diff --git a/doc_user/UserManual.adoc b/doc_user/UserManual.adoc index d599c1a..132704e 100644 --- a/doc_user/UserManual.adoc +++ b/doc_user/UserManual.adoc @@ -801,6 +801,288 @@ image:image251.png[success] NOTE: This button can be enabled or disabled to control movements deletions. Ask the Administrator or check the Administrator's Guide for more information. +=== 4.4 Inventory ([.underline]##I##nventory) + +==== 4.4.1 Main Characteristics + +The Inventory features is used to correct the stock in the *_Main Store_*. + +==== 4.4.2 Functions of Inventory + +To access the functions of inventory, click on *[.underline]##I##nventory* on the Pharmacy menu. + +image:image22.png[Phamacy Menu,width=220,height=182] + +All functions available under *[.underline]##I##nventory* are accessible from the *_Inventory Browser_* window. By default, the system shows all the inventories recorded in the period. + +The *_New Inventory_* window is composed of three areas: the *Search panel* at the top, the *Inventory table* in the center and the *Buttons panel* on the bottom. See the image below. + +The *Search panel* at the top, allows narrowing or sub-setting the inventory list by: + +* *Date From* and *Date To*: dates selectors used to select a period. +* *[status]* selector (e.g., 'all'): inventory status filter. + +The *Inventory table* in the center identifies the inventory by: + +* *Reference*: indicates the reference of the inventory. +* *Date*: indicates the date with which the inventory was entered into the system. +* *Status*: indicates the status of the inventory. +* *User*: indicates the user who entered the inventory. + +The *Buttons panel* has all the functions of the main inventory, the following choices are available: + +* *[.underline]##N##ew*: create a new inventory. +* *[.underline]##E##dit*: modify an existing inventory. +* *[.underline]##V##iew*: show an existing inventory. +* *[.underline]##D##elete*: cancel an existing inventory. +* *[.underline]##C##lose*: close the window and return to the main menu. + +image:image252.png[Inventory Browser] + +[#create-a-new-inventory] +===== Create a New Inventory ([.underline]##N##ew Inventory) + +The *New Inventory* function is used to create a new inventory on the main store. Click on *[.underline]##N##ew* button in the *_Inventory Browser_* window to access the *_New Inventory_* window. + +The *_New Inventory_* window is composed of three areas: the *Inventory panel* at the top, the *Inventory row table* in the center and the *Buttons panel* on the bottom. See the image below. + +image:image253.png[New Inventory] + +The data shown in the *Inventory panel* area are: + +* *Date*: the date where the inventory was entered at the system. +* *Reference*: the reference associated to the inventory. +* *Charge Type*: the charge movement type used for the charge movement (when theoretic qty < real qty). +* *Discharge Type*: the discharge movement type used for discharge movement (when theoretic qty > real qty). +* *Supplier*: the supplier used for the charge movement. +* *Destination*: the ward used for the discharge movement. +* *Status* (e.g., 'DRAFT'): the status of the inventory. This value of status is set automatically. ++ +*NOTE:* The Destination, Charge Type, Discharge Type and Supplier can be defined by the Administrator. Ask the Administrator or check the <> chapter. + +The data shown in the *Inventory row table* area are: + +* *Code*: the code of the phamaceutical. +* *Product*: the description of the phamaceutical. +* *New Lot*: indicates if the inventory row is for a new lot or not. +* *Lot No.*: the lot code of the pharmaceutical. +* *Due Date*: the due date of the lot. +* *Theoretic Qty*: the theoretic quantity of the lot of the pharmaceutical. +* *Real Qty*: the real(physical) quantity of the lot of the pharmaceutical. +* *Total Cost*: the total cost that represents the real value of the lot. + +The *Buttons panel* is used to perform some action: + +* *[.underline]##S##ave*: this button is used to save the inventory. +* *[.underline]##L##ot*: this button is used to link new lot to a new specific product (the inventory row that column *New Lot* as value *N*). to perform that, first highlighted the product and click on this button. + +*NOTE:* This button is enabled just for the inventory row that column *New Lot* has value *N*, otherwise the button is disabled. + +* *[.underline]##D##elete*: used to remove one or the set of the inventory row(s). +* *Clean [.underline]##T##able*: used to remove all the inventory rows. +* *[.underline]##V##alidate*: used to validate the inventory. +* *[.underline]##C##onfirm*: used to confirm the inventory. + +*NOTE:* This button is enabled for the inventory after it it validated,, otherwise the button is disabled. + +* *[.underline]##C##lose*: used to return to the *_Inventory Browser_* window. + +*NOTE:* An inventory row can be inserted either for specific products or for a set of products. + +====== Insert Inventory Row By Using TextField + +To insert an inventory row for a specific product, enter into the field for specific product the code or the description of the pharmaceutical to insert, and press ENTER. This will open the Choose a Medical window. + +image:image254.png[Choose medical] + +Select the desired pharmaceutical or search the pharmaceutical by code or description using the search field and select the pharmaceutical to highlight it, then click on *[.underline]##S##elect* button to add the pharmaceutical as inventory row or click on *[.underline]##C##ancel* to back on the *_Inventory Browser_* window. + +====== Insert Inventory Row Product By using SELECT Button + +To insert an inventory row for a set of products, click on the SELECT button. This will open the Lot Information window. + +image:image255.png[Lot Information] + +Select the Medical Type on the combo box and choose: + +* *All*: if all the pharmaceuticals for the selected Medical Type are needed. +* *Only non zero quantity*: if only all the pharmaceuticals for the selected Medical Type with non zero quantity are needed. +* *with movement only*: if all the pharmaceuticals for the selected Medical Type and which has at least one movement are needed. + +Then click on *[.underline]##O##k* button to insert all the pharmaceuticals that match the choice as the inventory(ies) row(s) in the *Inventory row table*. + +[#Edit-a-new-inventory] +===== Edit Inventory ([.underline]##E##dit Inventory) + +To modify an inventory, highlight the inventory in the *_Inventory Browser_* window. Once the inventory has been highlighted, click on *[.underline]##E##dit* button to enter on the *_Edit Inventory_* window. Now the record is available for changes. This function allows to edit all the data of the inventory including inventory(ies) row(s) of the inventory. + +image:image256.png[Edit Inventory] + +During modification it is possible to validate the inventory by clicking on *[.underline]##V##alidate* button. This results in the following dialog: + +image:image266.png[Validate Inventory] + +During modification it is possible to Confirm the inventory by clicking on *[.underline]##C##onfirm* button. This results in the following dialog: + +image:image267.png[Confirm Inventory] + +===== View Inventory ([.underline]##V##iew) + +To view an inventory, highlight the inventory in the *_Inventory Browser_* window. Once the inventory has been highlighted and click on *[.underline]##V##iew* button to enter on the *_View Browser_* window. + +image:image258.png[View Inventory] + +This function allows to view all the data for the inventory including inventory(ies) row(s) of the inventory. We also have possibility to *[.underline]##P##rint* those data. + +NOTE: On view mode it is not possible to update something. + +To print the inventory, click on *[.underline]##P##rint* button to print the data, See the image below: + +image:image259.png[Print Inventory] + +Click on *[.underline]##Y##es* button, which results in the JasperViewer® showing the generated report without real quantities as follows: + +image:image260.png[Report output without real qty] + +If the *[.underline]##N##o* button is selected, the JasperViewer® shows the generated report with real quantities as follows: + +image:image261.png[Report output with real qty] + +===== Delete Inventory ([.underline]##D##elete) + +The delete button is used to cancel an inventory. Highlight the inventory in the *_Inventory Browser_* window, when the inventory has been highlighted then click on *[.underline]##D##elete* button. A confirmation window is shown: + +image:image257.png[Delete Inventory] + +=== 4.5 Ward Inventory ([.underline]##W##ard Inventory) + +==== 4.5.1 Main Characteristics + +The Inventory features is used to correct the stock in the *_Ward_*. + +==== 4.5.2 Functions of Ward Inventory + +To access the functions of ward inventory, click on *[.underline]##W##ard Inventory* on the Pharmacy menu. + +image:image22.png[Phamacy Menu,width=220,height=182] + +All the functions available under *[.underline]##W##ard Inventory* are accessible from the *_Manage Ward Inventory_* window. By default, the system shows all the inventories recorded in the period. + +The *_Manage Ward Inventory_* window is composed of three areas: the *Search panel* at the top, the *Ward Inventory table* in the center and the *Buttons panel* on the bottom. See the image below. + +The *Search panel* at the top, allows narrowing or sub-setting the inventory list by: + +* *Date From* and *Date To*: dates selectors used to select a period. +* *[status]* selector (e.g., 'all'): the status used to filter inventory. + +The *Inventory table* in the center identifies the inventory by: + +* *Reference*: indicates the reference of the ward inventory. +* *Ward*: indicates the ward related to the inventory. +* *Date*: indicates the date with which the ward inventory was entered into the system. +* *Status*: indicates the status of the ward inventory. +* *User*: indicates the user who entered the ward inventory. + +The *Buttons panel* has all the functions of the ward inventory, the following choices are available: + +* *[.underline]##N##ew*: this button is used to create a new ward inventory. +* *[.underline]##E##dit*: this button is used to modify an existing ward inventory. +* *[.underline]##V##iew*: this button is used to show an existing ward inventory. +* *[.underline]##D##elete*: this button is used to cancel an existing ward inventory. +* *[.underline]##C##lose*: this button is used to close the window and return to the main menu. + +image:image262.png[Ward Inventory Browser] + +[#create-a-new-ward-inventory] +===== Create a New ward Inventory ([.underline]##N##ew) + +The *New Inventory* function is used to create a new inventory on the main store. Click on *[.underline]##N##ew* button in the *_Manage Ward Inventory_* window to access the *_New Inventory_* window. + +image:image263.png[New ward Inventory] + +After the selection of the ward (FEMALE WARD in this example), the *_New Inventory_* window is shown, allowing for the management of the ward inventory of the FEMALE WARD: + +image:image264.png[New ward Inventory] + +The *_New Inventory_* window is composed of three areas: the *Inventory panel* at the top, the *Inventory row table* in the center and the *Buttons panel* on the bottom. + +The data shown in the *Upper panel* area are: + +* *Ward*: the ward that is associated with the new inventory. +* *Date*: the date of the inventory. +* *Reference*: the reference associated to the inventory. + +The data shown in the *Center panel* area represents an inventory row. The data are: + +* *Code*: the code of the phamaceutical. +* *Product*: the description of the phamaceutical. +* *New Lot*: indicates if the inventory row is for a new lot or not. +* *Lot's Code.*: the lot code of the pharmaceutical. +* *Due Date*: the due date of the lot. +* *Theoretic Qty*: the theoretic quantity of the lot of the pharmaceutical. +* *Real Qty*: the real(physical) quantity of the lot of the pharmaceutical. +* *Total Cost*: the total cost or real value of the lot. + +The *Buttons panel* is used to perform some action: + +* *[.underline]##S##ave*: this button is used to save the inventory. +* *[.underline]##L##ot*: this button is used to link a new lot to a new specific product (the inventory row that column *New Lot* as value *N*). To perform the operation, first highlighted the product and click this button. + +NOTE: This button is enabled only for the inventory row where the column *New Lot* has value the value *N*, otherwise the button is disabled. + +* *[.underline]##D##elete*: this button is used to remove one or a set of inventory rows. +* *Clean [.underline]##T##able*: this button is used to remove all the inventory rows. +* *[.underline]##V##alidate*: this button is used to validate the inventory. +* *[.underline]##C##onfirm*: this button is used to confirm the inventory. + +*NOTE:* The Confirm button is enabled only if the inventory is validated, otherwise the button is disabled. + +* *[.underline]##C##lose*: this button is used to return to the *_Inventory Browser_* window. + +*NOTE:* It is possible to insert inventory row(s) either for specific products or for a set of products. + +===== Edit Ward Inventory ([.underline]##E##dit) + +To modify a ward inventory, highlight the inventory in the *_Manage Ward Inventory_* window. Once the inventory is highlighted, click the *[.underline]##E##dit* button to use the *return* key in the *_Edit Inventory_* window. Now the record is available for changes. This function permits editing all the data for the inventory, including inventory(ies) row(s). + +image:image268.png[Edit ward Inventory] + +During modification it is possible to validate the inventory by clicking on *[.underline]##V##alidate* button. This results in a dialog like the one below: + +image:image266.png[Validate Inventory] + +During modification it is possible to Confirm the inventory by clicking the *[.underline]##C##onfirm* button. The action results in the dialog shown below: + +image:image267.png[Confirm Inventory] + +===== View Ward Inventory ([.underline]##V##iew) + +To view a ward inventory, highlight the inventory in the *_Manage Ward Inventory_* window. Once the inventory is highlighted, click on *[.underline]##V##iew* button to enter on the *_View Inventory_* window. + +image:image265.png[View Ward Inventory] + +This function is used to view all the data for the inventory including inventory(ies) row(s) of the inventory. There is a;sp the option to *[.underline]##P##rint* the data. + +*NOTE:* While in view mode it is not possible to update the data. + +To print the inventory, click the *[.underline]##P##rint* button shown the image below: + +image:image259.png[Print Ward Inventory] + +Click on *[.underline]##Y##es* button, after some time the JasperViewer® will show the generated report without real quantity as follows: + +image:image269.png[Report output without real qty] + +If we click on *[.underline]##N##o* button, after some time the JasperViewer® will show the generated report with real quantity as follows: + +image:image270.png[Report output with real qty] + +===== Delete Ward Inventory ([.underline]##D##elete) + +The delete button is used to cancel an inventory. First, highlight the inventory in the *_Inventory Browser_* window, When the inventory is highlighted, click the *[.underline]##D##elete* button in the *Buttons panel*. A confirmation window is shown: + +image:image257.png[Delete ward Inventory] + <<< [#laboratory] diff --git a/doc_user/media/image22.png b/doc_user/media/image22.png index 32cbc70..aeb298d 100644 Binary files a/doc_user/media/image22.png and b/doc_user/media/image22.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image252.png b/doc_user/media/image252.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..079ed7a Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image252.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image253.png b/doc_user/media/image253.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46faf7a Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image253.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image254.png b/doc_user/media/image254.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01a3e6d Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image254.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image255.png b/doc_user/media/image255.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f099334 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image255.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image256.png b/doc_user/media/image256.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..290529a Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image256.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image257.png b/doc_user/media/image257.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a945116 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image257.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image258.png b/doc_user/media/image258.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1137bd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image258.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image259.png b/doc_user/media/image259.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f89206 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image259.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image260.png b/doc_user/media/image260.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5668aa Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image260.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image261.png b/doc_user/media/image261.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..043061f Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image261.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image262.png b/doc_user/media/image262.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f2a67 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image262.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image263.png b/doc_user/media/image263.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4fb941 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image263.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image264.png b/doc_user/media/image264.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d90565 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image264.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image265.png b/doc_user/media/image265.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc40b5c Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image265.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image266.png b/doc_user/media/image266.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfe18be Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image266.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image267.png b/doc_user/media/image267.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43d6f57 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image267.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image268.png b/doc_user/media/image268.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d94432 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image268.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image269.png b/doc_user/media/image269.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0a2bd3 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image269.png differ diff --git a/doc_user/media/image270.png b/doc_user/media/image270.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c388d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc_user/media/image270.png differ