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Build everything from source

If you are familiar with Eclipse plugin development then you may want to checkout the source, setup the development environment, and start working with it. In this case you have the options described below.

Setting up the development environment using Oomph (recommended)

  1. Download the Oomph Eclipse Installer for your platform and install it.
  2. Start Oomph by executing eclipse-installer/eclipse-inst.
  3. On the initial page, select Advanced Mode in the menu at the top right.
  4. On the Product page, select Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers in the folder, then click Next.
  5. On the Projects page, select Github Projects.
  6. Click on the green "plus" symbol. Copy the Link in to the text field.
  7. Click on OK. The project Statechart Tools is available as Github Projects/<User>/Statechart Tools.
  8. Double-click on the project Statechart Tools to add it to the catalog section at the bottom of the wizard page, then click Next. Choose only the "Statechart Tools". Uncheck the others, if needed.
  9. On the Variables page, choose a meaningful name for the Installation folder name variable, then click Next.
  10. On the Confirmation page, check the settings, then click on Finish.
  11. The setup is executing its tasks now. Meanwhile: Drink a cup of coffee, and watch your Statechart Tools development environment being assembled. Oh, and please review and accept any licenses for the software to be installed.
  12. You are asked whether you trust the certificate of " Foundation, Inc.". If you do, check the certificate in the dialog box and click on OK.
  13. After the installation has been completed, Eclipse starts up with the YAKINDU Statechart Tools projects in your workspace.
  14. (Optional) Click on Finish in the Oomph window to close it.
  15. (Optional) While installing, clicking on the double-arrow (double arrow) allows you to see the further progression. Click on Finish to close the window when the installer is done.
  16. After having built the workspace, you will see a lot of errors in it. That's because the language artifacts haven't been generated yet. Oomph made a contribution to the toolbar. Click on the double-arrow symbol. The Confirmation window appears. Deselect everything except for the three "Launch …" tasks and the "Project Build (Clean, Build) task. (The other tasks have already been executed.) The selected tasks will generate the languages "Expressions", "SText", and "SGen" and run a clean build.
  17. Click on Finish.
  18. Click Proceed three times in order to confirm the execution of each launch despite any existing errors.

How to setup your developer workspace without Oomph

  1. Download latest Eclipse from
  2. Install the latest Xtext release -> Help / Install new Software / select '2018-09 -'
    • Select Modeling / Xtext Complete SDK
  3. Select the Git perspective and clone the following Git Repository: Select 'Import projects' on the 'working directory' subfolder
  4. Set the target platform to Open the target file and click on the link for setting the target platform (takes some minutes the first time)
  5. Build the needed Xtext grammars by right-clicking the following files and choosing Run As... => Generate Xtext Artifacts:
    1. org.yakindu.base.expressions/Expressions.xtext
    2. org.yakindu.sct.stext/SText.xtext
    3. org.yakindu.sct.generator.genmodel/SGen.xtext

After these steps, all projects should compile without errors. To launch a runtime instance which has these projects as installed plugins, just right-click on a project => Run As => Eclipse Application