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This document demonstrates how to integrate hsm-sds-server with TCS.


Prerequisites for using Istio private key protection with SGX:

NOTE: The KMRA service and AESM daemon are also optional, need to be set up only when workload remote attestation required, which can be set through NEED_QUOTE flag in the chart.

Getting started

This section covers how to install Istio mTLS and gateway private keys protection with SGX

Create signer

$ export CA_SIGNER_NAME=sgx-signer
$ cat << EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: TCSClusterIssuer
    name: $CA_SIGNER_NAME
    secretName: ${CA_SIGNER_NAME}-secret
    # If using quoteattestaion, set selfSign as false
    # selfSign: false
# Get CA Cert and replace it in ./deployment/istio-configs/istio-hsm-config.yaml
$ kubectl get secret -n tcs-issuer ${CA_SIGNER_NAME}-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' |base64 -d | sed -e 's;\(.*\);        \1;g'

Apply quote attestation CRD

$ kubectl apply -f

Build image

$ make docker

NOTE: If you are using containerd as the container runtime, run make ctr to build the image instead.

Protect the private keys of workloads with HSM

  1. Install Istio
$ istioctl install -f ./deployment/integration-tcs/istio-tcs-mTLS.yaml -y

NOTE: You can also customize the istio-tcs-mTLS.yaml according to your needs. If you want do the workload quote verification, you should set the NEED_QUOTE env as true. And if you are using the TCS v1alpha1 api, you can set the RANDOM_NONCE as false.

  1. Verifiy the Istio is ready

By deault, Istio will be installed in the istio-system namespce

# Ensure that the pod is running state
$ kubectl get po -n istio-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
istio-ingressgateway-6cd77bf4bf-t4cwj   1/1     Running   0          70m
istiod-6cf88b78dc-dthpw                 1/1     Running   0          70m
  1. Create sleep and httpbin deployment:

NOTE: If you want use the sds-custom injection template, you need to set the annotations for both sidecar and sgx. And the ClusterRole is also required.

$ kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./deployment/istio-configs/sleep-hsm.yaml )
$ kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-hsm.yaml )

A reminder, if you want to apply other workloads, please make sure to add the correct RBAC rules for its Service Account. For details, please refer to the configuration of ClusterRole in ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-hsm.yaml.

  1. Successful deployment looks like this:
$ kubectl get po
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
httpbin-5f6bf4d4d9-5jxj8   3/3     Running   0          30s
sleep-57bc8d74fc-2lw4n     3/3     Running   0          7s
  1. Test pod resources:
$ kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -o jsonpath={})" -c sleep -- curl -v -s http://httpbin.default:8000/headers | grep X-Forwarded-Client-Cert
    "X-Forwarded-Client-Cert": "By=spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/httpbin;Hash=2875ce095572f8a12b6080213f7789bfb699099b83e8ea2889a2d7b3eb9523e6;Subject=\"CN=SGX based workload,O=Intel(R) Corporation\";URI=spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/sleep"

The above httpbin and sleep applications have enabled SGX and store the private keys inside SGX enclave, completed the TLS handshake and established a connection with each other.

# Dump the envoy config
$ kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -o jsonpath={})" -c istio-proxy -- bash 

$ curl localhost:15000/config_dump > envoy_conf.json

It can be seen from the config file that the private_key_provider configuation has replaced the original private key, and the real private key has been safely stored in the SGX enclave.

Protect the private keys of gateways with HSM

  1. Install Istio

NOTE: for the below command you need to use the istioctl for the since only that contains Istio manifest enhancements for SGX mTLS. You can also customize the istio-tcs-gateway.yaml according to your needs. If you want do the workload quote verification, you can set the NEED_QUOTE env as true. And if you are using the TCS v1alpha1 api, you should set the RANDOM_NONCE as false.

istioctl install -f ./deployment/integration-tcs/istio-tcs-gateway -y

Note: please execute kubectl apply -f deployment/istio-configs/gateway-clusterrole.yaml to make sure that the ingress gateway has enough privilege.

  1. Verifiy the pods are running

By deault, Istio will be installed in the istio-system namespce

# Ensure that the pods are running state
$ kubectl get pod -n istio-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
istio-ingressgateway-55f8dbb66c-6qx2s   2/2     Running   0          73s
istiod-65db6d8666-jgmf7                 1/1     Running   0          75s
  1. Deploy sample application

Create httpbin deployment with gateway CR:

NOTE: If you want to use the sds-custom injection template, you need to set the annotations for both sidecar and sgx. And the ClusterRole is also required.

kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-hsm.yaml )
kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-gateway.yaml )

A reminder, if you want to apply other workloads, please make sure to add the correct RBAC rules for its Service Account. For details, please refer to the configuration of ClusterRole in ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-hsm.yaml.

Successful deployment looks like this:

Verify the httpbin pod:

$ kubectl get pod -n default
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
httpbin-7fbf9db8f6-qvqn4   3/3     Running      0         2m27s

Verify the gateway CR:

$ kubectl get gateway -n default
NAME              AGE
testuds-gateway   2m52s

Verify the quoteattestation CR:

$ kubectl get -n default
NAME                                                                            AGE
sgxquoteattestation-istio-ingressgateway-55f8dbb66c-6qx2s-httpbin-testsds-com   4m36s

Manually get the quoteattestation name via below command

  1. Prepare credential information:

We use command line tools to read and write the QuoteAttestation manually. You get the tools, km-attest and km-wrap, provided by the Intel® KMRA project.

NOTE: please use release version 2.2.1

$ mkdir -p $HOME/sgx/gateway
$ export CREDENTIAL=$HOME/sgx/gateway

$ kubectl get -n default $QA_NAME -o jsonpath='{.spec.publicKey}' | base64 -d > $CREDENTIAL/public.key
$ kubectl get -n default $QA_NAME -o jsonpath='{.spec.quote}' | base64 -d > $CREDENTIAL/
$ km-attest --pubkey $CREDENTIAL/public.key --quote $CREDENTIAL/

$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=example Inc./' -keyout $CREDENTIAL/ -out $CREDENTIAL/
$ openssl req -out $CREDENTIAL/httpbin.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout $CREDENTIAL/httpbin.key -subj "/ organization"
$ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -CA $CREDENTIAL/ -CAkey $CREDENTIAL/ -set_serial 0 -in $CREDENTIAL/httpbin.csr -out $CREDENTIAL/httpbin.crt

NOTE: Before using km-attest, please configurate /opt/intel/km-wrap/km-wrap.conf according to below content:

    "keys": [
            "signer": "",
            "key_path": "$CREDENTIAL/httpbin.key",
            "cert": "$CREDENTIAL/httpbin.crt"
  1. Update credential quote attestation CR with secret contained wrapped key
$ WRAPPED_KEY=$(km-wrap --signer --pubkey $CREDENTIAL/public.key --pin "HSMUserPin" --token "HSMSDSServer" --module /usr/local/lib/softhsm/

$ kubectl create secret generic -n default wrapped-key --from-literal=tls.key=${WRAPPED_KEY} --from-literal=tls.crt=$(base64 -w 0 < $CREDENTIAL/httpbin.crt)

Edit $QA_NAME via commond kubectl edit $QA_NAME -n default and append field secretName: wrapped-key for its spec section.

The above httpbin application has enabled SGX and store the private key inside the SGX enclave, completed the TLS handshakes and established a connection with each other and communicating normally.

  1. Verify the service accessibility
$ export INGRESS_NAME=istio-ingressgateway
$ export INGRESS_NS=istio-system
$ export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n "${INGRESS_NS}" get service "${INGRESS_NAME}" -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].nodePort}')
$ export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl get po -l istio=ingressgateway -n "${INGRESS_NS}" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.hostIP}')

$ curl -v --resolve "$SECURE_INGRESS_PORT:$INGRESS_HOST" \
  --cacert $CREDENTIAL/ "$SECURE_INGRESS_PORT/status/418"

It will be okay if got below response:

Cleaning Up

  1. Clean up for workloads:
# uninstall istio
$ istioctl x uninstall --purge -y
# delete workloads
$ kubectl delete -f ./deployment/istio-configs/sleep-hsm.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-hsm.yaml
  1. Clean up for gateways:
# uninstall istio
$ istioctl x uninstall --purge -y
# delete workloads
$ kubectl delete -f ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-hsm.yaml -n default
$ kubectl delete -f ./deployment/istio-configs/httpbin-gateway.yaml.yaml -n default