Monday, August 2, 2021, 1-2pm EST
- Chair: Kristina Spurgin
- Notetaker: Paige Morfitt
- Zoom Link:
- CLAW MIG MODS simplified mapping
- Example MODS for CLAW mapping
- Draft Recommendations
- Feedback on Mapping from ICG, Part 2
- Wants/Needs/Questions Open Document
- Working Ideas
- Kristina Spurgin
- Paige Morfitt
- Charlie Tillay
- Michelle Janowiecki
- Rosie Le Faive
- Mandy Ryan
- Chris
- Announcements
- Check-in on Glossary Sprint : instructions; glossary
- Input on "Add new taxonomy term while editing metadata" use case : draft use case
- Questions about taxonomy issues
- Round Table
- Glossary Sprint
- Instructions spreadsheet
- We’d look at pages in spreadsheet groups, then add terms we are unaware of to the glossary page
- For “Found at” add the URL so you point right to the page. But it’s unambiguous if you use the URL or page
- It’s an open-ended ‘sprint’ with no set deadline, but that may change.
- Potential for a MIG meeting to be a working meeting.
- Draft Use Case :
- Example -- add new taxonomy term while editing metadata
- You want to add the new term to a taxonomy without disrupting your work. But how do we make that happen-- when your field has several vocabulaires linked to it?
- Ideally: when you are adding a new term, a box pops up to ask which vocabulary you want that term to go to. This should be on the main form and not a different form.
- When you start typing, and it tries to predict your answer -- if you don’t click the drop down (click outside the box) then you end up creating a duplicate term. Users need to add the node ID in brackets beside the term
- This may be an accessibility issue, so maybe indicating a notation that tells you when you’re adding a new term.
- It would be nice that if you select which vocab you want to add the term to, you can add the URL as well and be compatible with Alexander’s code.
- Change Person name to Personal name to be more inclusive --- specially because the definition of Person is “a human name”. However, if you have a specific name for an animal you then couldn’t add it here…
- Thinking like catalogers: want to make sure terms correspond with RDA and DACS as there are some gray-areas when it comes to Corporate Bodies vs. Geographic Locations (Churches, Parks, etc)
- Would like to tweak Islandora’s definition of terms
- We could create a document to indicate which changes we’d like, and indicate why we’d like those changes.
- August 16, 2021
- New topic: how are we dealing with translated titles? What are other people doing/what is the workaround.
- Continue Use Cases conversation
- Whitman’s experience with adding in taxonomy terms