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Module: Entity Linking
Module: Entity Linking
Module: External Search
Module: External Search
Module: Fact Linking
Module: Fact Linking
Module: Images
Module: Images
Module: Import/Export
Module: Import/Export
Module: Intertext
Module: Intertext
Module: JavaScript Editor API
Module: JavaScript Editor API
Module: Knowledge Base
Module: Knowledge Base
Module: Logging
Module: Logging
Module: OpenSearch
Module: OpenSearch
Module: PDF editor
Module: PDF editor
Module: Preferences
Module: Preferences
Module: Processing
Module: Processing
Module: Project Search
Module: Project Search
Module: Project Settings
Module: Project Settings
Module: PubAnnotation
Module: PubAnnotation
Module: PubMed/PMC
Module: PubMed/PMC
Module: Recogito
Module: Recogito
Module: Recommender
Module: Recommender
Module: Remote API
Module: Remote API
Module: Scheduler
Module: Scheduler
Module: Sharing
Module: Sharing
Module: Static Workload
Module: Static Workload
Module: Tagsets
Module: Tagsets
Module: TEI
Module: TEI
Module: UIMA CAS format
Module: UIMA CAS format
Module: Versioning
Module: Versioning
Module: WebAnno TSV
Module: WebAnno TSV
Needs attention
Needs attention
Needs attention by the assignees to update, or resolve. Use if an issue/PR becomes stale.
Needs confirmation
Needs confirmation