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Benjamin Arthur Lupton edited this page Jan 21, 2014 · 12 revisions

Low-Level API

<rtc-media resultStream="{{myStream}}" resultStreamURI="{{myStreamURI}}"/>
<rtc-video src="{{myStreamURI}}" resultVideo="#{{myVideo}}"/>
<rtc-videoproc src="{{myVideo}}" resultImageURI="{{snapshotURI}}" filter="bw" mime="image/jpeg" fps="0.5" greedy />

High-Level Interconnect API

<polymer-element name="rtc-person" attributes="streaming name muted streamURI snapshotURI">
		<div class="person">
			<label id="name">{{name}}</label>
			<video id="video" class="hidden" src="{{streamURI}}" />
			<img id="image" class="hidden" src="{{snapshotURI}}" />
		.person {
			box-sizing: border-box;
			width: 320px;
			height: 240px;
			background: black;
			display: inline-block;
			position: relative;
			border: 1px solid black;
		label {
			position: absolute;
			width: 100%;
			background: black;
			background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
			color: white;
			bottom: 0;
			left: 0;
		.hidden {
			display: none;
		Polymer.register('rtc-person', {
			streaming: false,
			muted: false,
			streamURI: null,
			streamingChanged: function(oldValue, newValue){
				var vid = this.$.video;
				var img = this.$.image;

				if ( newValue ) {
					vid.className = 'hidden';
					img.className = '';
				} else {
					vid.className = '';;
					img.className = 'hidden';
			mutedChanged: function(oldValue, newValue){
				var vid = this.$.video;

				if ( newValue ) {
					vid.setAttribute('muted', '');
				} else {

<polymer-element name="rtc-peer" attributes="peerID streaming muted">
		<rtc-person streamURI="{{streamURI}}" snapshotURI="{{snapshotURI}}" streaming="{{streaming}}" muted="{{muted}}" />
		Polymer.register('rtc-person', {
			streamURI: null,
			snapshotURI: null,
			peerIDChanged: function(oldValue, newValue){
				if ( newValue ) {
					// fetch the stream and snapshot for the peerID

<polymer-element name="rtc-room-panel">
		<content select="[talking]"></content>
		<content select="rtc-person"></content>
		<content select="rtc-peer[streaming]:not([muted])"></content>
		<content select="rtc-peer[streaming][muted]"></content>
		<content select="*"></content>

<polymer-element name="rtc-room" attributes="roomID">
			<rtc-person id="me" streaming muted capture="camera"></rtc-person>
			<rtc-peer peerID="..." streaming></rtc-peer>
			<rtc-peer peerID="..."></rtc-peer>
			<rtc-peer peerID="..."></rtc-peer>
			<rtc-peer peerID="..."></rtc-peer>
		Polymer.register('rtc-room', {
			roomID: null

<rtc-room roomID="testing"></rtc-room>
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