May 22, 2017, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST (Join Skype)
- Google Doc for Meeting Agendas/Notes
- Volunteer for notetaker?
- Introduction to new members
- Discussion of rotating chairs
- 1.9 release is out
- Islandoracon outcomes
- Emphasis on community
- We need more volunteers to chair meetings + take notes
- Rotating chairs?
- We need more developers to help out with JIRA tickets
- We need a better way for IG members to add items to the agenda ahead of time (Google Docs)
- We need more volunteers to chair meetings + take notes
- Hack/Doc session shows how easy it is to build new Entities (like CModels)
- Still in flux, maybe more changes to Entities
- CLAW Scholar MVP
- Hack/Doc session to brainstorm "have-to-have" features vs "nice-to-have"
- Brainstorming document cleaned up into CLAW IR MVP document
- CLAW IR MVP document needs your feedback in order to move on to the next step
- Emphasis on community
- Looking forward: Islandora 1.10 release
- October 2017 deadline
- Far fewer bugs than 1.8 -> 1.9, but lots of improvements/new features to work on
- Lots of help needed to clear the backlog
- Call for volunteers - what types of tickets can you take?
- Bryan Brown 🐔
- Devin Soper
- Keila Zayas-Ruiz
- Don Richards ✏️
- No new people :(
- its a holiday in Canada
- All agreed about using Google Docs for meeting agendas/notes & having rotating chairs
- Don, Keila and Devin joined the rotation
- Rotation as it exists currently (with Don being the chair of the next meeting):
- Don Richards
- Devin Soper
- Keila Zayas-Ruiz
- Bryan Brown
- Bryan will make IR list post to get feedback from IG regarding CLAW Ir MVP, then present to CLAW devs & Roadmap
- Discussions about Islandoracon
- Potential users of Scholar:
- Andrea Kosevic, York U
- Brian Gillingham, U Pitt
- Dwayne Collins, Trent U
- Jeff Rubin, Tulane
- Chris Day, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- CLAW seems functional, but a long way off from being usable for non-RDF folks
- MODSpocalypse (conversion of MODS to RDF is an active discussion, also upcoming Working Group for this)
- No solution to the problem of entering names into a submission form
- Autocomplete for LOC/VIAF authorities?
- What if they don't have an authority record? Should we mint a local URI?
- Don suggested reading Transitioning from XML to RDF by Juliet Hardesty
- Christina Harlow's workshop was awesome
- Ontology rot seems scary though, we need to be careful what ontologies we pick for Scholar stuff
- Bryan suggested investigating the VIVO Ontology
- Potential users of Scholar:
- Don mentioned GitHub Marketplace as being a potentially useful way to integrate other services with
- June 26, 2017 - 1pm EST
- Chair: Don Richards
- Note Taker: ???