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Programming languages commonly have some form of foreign function interface. The idea is that

  1. you don't want to reimplement everything from the bottom up in a newly designed language. It makes much more sense to delegate certain computations to an existing tool where such computations already exist in optimized form, with tons of tests, etc
  2. in particular, you certainly don't want to implement your own version of arithmetics (integers, addition, multiplication, etc) or any other low-level stuff as that doesn't have any chance of not being several orders of magnitude slower than built-in primitives

One obvious thing that we need for Plutus is efficient arithmetics. So we could directly add a code for the Integer type to the AST of Plutus types and Integer constants to the AST of Plutus terms, as well as a few built-in functions (AddInteger, SubtractInteger, MultiplyInteger, etc). That would look something like this:

data BuiltinType
    = Integer

data Type
    = BuiltinType BuiltinType
    | <...>

data Constant
    = ConstantInteger Integer

data BuiltinFunction
    = AddInteger
    | SubtractInteger
    | MultiplyInteger
    | <...>

data Term
    = Constant
    | AppBuiltinFunction BuiltinFunction [Term]
    | <...>

Then during evaluation (assuming we have eval : Term -> Term) BuiltinFun gets mapped to the actual function that it represents and Integer constants simply get unwrapped from ConstantInteger and supplied to the function, which then reduces and its result gets lifted back to Plutus Core.

For example,

eval $ AppBuiltinFunction AddInteger
    [ Constant $ ConstantInteger 1
    , Constant $ ConstantInteger 2

expands to

hsToPlc (1 + 2)

which reduces to Constant (ConstantInteger 3).

Then if you need more built-in types and functions you simply extend the BuiltinType, Constant and BuiltinFunction data types with new primitives.

This is a viable approach and it's what was originally implemented in Plutus Core, but it has a major downside of not being flexible:

  1. you can't easily add a trace function to the set of built-in functions to debug some code and then remove it once the bug is found. With this setup adding trace requires tinkering with the AST and updating all of the main procedures (type checking, evaluation, pretty-printing, what have you), which is extremely tedious
  2. more importantly, you can only have a single configuration of builtins. Given that Plutus is going to be run on different blockchains giving access to different primitives, it's not an option to have a hardcoded set of builtins. For example, privacy-preserving ledgers may restrict the kinds of computation that can be done, which may mean we only have some kinds of arithmetic operations.

So we had to make builtins extensible. Which amounts to making the BuilinType, Constant and BuiltinFunction data types extensible. The first two are about extensible types and the last one is about extensible functions, so we'll consider those things separately.

Extensible types

There's a fairly standard technique used in the context of generic programming, especially within dependently typed systems, that allows to describe a (possibly infinite) set of types. Quoting David Christiansen:

<...> we have a pretty good way to pattern match on the sub-universe of types that you want to consider for some particular purpose: the universe pattern.

Make a datatype that encodes the types you care about and an interpretation for these codes as types. For example, if I care about Nat and iterated Lists thereof, I might write:

data U = NAT | LIST U

el : U -> Type
el NAT = Nat
el (LIST t) = List (el t)

and then I can do generic programming (that is, matching the type structure) as follows:

toString : (t : U) -> el t -> String
toString NAT Z = "zero"
toString NAT (S k) = "s(" ++ toString NAT k ++ ")"
toString (LIST t) [] = "nil"
toString (LIST t) (x::xs) = "cons(" ++ toString t x ++ ", " ++ toString (LIST t) xs ++ ")"

Another reference is the standard Agda tutorial, in particular its "3.2 Universes" section.

We can apply this technique in our setting. Even though Haskell lacks dependent types, it's possible to couple a tag for a type together with that type via a GADT:

data U a where
    UUnit :: U ()
    UInt  :: U Int

U is a universe consisting of UUnit (a tag for ()) and UInt (a tag for Int).

Another example is

data U a where
    UBool :: U Bool
    UList :: !(U a) -> U [a]

which is a universe consisting of booleans, lists of booleans, lists of lists of booleans, etc. Here are some values of that universe / the types that they encode

UBool               / Bool
UList UBool         / [Bool]
UList (UList UBool) / [[Bool]]

Both Us are of kind * -> * and so if we want the AST of the language to be parameterized by a set of types, we need to parameterize it by a thing of type * -> *. Here's what we get (ignoring built-in functions for the moment):

data SomeType uni = forall a. SomeType (uni a)

data Type uni
    = BuiltinType (SomeType uni)
    | <...>

data SomeValueIn uni = forall a. SomeValueIn (uni a) a

data Term uni
    = Constant (SomeValueIn uni)
    | <...>

So BuiltinType stores just a tag like before, since the actual Haskell type the tag corresponds to is ignored (a is bound existentially in SomeType and only used in uni a).

Constant now stores the tag of a type as well as a value of that that type.

The original hardcoded builtins can now be recovered as

data U a where
    UInteger :: U Integer

pattern Integer = SomeType UInteger
pattern ConstantInteger = SomeValueIn UInteger

type OriginalType = Type U
type OriginalTerm = Term U

Now we can parameterize the AST by different universes of types. Of course, this requires support from all procedures (type checking, evaluation, etc) and every universe must implement a certain interface (see the default universe for an example).

There are some technical difficulties on how to provide instances of various type classes for SomeType and SomeValueIn, how to make deriving work, etc (you can read about those in source code of Plutus Core), but otherwise this is pretty much the entire encoding.

Implemented in this PR.

Extensible functions

There are two approaches for making built-in functions extensible:

  1. instead of making BuiltinFunction an enumeration type, we can define it as
newtype BuiltinFunction = BuiltinFunction Text

and provide a mapping from the name of a built-in function to its meaning, so that all relevant info is available during type checking and evaluation (we'll talk about meanings of builtins later)

  1. parameterize Term over fun representing a set of built-in functions. Unlike with universes we don't need to establish an isomorphism with some actual Haskell type right in the AST, so it's just the direct
data Term fun
    | AppBuiltinFunction fun [Term]
    | <...>

and the original Term can be recovered by

-- The original definition.
data BuiltinFunction
    = AddInteger
    | SubtractInteger
    | MultiplyInteger
    | <...>

type OriginalTerm = Term BuiltinFunction

Those two representations are very similar. Differences:

  • (2) requires adding another type variable, which can be annoying if you already have several of them (we do)
  • (2) is more expressive: it allows to specify at the type level what built-in functions a term may reference. Those can be built-in functions from a certain set (including the empty one) or you can instantiate fun with Text and get an equivalent of (1)
  • (1) requires adding another kind of errors: the name of a built-in function is not found in a mapping from built-in function names to their meanings during type checking or evaluation (not a big deal in practice)
  • (1) requires to parameterize the parser by a set of names of built-in functions, while in (2) this set is determined from the type of the result

In general, differences are minor, so either of the approaches is fine. Currently we have (1), but we'll probably change it to (2) at some point.

Built-in function meaning

Even without extensible types and functions it's convenient to encode the type of a built-in function as a GADT to be able to handle all built-in functions uniformly by processing the structure of that GADT during evaluation to statically ensure well-typedness of applications of primitive functions to constants. We have a separate (and a little outdated) doc elaborating on that point.

With extensible builtins there's no way around having such a generic machinery allowing to describe a type of a primitive function, because much like with extensible types we need to establish a connection between a built-in function and its Haskell denotation, so we resort to juggling GADTs again. The crux of the encoding is as follows:

-- @uni a@ as a constraint.
class uni `Includes` a where
    knownUni :: uni a

data TypeScheme uni (args :: [GHC.Type]) res where
        :: uni `Includes` res
        => Proxy res -> TypeScheme uni '[] res
        :: uni `Includes` arg
        => Proxy arg -> TypeScheme uni args res -> TypeScheme uni (arg ': args) res

type family FoldArgs args res where
    FoldArgs '[]           res = res
    FoldArgs (arg ': args) res = arg -> FoldArgs args res

data BuiltinFunctionMeaning uni =
    forall args res. BuiltinFunctionMeaning
        (TypeScheme uni args res)
        (FoldArgs args res)

TypeScheme describes the type of a primitive function: its first argument is the list of types of arguments of that function and its second argument is the type of the result. E.g. Char -> Bool -> Integer gets encoded as

charBoolInteger :: (uni `Includes` Char, uni `Includes` Bool) => TypeScheme uni [Char, Bool] Integer`.
charBoolInteger =
    Proxy @Char `TypeSchemeArrow`
    Proxy @Bool `TypeSchemeArrow`
    TypeSchemeResult (Proxy @Integer)

FoldArgs takes the list of types of arguments of a function and the type of the result and folds them back into the type of that function. E.g. FoldArgs [Char, Bool] Integer gives Char -> Bool -> Integer back.

Finally, BuiltinFunctionMeaning is just a TypeScheme of a primitive function and the primitive function itself (of type FoldArgs args res).

Then when we encounter AppBuiltinFunction fun args during evaluation we evaluate fun and look up its meaning in the provided environment of BuiltinFunctionMeanings, which allows to retrieve a TypeScheme, as well as a Haskell function f. Having the TypeScheme we know what type each of args must have, so after evaluating them to constants we traverse that list of constants and check if the type tag of every constant is the same one as is currently expected from the TypeScheme info: if the tags match, then the types they represent must also match and the Haskell type checker sees that ('cause we're using GADTs), so we can type-safely apply f to a freshly obtained constant.

The TypeScheme of a built-in function also allows to get the Plutus Core type of that function: it's straightforward recursion on TypeScheme where each TypeSchemeArrow becomes -> of the target language and each implicit uni `Includes` arg representing an argument becomes a BuiltinType (SomeType uni), and uni `Includes` res representing the resulting type also becomes a BuiltinType (SomeType uni).

So having a single TypeScheme is enough to adapt the type checker and the evaluator to extensible built-in functions.

Failing built-in functions

Built-in functions are allowed to fail, e.g. 1/0 results in evaluation failure. This requires some straightforward support in TypeScheme. The ability of a function to fail is not reflected in its type signature, e.g. DivideInteger is of type Integer -> Integer -> Integer.

Built-in functions are currently not allowed to catch failures. This was allowed previously, but required non-trivial support in the evaluation machinery as well as in TypeScheme, so we dropped all of that, because we don't seem to need to catch failures with built-in functions and we can always add a special catchError primitive (as a separate entity like error) to the language to ensure we're not missing any important corner cases.


So far we've been talking only about monomorphic built-in types and functions, but we can actually support polymorphism.

We need polymorphic functions, because adding a data type like Bool to the universe requires adding its matching function to the set of built-in functions (so that booleans can be matched on, not just constructed) and the type of that function is

ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a

In theory, it's possible to associate Plutus Core all with Haskell forall, so that Plutus Core

constPlc : all a b. a -> b -> a

gets mapped to Haskell

constHs :: forall a b. a -> b -> a

(see the "Embedding F" paper for that), but in reality it's way too heavyweight of an encoding. Instead, we employ a very simple strategy and map constPlc to

constHs :: Term -> Term -> Term

The idea is that we have parametricity in Haskell, so a function that is polymorphic in its argument can't inspect that argument in any way and so we never actually need to convert such an argument from Plutus Core to Haskell just to convert it back later without ever inspecting the value. Instead we can keep the argument intact and apply the Haskell function directly to the Plutus Core AST representing some value.

The implementation is rather straightforward, but there is one catch, namely that it takes some care to adapt the evaluator to handle polymorphic built-in functions, see this issue.

Supporting polymorphic built-in types seems feasible, but we haven't worked that out yet.

Marshalling data

The Haskell Bool data type is represented in Plutus Core as

bool = all a. a -> a -> a

(we use Scott-encoded data types in Plutus Core). Now if we have a built-in function like EqInteger having the following type signature in Plutus Core:

eqInteger : integer -> integer -> bool

which gets mapped to this primitive on the Haskell side:

(==) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool

the following expression:

eval $ AppBuiltinFunction EqInteger
    [ Constant $ ConstantInteger 1
    , Constant $ ConstantInteger 2

expands to hsToPlc (1 == 2), which reduces to hsToPlc False and this is where we need to lift a Haskell Bool into a Plutus Core bool. Previousy we would just wrap the result with ConstantInteger, but now we need to write an actual conversion function on the Haskell side:

liftBool :: Bool -> Term
liftBool b = if b then truePlc else falsePlc

where truePlc and falsePlc are the ASTs for \x y -> x and \x y -> y respectively.

Writing such a conversion function is not a big deal and we can easily generalize it, after all Haskell types/values are convertible to Plutus Core types/terms by design. Problems arise when you need to go in the other direction: unlift a Plutus Core term into a Haskell value. Such unlifting is a much more complicated beast. We did it previously (docs available here), but eventually we decided that every built-in function must reference only those types that are in the universe. This way lifting always amounts to wrapping a constant with a constructor like ConstantInteger and unlifting always amounts to directly unwrapping from such a constructor.

Saturated vs unsaturated built-in functions

We have a separate doc on that.