Introductions: Who are you and why did you join this group?
Fedora 4 features
- What features of Fedora 4 are most interesting in the context of Islandora?
- Are there any missing features that would impact integration?
- Do you have any use cases you’d like to submit?
Islandora/Fedora 4 integration
- What is the roadmap for integration?
- Can we start with a minimum prototype?
- What is the level of effort involved?
- Who can contribute either developer time or money?
Next steps: How do we move this forward?
- Andrew Woods (DuraSpace)
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
- Chad Nelson (LYRASIS)
- David Evans
- Jared Whiklo (University of Manitoba)
- Ed Fugikawa (Colorado Alliance)
- Ashok Modi (Cherry Hill Company)
- Donald Moses (University of Prince Edward Island)
- Nick Ruest (York University)
Andrew Woods
- Fedora Technical Lead
- Important that the concerns/sensibilities that Islandora has are represented in the process/development
- Getting Islandora into the convo more prominently
Chad Nelson (LYRASIS)
- Working with Islandora (D7/F3)
- Interested in Fedora 4
David Evans
- Has worked with Islandora, D6 and D7
- Interested in F4 and D8
- Has done some experimental work
Donald Moses (UPEI)
- Has downloaded and installed Fedora 4.0 Beta
- Interested in new features like Linked Open Data support (e.g. RDF metadata)
Jared Whiklo (University of Manitoba)
- Tasked with learning how the backend of Fedora 4 works
- Investigating a production ready way to run multiple systems
Nick Ruest (York University)
- Interested in Fedora4
- Likes what Fedora4 brings to the table
Ed Fugikawa (Colorado Alliance)
- Multiple versions of Fedora running (2.x/3.x)
- Would like to merge all of those into one version (Fedora 4.x)
Ashok Modi (Cherry Hill)
- Started with Fedora 3.6, upgraded to 3.7
- Interested in F4
David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
- Straddles both communities (Islandora and Fedora)
- Product Manager for Fedora
- Sees a lot of potential in F4 for improving Islandora
- It’s possible to represent F3 content in F4 (eg. mirror the modeling) but there is an opportunity to take advantage of the new features F4 provides
Ramping Up with Fedora 4
Fedora training/workshops/camps
- Learn about Fedora4
- Ashok:
- “Interesting. Since a large chunk of the folks in here are in the Islandora/Fedora camp, would it make sense to have a combined camp of both (or one after the other within the same city/venue)?”
- Posts to mailing lists re: training
Pilot projects
- Will need a few of those
- Lots of different content models and data structures
- More than one migration path
Focus on Greenfield (new) installations initially
- New content, not migrations
What would a prototype look like?
- What models?
- Core Module
- Collection Module
- Tuque
Discussion re: D7 and D8 implementation
- A number of votes for D7 and F4 … we may miss the boat if we wait for D8
- D.Evans thinks that D8 offers some advantages
- D.Wilcox … thinks it makes sense to put some effort towards a D7/F4
How to get that work done ?
- How do we fund it
- How do we get developers involved
- Nick
- Further discussion in Roadmap
- Produce a doc to work through the details
- Similar to F4 sprints
- Organize sprint and community efforts/resources
- Sprint planning
- Use cases for the three items identified
- Identify the benefits
- Similar to F4 sprints
- Decouple dependency on discoverygarden for development
- Discuss the F4 community effort
- Collected use cases
- Defined sprints and the priorities
David W
- Need buy in from developers, repository managers, and upper managers
- Esp managers if we want to free up dev time
- Outline of tasks
- eg. migrating tuque library
- Learning by doing
- Identify the benefit each sprint
- eg. new features not in F3, fixing an existing problem, etc.
- Andrew would be interested in what those improvements might be.
David W
- Create project plan
- Use cases and grievances/improvements/benefits
- Scratchpad for brainstorming ideas