August 20, 2020, 2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT (Join Zoom)
Chair: ??? Note taker: Amy Blau
- Administrivia
- Note taker?
- Next meeting chair?
- Welcome new member: Mike Kemezis!
- Islandora Online IR day outcomes
- Breakout session notes on most desired features for an I8 IR:
- Access Restriction: 7
- Submission Workflows: 3
- Analytics reporting: 2
- Google Scholar support: 2
- Ability to store datasets: 2
- Content versioning: 2
- Migration utilities: 2
- Easy ingest from external sources: 2
- Fixity checking: 2
- Enhanced search: 2
- Authentication from external sources: 1
- Lots of topics, but clearly embargoes are important, will need work (next topic)
- Other topics are “low hanging fruit” in that there is already machinery for doing this in Drupal, just needs to be configured:
- Google Scholar support
- Authentication from external sources (ORCID, CAS, etc)
- Ability to store datasets
- Analytics reporting
- What do we do about the “low hanging fruit”? Community-built documentation? Packages that set them up pre-configured?
- Breakout session notes on most desired features for an I8 IR:
- Making embargoes extensible
- Instead of hardcoding embargo behaviors statically, allow for additional “restrictions” (what the embargo blocks access to) and “exemptions” (who can bypass the embargo) to be added by submodules/plugins
- What kinds of access control do you need? (“restrictions”)
- Node + all files
- All files
- Individual files
- Collections (recursive)
- Hierarchical content types
- What kinds of bypassing do you need? (“exemptions”)
- Roles
- Individual users
- IP ranges
- Group + Group Role
- Matomo analytics reporting in I8: new development!
- Islandora Matomo Services: services for querying Matomo and getting data back
- Islandora Matomo Blocks: distribution point for blocks that use IMS to display I8 node usage
- 3 blocks currently defined (screenshot):
- “Islandora node views block”
- Only shows pageviews for node
- “Islandora node views and Original Files summed downloads block”
- Shows pageviews for node
- Shows the download count for the files of all media with “Original File” as their “Media Use”
- Sums the download counts if there are more than one “Original Use” media
- “Islandora node all media downloads block”
- Shows pageviews for node
- Shows download count (with title) for each media
- “Islandora node views block”
- Bryan Brown 🐔
- Janice Banser
- Seth Shaw
- Melissa Anez
- Amy Blau ✏️
- Chris Mayo
- Mike Kemezis
- Introduction: Mike Kemezis, Connecticut Digital Archive
- Outcomes of IR session of Islandora Online. Link to Google Doc with features people want from discussion in breakouts: embargoes, access restriction; submission workflows like mediated deposit; analytics reporting, Google scholar support, ingest from external sources, fixity checking, search; authenticating from external sources.
- Many of the topics are low-hanging fruit because already in Drupal, just need to be configured to make them more accessible.
- Metatags, datasets, analytics reporting capabilities all there for Drupal, what makes it part of Islandora
- Would want a module to install that would set up scholarly work content type for me with metatags for scholar and embargoes set up without having to jump through hoops to do it.
- Packaging and documentation for a meta-module like Islandora defaults that gives you a default workflow targeted toward mediated submissions, show what a complete one looks like and user can modify rather than create from scratch. How hard would it be to make one that does essentially that?
- Features could do that, but hard to update. Would need ability to clone default workflow.
- Other Drupal modules have default that you install then uninstall and config stays behind, and update hooks reflect that.
- Can be easier just to have a whole site not the features → distribution questions
- Could be use for “Islandora Scholar tour” to show documentation in the UI.
- Point to documentation in the software.
- Tours more effective in a sandbox site
- Agreement this could be helpful
- Other thoughts on what Islandora has to have?
- Be able to download a module and use it enough from a developer standpoint, not enough for a standard user point of view -- then need documentation
- Not enough to say Drupal can do it with these modules; needs explanation of how in the documentation, at the least.
- Will increase need for auditing in releases.
- Interest in reinstating documentation interest group which might be needed again -- create new charge? Separate out features that need to be built from those that exist in Drupal.
- UPEI has relevant documentation from rdm project
- Making embargoes extensible. Currently comes from embargoes module with pre-set modules and ways to configure them. Question of which files can be suppressed, could you embargo a collection, or apply to children of a hierarchical object. Plug-ins might allow for more options than what is out of the box: restrictions and exemptions. (in green = already exist, in red = need to be written). For IR users, what would be need for type of restriction or exemption in your IR?
- With group module, a collection has a group associated with it that has roles for administering group, being able to add items. For this collection, this set of users can add or delete things from collection, not from entire system. For an item in the collection, is added to that group. An embargoed node would have to reflect group permissions as well.
- Some issues with embargoes: specific datastream embargoes necessary. IP range embargo only applicable to UG honors theses (so, embargoes by groups).
- Embargoes should be stackable
- Ways to make embargoes module do testing, access validator a possibility?
- Can have a script perform an action as anonymous. With list of everything with an embargo policy, does anonymous user have access?
- Different ways to kick off a script that does that checking (drush vs GUI)
- New development: two modules (or one module with two sub-modules): Islandora Matomo services to query Matomo for views and downloads; Islandora Matomo blocks that use those services to get information from Drupal about page that’s being displayed and get usage information from Matomo. Page views for a node; media use original files selection (because usually what is downloaded); all media attached to a node, title and usage stats, info dump. Ready to be tested out, prettified.
- The download map as Bepress feature (implemented in LASIR).
- LASIR: counter compliant metrics with standardization for libraries hosting journals
- Whether individual authors would have access to a more detailed dashboard of usage stats for their publications.
- Matomo vanilla API planned for blocks; could build author dashboard that is a collection of blocks with logic at Drupal level in php. Could be done, hasn’t been. Hardest part might be Islandora part to figure out relationships; Matomo part could be done with Services module.
Next Meeting: September 17, 2020
Chair: ???