chief Judge: Nominates judges for each starting group
  • Chief Judge: Divide the competitiors into starting groups
  • Moderator: Name and announce judges for each group

Things to do before each starting group

  • Chief Judge: Seat the judges
  • Judges: Fill in their own name(s) in the ranking form
  • Judges: Fill in the names of the riders in the ranking forms (if not printed)
  • Moderator: Announce competitiors of current group
  • Moderator: Announce judges of current group

Things to do before each run

  • The Rider can request a timing notice from the DJ.
  • Judges: Signal they are ready
  • Moderator: Announce the rider and give the DJ the signal to start the music

During the run

  • Judges: take notes about the run
  • DJ: If earlier requested, give a signal after one minute passed

Things to do after each run

  • DJ: After 2 minutes, wait until the current skill is finished and stop the music
  • Chief Judge: Turn the signal to "not ready" for each judge

Things to do after each starting group

  • Judges: Write down their rankings in the provided form
  • Chief Judge: collect all ranking forms and hand them over to the evaluation team
  • If possible, the next starting group can begin at this point.
  • Evaluation team: calculate ranking scores und write down the advancing riders. Important: Don't forget to discard the best and worst rank per rider.

Things to do after each round

  • Evaluation team: Calculate advancing competitors
  • Moderator: Announce advancing competitors

Things to do after the competition

  • Moderator: Award the 3 winners
  • Host: Detailed Judging decisions can be published.


  • Begin with the biggest starting groups to be able to add new competitiors spontaneously in the later smaller groups.