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Vue2 to Vue3 Transpiler (beta)

A Transpiler for Vue2 Applications with vue-property-decorator and Vue Class Component.

Getting Started

ts-node main.ts <path-to-transpile>


@Ref, @Prop, @Emit, @Watch migration

vue-property-decorator has four main decorators, @Ref, @Prop, @Emit, @Watch. Codes with these decorators will be as shown below:


@Ref() protected readonly name!: string;
const name = ref<string>();

And if there are this.$refs.someValue in the input, then they are also transpiled as shown above. For example:

this.$refs.root.innerText = "";
const root = ref(null);
root.value.innerText = "";


@Prop({ default: "Title", required: false }) private readonly title!: string;
interface Props {
  title?: string,

const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
  title: "Title",

And, all occurences of @Prop references are replaced with props.someValue.


public closeModal(arg: string, arg1: number): void {
interface Emits {
  (e: 'closeModal', arg: string, arg1: number): void,

const emit = defineEmits<Emits>();

function closeModal(arg: string, arg1: number): void {
  emit('closeModal', arg, arg1);


function onChange(newValue: string, oldValue: string): void {
  console.log(newValue, oldValue);
watch('value', (newValue: Popup, oldValue: Popup): void => {
  console.log(newValue, oldValue);

Methods migration

Despite methods are main components, they aren't available in NOT class components. So it is necessary to convert them into functions. This transpiler also supports this. For example:

export default class MyInput extends Vue {
    private onChange(event: Event): void {

will be:

function onChange(event: Event): void {

In class context, this indicates its own instance, but in functions, not. Therefore this transpiler also replace this into ''. For example:

this.someValue = "";

will be:

someValue = "";

Lifecycle Hooks migration

These lifecycle hooks will be replaced with:

beforeMount: onBeforeMount
mounted: onMounted
beforeUpdate: onBeforeUpdate
updated: onUpdated
beforeDestroy: onBeforeUnmount
destroyed: onUnmounted
activated: onActivated
deactivated: onDeactivated
errorCaptured: onErrorCaptured
serverPrefetch: onServerPrefetch

For example, mounted will be transpiled as:

private mounted(): void {
import { onMounted } from 'vue';

onMounted(() => {

On the other hand, statements in created and beforeCreate will be expanded at the top-level.

Known issues

  • All comments are dropped in transpiled files.
  • If there are @Ref value whose name is same with identifiers that is used in the file, such identifiers are replaced with someIdentifier.value.
  • Also need code formatters: This transpiler does NOT maintain code formats, so you may need additional code formatters such as Prettier.
  • Redundant parentheses for expressions.