4.4.0 (2021-12-23)
- Bump nokogiri version from 1.10.4 to 1.12.5 due to CVEs
4.3.1 (2019-09-03)
- Bump nokogiri version from 1.8.3 to 1.10.4 due to security vulnerability
4.3.2 (2020-10-30)
- Send
as parameter and reject phrasing update if nottrue
- fixes issue #90
4.3.1 (2019-09-03)
- Bump nokogiri version from 1.8.3 to 1.10.4 due to security vulnerability
4.3.0 (2019-06-13)
- Add support for Rails 6
- Remove jquery.turbolinks fix suggestion
4.2.1 (2018-11-05)
- Fix linear-gradient syntax to be W3C compliant.
4.2.0 (2018-09-07)
- bundler-audit reported that there are DoS and RCE vulnerabilities in nokogiri:
Name: nokogiri
Advisory: CVE-2017-9050
Criticality: Unknown
URL: https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/1673
Title: Nokogiri gem, via libxml, is affected by DoS and RCE vulnerabilities
Solution: upgrade to >= 1.8.1
Name: nokogiri
Advisory: CVE-2018-8048
Criticality: Unknown
URL: https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/pull/1746
Title: Revert libxml2 behavior in Nokogiri gem that could cause XSS
Solution: upgrade to >= 1.8.3
- Bumped nokogiri to 1.8.3.
4.1.0 (2018-05-17)
- Fix generated migration files for Rails 5
Directly inheriting from ActiveRecord::Migration is not supported. Please specify the Rails release the migration was written for.
- Fixed Rails 5.2 deprecation issue with
A class was passed to :class_name but we are expecting a string.
4.0.0 (2018-02-27)
Phrasing no longer does monkeypatching over the I18n gem, so the I18n and Phrasings behaviours are completely separate. When using the I18n.t() method, Phrasing will no longer copy the data from the translations file and continue to use translations from the database.
However, when using the phrase(key) method, if the key doesn't currently exist in the PhrasingPhrase table, it will do a lookup in the translations file and copy the data from there to the database.
The interpolation option has been kicked out.
The problem with the interpolation option is that most clients won't understand what's happening when they see something like "Hi, my name is %{name}" once they are editing data.
If they try to erase parts of it, the developer also might end up being confused and the UI might get broken or at least ugly for some time until the developer fixes the issue.
From phrasing v4.0.0rc3, add your jquery files manually:
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require phrasing
Since Rails comes with outofbox generators that enable easy existing file detection and similar behaviors, Phrasing 4 will use Rails generators instead of the old rake tasks.
To run the initial setup generator, just do: rails generate phrasing
3.2.10 (2015-10-02)
- Change order parameters in PhrasingPhrases#index to support SQLServer.
3.2.9 (2015-01-07)
- Require only haml, not haml-rails.
3.2.8 (2015-01-06)
- Fix confirm dialogs when deleting phrases and phrase versions.
3.2.7 (2014-10-03)
- Add a config option to set a parent controller to Phrasing Engine Controllers.
3.2.6 (2014-09-15)
- Show Home page only when view responds to :root_path.
3.2.5 (2014-06-17)
- Added index for phrasing_phrase_id in versions table.
3.2.4 (2014-05-08)
- Changed InlineHelper#phrasing_polymorphic_url to use rails path helper.
3.2.3 (2014-03-03)
- Exctracted import/export functionality to Phrasing::Serializer. Importer now accepts nested yaml files, just like the ones from /config/locales.
3.2.2 (2014-02-19)
- Scope option for phrases added:
scope: 'homepage.footer' # add scopes just like you would w/ I18.n. If the first argument is 'test', than the key would be 'homepage.footer.test'
- Change in generated migration file:
:phrasing_phrase_id changed from t.string to t.integer.
- Change in PhrasingPhrasesController#index:
Fix order clause so it runs on Rails 3.2 and MySQL
3.2.1 (2014-01-29)
- Created PhrasingPhrase.search_i18n_and_create_phrase for proper lookup of translations in config/locales.
3.2.0 (2014-01-16)
- New design for edit mode bubble.
- Non breaking IE9 javascript fix.