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With an introduction to the core concepts in the previous sections, lets move onto setting up K-Atlas on a Kubernetes cluster and using it.


The below installation will assume a Kubernetes cluster with Minikube is being used.

  1. Install Minikube

  1. Once minikube is up and running, Note that cluster minikube and namespace default exists after the above steps. The yaml files used in the Installation use this cluster and namespace.

If using another cluster and namespace, the K-Atlas Installation yaml files will need to be modified to use the correct cluster and namespace.

$ kubectl config get-clusters
$ kubectl get namespace
NAME          STATUS   AGE
default       Active   11m
kube-public   Active   11m
kube-system   Active   11m
  1. Find the version of docker image which will be used to put in the deployment spec:

Then move onto installing K-Atlas.

Install K-Atlas

The individual components must be installed in the below order-

  • Dgraph
  • K-Atlas Service
  • K-Atlas Kubernetes Collector
  • K-Atlas Browser
$ kubectl create -f deploy/dgraph.yaml

$ kubectl get services
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                      AGE
dgraph-public   LoadBalancer   <pending>     5080:30766/TCP,6080:32699/TCP,8080:32038/TCP,9080:30796/TCP,8000:31572/TCP   1d

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dgraph-0                             3/3     Running   0          1d

Install K-Atlas Service

$ kubectl create -f deploy/katlas-service.yaml

Install K-Atlas Collector

$ kubectl create -f deploy/katlas-collector.yaml

Install K-Atlas Browser

Modify the below env variable in deploy/katlas-browser.yaml and then run the kubectl command.


value: http://<minikube-ip>:30415

$ kubectl create -f deploy/katlas-browser.yaml

Check all pods are up

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dgraph-0                             3/3     Running   0          1d
katlas-service-748668b795-wt6gk      1/1     Running   0          1d
katlas-controller-8586d84564-njrvr   1/1     Running   0          1d
katlas-browser-5875c79c64-2zhwk      1/1     Running   0          1d

Check all Services are running

$ kubectl get services
dgraph-public   LoadBalancer    <pending>     5080:30252/TCP,6080:31104/TCP,8080:32395/TCP,9080:30796/TCP,8000:30063/TCP   1d
katlas-service  LoadBalancer    <pending>     8011:30415/TCP                                                               1d
katlas-browser  LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:30417/TCP                                                                 1d

If using minikube, point your browser to the following URL to start using K-Atlas Browser:


Ensure you use the Chrome browser. For issues with Installation, please refer to the FAQ Section.