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Wallet command line interface

Matthias Benkort edited this page Jul 24, 2019 · 62 revisions

The CLI is a proxy to the wallet server, which is required for most commands. Commands are turned into corresponding API calls, and submitted to an up-and-running server. Some commands do not require an active server and can be run "offline". (e.g. 'mnemonic generate')

Usage: cardano-wallet COMMAND
  Cardano Wallet Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Available OPTIONS:
  -h | --help

Available COMMANDS:
  launch              Launch and monitor a wallet server and its chain producers.
  serve               Serve an HTTP API that listens for commands/actions.
    generate          Generate BIP-39 mnemonic words
    list              List all known wallets
    create            Create & restore a wallet from a BIP-39 mnemonic sentence
    get               Fetch a particular wallet
    utxo              Get a wallet's UTxO distribution 
      passphrase      Update a wallet's master passphrase
      metadata        Update a wallet's metadata 
    delete            Forget a wallet and its metadata
    create            Create a transaction from a known wallet
    fees              Estimate fees for a transaction
    list              List all known addresses of a wallet
  version             Show the program's current version

ℹ️ The CLI commands for wallet, transaction and address only output valid JSON on stdout. So you may redirect the output to a file with > or pipe it into utility softwares like jq!

💝 For bash/zsh auto-completion, put the following script in your /etc/bash_completion.d:
   local CMDLINE
   local IFS=$'\n'
   CMDLINE=(--bash-completion-index $COMP_CWORD)

   for arg in ${COMP_WORDS[@]}; do
       CMDLINE=(${CMDLINE[@]} --bash-completion-word $arg)

   COMPREPLY=( $(cardano-wallet "${CMDLINE[@]}") )

complete -o filenames -F _cardano-wallet cardano-wallet



Launches and manages two sub-processes:

This is a shortcut command for those looking into an out-of-the-box solution for running the software.

via Jörmungandr

cardano-wallet launch 
  ([--random-port] | [--port INT])
  [--node-port INT]
  [--state-dir DIR]
  ([--quiet] | [--verbose])
  --genesis-block FILE
  --bft-leaders FILE
  • :information: Please note that launch will generate a configuration for Jörmungandr in a folder specified by '--state-dir'.
  • :information: The wallet backend only works with Jörmungandr in BFT mode with a test discrimination.

The genesis block file can be obtained using Jörmungandr's tool command-line jcli as follows:

$ jcli genesis encode --input genesis.yaml > block0.bin

Here below is an example of genesis file that can be used for testing:

# The Blockchain Configuration defines the different settings
# of the blockchain that cannot be changed once the blockchain
# is started.
  # The block0-date defines the date the blockchain starts
  # expected value in seconds since UNIX_EPOCH
  block0_date: 1556202057

  # This is the type of dicrimination of the blockchain
  # of this blockchain is meant for production then
  # use 'production' instead.
  # otherwise leave as this
  discrimination: test

  # The initial consensus version:
  # * BFT consensus: bft
  # * Genesis Praos consensus: genesis
  block0_consensus: bft

  # Number of slots in each epoch
  slots_per_epoch: 500

  # The slot duration, in seconds, is the time between the creation
  # of 2 blocks
  slot_duration: 10

  # The number of blocks (*10) per epoch
  epoch_stability_depth: 10

  # A list of Ed25519 Extended PublicKey that represents the
  # BFT leaders encoded as bech32. The order in the list matters.
    - ed25519_pk1haythczarvl75wt6y6fmq0gjz7j9xcyfatwchj523wdawechkd8qp735w5

  # Genesis praos parameter D
  bft_slots_ratio: 0.220

  # Genesis praos active slot coefficient
  # Determines minimum stake required to try becoming slot leader, must be in range (0,1]
  consensus_genesis_praos_active_slot_coeff: 0.22

  # This is the max number of messages allowed in a given Block
  max_number_of_transactions_per_block: 255

  # The fee calculations settings
  # fee(num_bytes, has_certificate) = constant + num_bytes * coefficient + has_certificate * certificate
    constant: 42
    coefficient: 0
    certificate: 0

  # The speed to update the KES Key in seconds
  kes_update_speed: 43200 # 12hours

# The initial deposits present in the blockchain.
  - fund:
      address: ta1swk7svu8avn5jysl83vja72lp0sqfczanqee6q08a4j7q27a77kpg4p254a
      value: 100000000000
  # And so forth... 

The BFT leaders is a yaml file listing the private keys of the BFT leaders defined in the genesis file. For example:

  signing_key: ed25519_sk1ga6n6fdsrruumg6nh0epdrqswrsdxhq4q7g5enun8v2jnk4u2gls08wfu3
$ cardano-wallet launch --genesis-file block0.bin --bft-leaders secret.yaml

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via cardano-http-bridge

cardano-wallet launch 
  ([--local-network] | [--network STRING])
  ([--random-port] | [--port INT])
  [--node-port INT] 
  [--state-dir DIR] 
  ([--quiet] | [--verbose])
$ cardano-wallet launch --network=testnet

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Serve API that listens for commands/actions. Before launching user should build cardano-http-bridge (see details on the provided link). To run cardano-http-bridge do:

via Jörmungandr

cardano-wallet serve
  ([--random-port] | [--port INT])
  [--node-port INT]
  [--database FILEPATH]
  ([--quiet] | [--verbose])
  --genesis-hash STRING

This is a hash of the the genesis block file which can obtained using Jörmungandr's tool command-line jcli as follows:

$ jcli genesis hash --input block0.bin

See also launch via Jörmungandr for details about how to generate block0.bin.


Start Jörmungandr:

$ jormungandr --genesis-block block0.bin --config config.yaml --secret secret.yaml

Then, start the wallet backend server:

$ cardano-wallet serve --genesis-hash $(jcli genesis hash --input block0.bin)

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via cardano-http-bridge

cardano-wallet serve
  [--network STRING]
  ([--random-port] | [--port INT])
  [--node-port INT]
  [--database FILEPATH]
  ([--quiet] | [--verbose])

Start cardano-http-bridge:

$ cardano-http-bridge start --template testnet --port=8080

Then, start the wallet backen server:

$ cardano-wallet serve --network=testnet --node-port 8080

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mnemonic generate

cardano-wallet mnemonic generate [--size=INT]

Generates mnemonic words

$ cardano-wallet mnemonic generate

These words will be used to create a wallet later. You may also ask for a specific number of words using the --size option:

$ cardano-wallet mnemonic generate --size 21

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wallet list

cardano-wallet wallet list [--port=INT]

Lists all your wallets:

$ cardano-wallet wallet list

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wallet create

cardano-wallet wallet create [--port=INT] <name> [--address-pool-gap=INT]

Create a new wallet using a sequential address scheme. This is an interactive command that will prompt you for mnemonic words and password.

$ cardano-wallet wallet create "My Wallet"
Please enter a 15–24 word mnemonic sentence: <enter generated mnemonic words here>
(Enter a blank line if you do not wish to use a second factor.)
Please enter a 9–12 word mnemonic second factor: <skip or enter new mnemonic words here>
Please enter a passphrase: ****************
Enter the passphrase a second time: ****************

after this your new wallet will be created

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wallet get

cardano-wallet wallet get [--port=INT] WALLET_ID

Fetches the wallet with specified wallet id:

$ cardano-wallet wallet get 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f

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wallet utxo

cardano-wallet wallet utxo [--port=INT] WALLET_ID

Visualize a wallet's UTxO distribution in the form of an histrogram with a logarithmic scale. The distribution's data is returned by the API in a JSON format, e.g.:

  "distribution": {
      "10": 1,
      "100": 0,
      "1000": 8,
      "10000": 14,
      "100000": 32,
      "1000000": 3,
      "10000000": 0,
      "100000000": 12,
      "1000000000": 0,
      "10000000000": 0,
      "100000000000": 0,
      "1000000000000": 0,
      "10000000000000": 0,
      "100000000000000": 0,
      "1000000000000000": 0,
      "10000000000000000": 0,
      "45000000000000000": 0

which could be plotted as:

100 ─
    │                                 ┌───┐
 10 ─                         ┌───┐   │   │                   ┌───┐
    │                 ┌───┐   │   │   │   │                   │   │
    │                 │   │   │   │   │   │   ┌───┐           │   │
  1 ─ ┌───┐           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │           │   │
    │ │   │           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │           │   │
    │ │   │ │       │ │   │ │ │   │ ╷ │   │ ╷ │   │ ╷       ╷ │   │      ╷ 
    └─┘   └─│───────│─┘   └─│─┘   └─│─┘   └─│─┘   └─│───────│─┘   └──────│────────────
          10μ₳    100μ₳   1000μ₳   0.1₳    1₳      10₳     100₳        1000₳

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wallet update name

cardano-wallet wallet update name [--port=INT] WALLET_ID STRING

Updates name of a wallet given wallet id:

$ cardano-wallet wallet update name 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f NewName

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wallet update passphrase

cardano-wallet wallet update passphrase [--port=INT] WALLET_ID

Interactive prompt to update the wallet master's passphrase (old passphrase required).

$ cardano-wallet wallet update passphrase 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f
Please enter your current passphrase: **********
Please enter a new passphrase: **********
Enter the passphrase a second time: **********

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wallet delete

cardano-wallet wallet delete [--port=INT] WALLET_ID

Deletes wallet with specified wallet id:

$ cardano-wallet wallet delete 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f

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transaction create

cardano-wallet transaction create [--port=INT] WALLET_ID --payment=PAYMENT...

Creates and submits a new transaction:

$ cardano-wallet transaction create 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f \
    --payment [email protected] \
    --payment [email protected]

This creates a transaction that sends 22 lovelace to Ae2tdPwUPEZ...nRtbfw6EHRv1D and 5 lovelace to Ae2tdPwUPEZ7...pVwEPhKwseVvf from wallet with id 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f.

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transaction fees

cardano-wallet transaction fees [--port=INT] WALLET_ID --payment=PAYMENT...

Creates and submits a new transaction:

$ cardano-wallet transaction create 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f \
    --payment [email protected] \
    --payment [email protected]

This estimates fees for a transaction that sends 22 lovelace to Ae2tdPwUPEZ...nRtbfw6EHRv1D and 5 lovelace to Ae2tdPwUPEZ7...pVwEPhKwseVvf from wallet with id 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f.

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address list

cardano-wallet address list [--port=INT] WALLET_ID [--state=STRING]

List all known (used or not) addresses and their corresponding status.

$ cardano-wallet list addresses 2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f

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