From 370aa30fc3f51918d4d0c36c9dc2c79f54214e67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neetha John <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:31:49 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Update load minigraph to load backend acl (#2236)"

This reverts commit 1518ca92df1e794222bf45100246c8ef956d7af6.
 config/       | 43 ++-----------------------------------------
 tests/ | 43 -------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/ b/config/
index ed10e7f17e..5a566f2a7e 100644
--- a/config/
+++ b/config/
@@ -1163,41 +1163,6 @@ def validate_gre_type(ctx, _, value):
     except ValueError:
         raise click.UsageError("{} is not a valid GRE type".format(value))
-def _is_storage_device(cfg_db):
-    """
-    Check if the device is a storage device or not
-    """
-    device_metadata = cfg_db.get_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost")
-    return device_metadata.get("storage_device", "Unknown") == "true"
-def _is_acl_table_present(cfg_db, acl_table_name):
-    """
-    Check if acl table exists
-    """
-    return acl_table_name in cfg_db.get_keys("ACL_TABLE")
-def load_backend_acl(cfg_db, device_type):
-    """
-    Load acl on backend storage device
-    """
-    BACKEND_ACL_TEMPLATE_FILE = os.path.join('/', "usr", "share", "sonic", "templates", "backend_acl.j2")
-    BACKEND_ACL_FILE = os.path.join('/', "etc", "sonic", "backend_acl.json")
-    if device_type and device_type == "BackEndToRRouter" and _is_storage_device(cfg_db) and _is_acl_table_present(cfg_db, "DATAACL"):
-        if os.path.isfile(BACKEND_ACL_TEMPLATE_FILE):
-            clicommon.run_command(
-                "{} -d -t {},{}".format(
-                    SONIC_CFGGEN_PATH,
-                    BACKEND_ACL_TEMPLATE_FILE,
-                    BACKEND_ACL_FILE
-                ),
-                display_cmd=True
-            )
-        if os.path.isfile(BACKEND_ACL_FILE):
-            clicommon.run_command("acl-loader update incremental {}".format(BACKEND_ACL_FILE), display_cmd=True)
 # This is our main entrypoint - the main 'config' command, context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)
@@ -1775,12 +1740,6 @@ def load_minigraph(db, no_service_restart, traffic_shift_away, override_config,
     if os.path.isfile('/etc/sonic/acl.json'):
         clicommon.run_command("acl-loader update full /etc/sonic/acl.json", display_cmd=True)
-    # get the device type
-    device_type = _get_device_type()
-    # Load backend acl
-    load_backend_acl(db.cfgdb, device_type)
     # Load port_config.json
         load_port_config(db.cfgdb, '/etc/sonic/port_config.json')
@@ -1790,6 +1749,8 @@ def load_minigraph(db, no_service_restart, traffic_shift_away, override_config,
     # generate QoS and Buffer configs
     clicommon.run_command("config qos reload --no-dynamic-buffer --no-delay", display_cmd=True)
+    # get the device type
+    device_type = _get_device_type()
     if device_type != 'MgmtToRRouter' and device_type != 'MgmtTsToR' and device_type != 'BmcMgmtToRRouter' and device_type != 'EPMS':
         clicommon.run_command("pfcwd start_default", display_cmd=True)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1790ce247d..cef84e5441 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -355,49 +355,6 @@ def test_load_minigraph_with_port_config(self, get_cmd_module, setup_single_broa
             port_config = [{"PORT": {"Ethernet0": {"admin_status": "up"}}}]
             self.check_port_config(db, config, port_config, "config interface startup Ethernet0")
-    def test_load_backend_acl(self, get_cmd_module, setup_single_broadcom_asic):
-        db = Db()
-        db.cfgdb.set_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost", {"storage_device": "true"})
-        self.check_backend_acl(get_cmd_module, db, device_type='BackEndToRRouter', condition=True)
-    def test_load_backend_acl_not_storage(self, get_cmd_module, setup_single_broadcom_asic):
-        db = Db()
-        self.check_backend_acl(get_cmd_module, db, device_type='BackEndToRRouter', condition=False)
-    def test_load_backend_acl_storage_leaf(self, get_cmd_module, setup_single_broadcom_asic):
-        db = Db()
-        db.cfgdb.set_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost", {"storage_device": "true"})
-        self.check_backend_acl(get_cmd_module, db, device_type='BackEndLeafRouter', condition=False)
-    def test_load_backend_acl_storage_no_dataacl(self, get_cmd_module, setup_single_broadcom_asic):
-        db = Db()
-        db.cfgdb.set_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost", {"storage_device": "true"})
-        db.cfgdb.set_entry("ACL_TABLE", "DATAACL", None)
-        self.check_backend_acl(get_cmd_module, db, device_type='BackEndToRRouter', condition=False)
-    def check_backend_acl(self, get_cmd_module, db, device_type='BackEndToRRouter', condition=True):
-        def is_file_side_effect(filename):
-            return True if 'backend_acl' in filename else False
-        with mock.patch('os.path.isfile', mock.MagicMock(side_effect=is_file_side_effect)):
-            with mock.patch('config.main._get_device_type', mock.MagicMock(return_value=device_type)):
-                with mock.patch(
-                    "utilities_common.cli.run_command",
-                    mock.MagicMock(side_effect=mock_run_command_side_effect)) as mock_run_command:
-                    (config, show) = get_cmd_module
-                    runner = CliRunner()
-                    result = runner.invoke(config.config.commands["load_minigraph"], ["-y"], obj=db)
-                    print(result.exit_code)
-                    expected_output = ['Running command: acl-loader update incremental /etc/sonic/backend_acl.json',
-                                       'Running command: /usr/local/bin/sonic-cfggen -d -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/backend_acl.j2,/etc/sonic/backend_acl.json'
-                                      ]
-                    print(result.output)
-                    assert result.exit_code == 0
-                    output = result.output.split('\n')
-                    if condition:
-                        assert set(expected_output).issubset(set(output))
-                    else:
-                        assert not(set(expected_output).issubset(set(output)))
     def check_port_config(self, db, config, port_config, expected_output):
         def read_json_file_side_effect(filename):
             return port_config