Protobuf and utility package for IoTeX blockchain transaction and gRPC API
includes protobuf definition for all core data objects and gRPC API used by IoTeX blockchain -
includes the generated protobuf files for go language
Install the Google protocol buffers compiler protoc
v3.12.0 or above from
Install protoc-gen-go
go install
go install
Enable go mod. Install grpc-gateway Basically this is what you need:
go get -u
go get -u
Install golang mock generator mockgen
v1.4.4 or above to generate mock files.
go get -u
make gen
This generates the protobuf files and put into \golang directory
secp256k1 ECDSA algorithm is used by IoTeX blockchain to sign and verify transaction. The signature of an IoTeX transaction is computed as the secp256k1 signature of hash of raw transaction
signature = secp256k1.Sign(hash of raw transaction)
The signature is in 65-byte [R, S, V] format where the last byte V is the recovery id for public key recovery
The following guide used sender address io1mwekae7qqwlr23220k5n9z3fmjxz72tuchra3m
and recipient address io187wzp08vnhjjpkydnr97qlh8kh0dpkkytfam8j
as example. Replace your actual address and recipient address when creating and signing the transaction
- construct a message Transfer as defined in
, amount is in unit of 10^-18 IOTX token
For example, to transfer 1.2 IOTX token, set amount = “1200000000000000000”
Set recipient = "io187wzp08vnhjjpkydnr97qlh8kh0dpkkytfam8j"
payload = hex-bytes of message you want to attach to transaction, can be nil/NULL
- construct a message ActionCore as defined in
, with action = transfer message in 1
Set version = 1, gasLimit = 10000, gasPrice = 1000000000000, that is 0.000001 IOTX
For nonce, issue a gRPC request GetAccount(GetAccountRequest) as defined in \proto\api\api.proto
use the value of "pendingNonce" field in the reply
- serialize the ActionCore message using protobuf
bytes = proto.Serialize(ActionCore message above)
- hash of raw transaction is computed as the 32-byte Keccak256 hash of the bytes
hash = Keccak256(bytes)
- sign the hash using sender's private key
sig = secp256k1.Sign(hash)
- construct a message Action as defined in \proto\type\action.proto
Set action = ActionCore above, senderPubKey = bytes representation of sender's public key, signature = sig above
- issue a gRPC request SendAction(SendActionRequest) to IoTeX blockchain endpoint
The examples folder contains a few examples demonstrating functionality.
To run an example, navigate to it's directory, then go run the file. For example:
$ cd golang/examples/transfer
$ go run main.go