February 22, 2018, 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST (Join Skype)
- Bryan Brown
- Devin Soper
- Don Richards 🐔
- Kim Mears
- Rachel Smart ✏️
- David Keiser-Clark
- Wilhelmina Randtke
- Call for volunteers
- Note taker? Rachel
- Chair for next meeting? Also Rachel
- David: ICG LASIR project (Liberal Arts Sprint for IR)
- Public LASIR Features Roadmap
- ICG submitted IMLS pre-proposal: “Developing Islandora to be an Equitable Open-Source IR Platform”
- Hit upon a collaborative way of having institutions pledge funds to support open source development
- Plan is to use funds to hire specialized vendors to develop features
- Have a dual goal: one is to create a comprehensive suite of tools to enable islandora to serve as an IR for liberal arts schools - recognizing that these needs may differ from those of large research institutions - but still hoping that features can be reused by other institutions
- Hoping that this will help make islandora an attractive platform for schools currently on bepress
- Oberlin group has 80 schools, roughly 40 of which are on bepress
- Two other large consortia also have dozens if not hundreds of schools on bepress
- Point is that there is a big opportunity here and it may not cost much to develop 7.x into a platform that is attractive to these institutions
- Short story is that they think they can finish the development in approx 1 to 1.5 years
- IMLS pre proposal grant to help fund
- Action item: Create PDF of the most desireable IR features (30-40 slides including both front and back end)
- Point is to communicate more effectively about these features to other schools - to explain what these features would mean, what needs they would meet, etc.
- Seems to be many different understandings of what an IR is, so a slide deck with images of what these features look like in production would also be valuable
- Who knows bepress and wants to make slides?
- Bryan & Don can answer questions
- Devin can help
- We can included these discussions in our agenda
- Discussion of COAR Next Gen Repos report (PDF) features 7-9
- Started with “Collecting & Exposing Activities”
- Notes kept in Melissa's COAR Google Doc
- Only got through 9, 10 & 11 will be discussed in March meeting
- Time: Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 3pm ET
- Chair: Rachel Smart