January 24, 2019, 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST (Join Zoom)
- Call for volunteers:
- Note taker
- Chair for next meeting
- Interest in new chair?
- 2019 Priorities?
- LASIR Update
- Hypothes.is and other annotation software in the context of IRs
- Bryan Brown 🐔
- Melissa Anez
- Brad Spry
- Pat Dunlavey ✏️
- Don Richards
- Brandon Weigel
- Wilhelmina Randtke
- Don Richards offered to take turns organizing/running the meeting.
- 2019 priorities:
- Islandora 7.x to 8.x
- This is a very scary area. Lots of workflow changes.
- Scholarly metadata migration to rdf. Work with metadata IG.
- Thesis and citation module interaction with entity module (people) records.
- Viewers - pdf is already covered. Binary “anti-viewer”. Use google datasets viewer? SEO to get data indexed by google datasets.
- Better UX for compound objects in 8.x
- Challenge is Drupal 8 developer on-ramp.
- A 1:1 document, explaining what each 7.x concept matches in 8.x.
- Video is a great way to do documentation.
- Starting point: the metadata migration path for IR.
- OAI => ILS (or marcxml, whatever)
- Student user submission process - start with 7.x, but also do for 8.x
- This is a priority of LASIR for 7.x and ultimately 8.x
- Useful to have show-and-tell agenda item in this meeting for people not familiar with it.
- Datastreams io - Bryan
- Xslt proquest -> mods, solr customization: Brad
- Remote Media SP: Brandon
- Islandora Managed Access - Bryan
- AWS setup, Islandora Drag and Drop for AWS - Brad
- Disk Image SP - doesn’t support EnCase E01 format. Suggested creating JIRA ticket.
- Islandora 7.x to 8.x
- Concern: Islandora IR google list gets little traffic. Bryan suggests nuking it. Is there a way to archive it? Consensus is to keep it available, but archive.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgTTKX4MBvvYZNHUIvwjIHLVCA5eRP7v5qLDmTe2W-E/edit#heading=h.88g5x35jxn13
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hgo91vETy1ZBE2GkNRv9qdRWkPNFecvmn53Ak0KCqnA/edit#heading=h.b5jyx2u735e7
- Nearing end of Phase 1 - identification of tasks, deliverables, priority, etc. Phase 2 will start soon. LASIR steering committee meets weekly to drive the process forward.
- Brad Spry: Starting with ETDs. https://ninercommons.uncc.edu
- Time: Thursday, February 28, 2019 - 3pm ET
- Chair: Bryan