September 17, 2020, 2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT (Join Zoom)
Chair: Danny Lamb Note taker: Melissa Anez
- Administrivia
- Note taker?
- Next meeting chair?
- Survey results:
- Which results for IR would you want to see in a sprint?
- Danny Lamb 🐔
- Melissa Anez ✏️
- Janice Banser
- Chris Mayo
- Chris Barnes
- Ben Ide
- Sarah Lippincott
- Sean Parke
- Willow Gillingham
- Survey results
- 2/3 users, 1/3 developers or other technical folks
- Mostly Islandora 7, but more Islandora 8 than we knew about out in the world
- Documentation ranks very high (multiple top ten responses)
- Accessibility ranks well, but will need a concerted effort to make sure improvements actually happen
- IR specific highly rated results:
- Embargoes
- Google Scholar indexing
- Looking for “stakeholders” for planning a sprint to work on IR features
- Janice will run this up the flagpole
- Chris M may be able to as well
- Question: What is already being developed by others?
- DGI’s IR solution, for instance
- A smoother distribution of Islandora, targeted at IR needs
- We still need to work out what can come over, but the will is there
- They are using and contributing to Bryan’s Embargoes module
- Question: Can’t run Ubuntu on prod, where to get help?
- Slack! Bug Danny. This also lures in others to help.
- DGI’s IR solution, for instance
Next Meeting: October 15, 2020
Chair: ???