Releases: instructure/instructure-ui
Releases · instructure/instructure-ui
The main new feature in this release are redesigned form error visuals. There is a new form message type, newError
that will use this style to keep backwards compatibility. You can see and try how it works at
- many: add new form field error message style + add asterisk for required fields (9b03683)
Bug Fixes
- ui-alerts: trigger onDismiss for screenreader only alerts (98750f6)
- ui-date-input: fix DateInput2 to update messages properly (553a235)
- ui-options,ui-utils: subgroup titles in Options are not announced by TalkBack and iOS VoiceOver (ebdf8f0)
- ui-tabs: tabpanel content is not accessible with keyboard navigation when it does not have focusable element (297cd03)
- ui-themes: export all colors (46f9e38)
- ui-tree-browser: treeBrowser collection descriptor is not read by screenreaders (87623f7)
- ui-view: fix view success color values (e250b02)
- Docs a11y: do not lose focus when opening the side menu (0b4434d)
- Docs a11y: Github corner has focus ring (cc742d1)
10.4.1 (2024-10-28)
Bug Fixes
ui-modal: modify modal to support less strict children (40f8ca2)
Bug Fixes
ui-calendar: fix duplicate dates for certain timezones (f9181aa)
ui-date-input: fix messages prop sometimes not populating in DateInput2 (28d2601)
docs app: Fix screenreaders incorrectly annoucing header elements as main landmark
ui-progress,ui-side-nav-bar,ui-form-field: improve examples accessibility (2160fdd)
..and some more functional React examples
10.3.0 (2024-10-03)
Bug Fixes
- console: remove PURE annotation from console to fix warnings in Vite/Rollup (48e78bb)
- shared-types,ui-table: fix color contrast for table sorting icons (b5a60bf)
- ui-pagination: fix pagination with numberinput when onBlur it calls onPage change every time, even where there are no changes (38e75c4)
- ui-progress,ui-range-input: use just the native HTML elements instead of ARIA tags (f0fa72c)
- ui-radio-input: fixing the issue of TalkBack reading the radio grop options incorrectly (ff2618e)
- ui-simple-select: ensure input value updates correctly when options change (4dc7cb2)
- ui-text-input: icon in SimpleSelect is vertically centered (13790d1)
9.7.0 (2024-09-23)
Bug Fixes
- ui-calendar: fix code to remove unnecessary warnings (d139bd4)
- ui-selectable: fix Select options not being selectable on iOS Safari with VoiceOver on (7f04bb4)
- ui-toggle-details: fix ToggleDetails flickering (4c55bc9)
- ui-date-input: improve DateInput2 api, extend docs (f369604)