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File metadata and controls

72 lines (68 loc) · 3.55 KB

Steps for deployment

  1. Create droplet on Digitalocean, specifying to use your SSH key at creation time (so it gets added in the root account automatically).

  2. Update the teams DNS record on Cloudflare so that points to the IP address of the newly created droplet.

  3. Create a new CNAME record for the year-specific subdomain (e.g. teamsXX) which points to

  4. Delete the CNAME record for the previous year.

  5. Open the console (via browser) logged in as root:

    1. useradd itacpc.
    2. adduser itacpc sudo.
    3. Copy the right key from /root/.ssh/authorized_keys into /home/itacpc/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  6. Close the browser console.

  7. Create a section in your laptop's ~.ssh/config file such as the following:

    Host teams
      User itacpc
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_chosen_key_rsa
  8. Log in from a normal terminal with ssh teams.

  9. Update ubuntu sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.

  10. Run sudo apt install pipenv git postgresql nginx certbot.

  11. Clone this repository git clone [email protected]:itacpc/teams.git.

  12. Enter the repository and create the pipenv pipenv install.

  13. Log in as postgres by running sudo su - postgres, then:

    1. Create DB user itacpc with a password, by running: createuser -P itacpc.
    2. Create DB itacpc owned by user itacpc, by running: createdb itacpc -O itacpc.
    3. Exit back to the previous shell.
  14. Create the log file for Django sudo touch /var/log/django.log.

  15. Make the log file writable sudo chown itacpc:www-data /var/log/django.log.

  16. Create the static files folder for Django sudo mkdir /var/www/django

  17. Make the folder writable sudo chown root:www-data /var/www/django.

  18. Enter the virtual environment pipenv shell, then:

    1. Run the migrations to initialize the DB python3 ./ migrate.
    2. Load the universities python3 ./ loaddata universities.
    3. Create a superuser python3 ./ createsuperuser.
    4. Collect static files (CSS, flags, etc) python3 ./ collectstatic.
    5. Exit back to the previous shell.
  19. Create a .env file with this content:

    DEBUG = False
    SECRET_KEY = "generate-a-new-secret-key-here"
    EMAIL_HOST = mail-server-host-here
    EMAIL_PORT = 587
    EMAIL_HOST_USER = mail-server-user-here
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = mail-server-password-here
    DB_NAME = itacpc
    DB_USER = itacpc
    DB_PASSWORD = database-password-here
    DB_HOST = 'localhost'
    DB_PORT = ''

    You can generate a key via django-admin shell by running:

    from import get_random_secret_key
  20. Update the systemd configuration in systemd/gunicorn.service with the correct Python virtual environment path.

  21. Copy the systemd configuration sudo cp systemd/* /etc/systemd/system/.

  22. Enable the systemd configuration sudo systemctl enable gunicorn --now.

  23. Copy the nginx configuration sudo cp nginx/itacpc /etc/nginx/sites-available/.

  24. Disable the default nginx configuration sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default.

  25. Enable the new nginx configuration sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/itacpc /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/itacpc.

  26. Run certbot to fix HTTPS stuff: sudo certbot.

When the instance is not needed anymore (i.e. some time after the contest)

  1. TODO: backup
  2. TODO: change nginx configuration to redirect to
  3. Destroy the droplet.