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Ziguana Game System API

System Control

Poweroff() noreturn

Will shut down the console and exit.

SaveGame(data: string) bool

Opens a prompt for the user to save the game. The user can then select one of three save games to save the game or cancel the saving process. Returns true when the game was successfully saved, otherwise false.

LoadGame() string|void

Opens a prompt for the user to load a previously saved game. The user can then select one of the save games or cancel the loading. When the user selected a save game, the data is returned as a string, if the user cancelled the saving, void is returned.

Pause() void

Opens the pause screen of the console. The user can then decide to resume the game at any time.

Resource Management

LoadData(path: string) string|void

Will load a resource located at "data/" + path

Text Mode

This is the default mode of the system. It displays a primitive text terminal with 20×15 characters of size and a small 8×8 pixel font.

Print(…): void

Prints all arguments followed by a new line.

Input(prompt: string|void) string|void

Asks the user for a value accepted by Return or cancelled by Escape. If Return is pressed, the user accepted the input and a string is returned, if Escape was pressed, the user cancelled the input and void is returned.

The function will go into a new line if not already and will print prompt if given. If not, ? is printed as a prompt.

TxtClear(): void

Clears the screen and resets the cursor to the top-left.

TxtSetBackground(color: number) void

Sets the background color of the screen. The color parameter is explained in Graphics Mode.

TxtSetForeground(color: number) void

Sets the text color. All new text is written in that color. The color parameter is explained in Graphics Mode.

TxtWrite(…): number

Writes the arguments to the text console and returns the number of characters written.

TxtRead(): string

Reads all available text from the keyboard buffer. Returns "" when nothing is in the buffer.

TxtReadLine(): string|void

Reads a line of text entered by the user. As soon as the user presses Return, the text is returned. If "" is returned, the user pressed Return, but didn't enter text. If void is returned, the user cancelled the input by pressing Escape.

TxtEnableCursor(enabled: bool) void

Enables or disables the text cursor. The text cursor will always be one digit behind the last printed character and will blink.

TxtSetCursor(x: number, y: number) void

Moves the cursor on the screen. New text will be inserted at the cursor position, even if the cursor is not visible.

TxtScroll(lines: number) void

Scrolls the text screen by the given number of lines.

Graphics Mode

The system also provides a bitmap mode with a resolution of 160×120 pixels and 4 bit color depth and a fixed palette.

Pixels are encoded as bytes in a string, where each byte encodes a color between 0 and 15. If the byte value is larger than 15, the pixel is considered broken and will display a randomly changing color from the palette.

SetGraphicsMode(enabled: bool) void

If enabled == true, the system will enable graphics mode, otherwise it will enable text mode.

GpuSetPixel(x: number, y: number, color: number|void) void

Sets the pixel at (x, y) to c where c is a number between 0 and 15 or void for a broken pixel.

GpuGetPixel(x: number, y: number) number|void

Returns the color index of a pixel at (x, y) or void if the pixel is broken.

GpuGetFramebuffer(): string

Returns a string of length 19200 where each byte corresponds to a pixel on the screen. Valid pixels are encoded as values 015, broken pixels are encoded as 255.

GpuSetFramebuffer(fb: string) void

Sets the frame buffer to the given string. Each byte is considered a pixel value. Excess bytes (more than 19200) are cut off, missing bytes (less than 19200) are filled with broken pixels. Each byte may have a integer value between 0 and 15 or be a valid hexadecimal digit ('0''9', 'a''f', 'A''F'), all other values are considered broken.

GpuBlitBuffer(x: number, y: number, width: number, data: string) void

Copies pixels from data onto the screen. The rules for the pixel format are the same as in GpuSetFramebuffer, except that broken pixels are ignored and will not be blitted into the framebuffer.

Pixels are copied starting at point (x, y), where both coordinates may be negative. Pixels are then copied to the right for width pixels, then advance one row and continue copying. Pixels that are out-of-screen are discarded, no wrap-around is performed.

This routine allows simple sprite or tile graphics to be done.

GpuDrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c)

Draws a Line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) with color c.

GpuDrawRect(x, y, w, h, c)s

Draws the rectangle outline between the points (x, y) and (x+w-1,y+h-1) with color c.

GpuFillRect(x, y, w, h, c)

Fills the rectangle between the points (x, y) and (x+w-1,y+h-1) with color c.

GpuDrawText(x: number, y: number, color: number, text: string) void

Draws a string text starting at (x, y). The font size is 6×6 pixels, which gives a maximum text density of 20×15 characters.

GpuScroll(dx, dy)

Scrolls the screen content by the given amount into x and y direction. Contents that get shifted out of the screen will be shifted in on the opposite site again. This rolls the screen content.

This is helpful for scrolling backgrounds and similar.

GpuSetBorder(color: number) void

Sets the background color of the border around the screen.

GpuFlush() void

Will flush the current framebuffer to the screen and wait for vsync.

GpuEnableAutoFlush(enabled: bool) void

If enabled is true, the graphics functions will always draw directly to the screen and when vsync comes, the result will be presented.


Key Map

To be done

KbdIsDown(key: string) bool

Returns true when the key is pressed.

KbdIsUp(key: string) bool

Returns true when the key is not pressed.


Input API for a connected joystick. The joystick has a analogue stick and two buttons A and B.

JoyEnableNormalization(enabled: bool) void

If enabled is true, the values returned by JoyGetX and JoyGetY will always have a euclidean length of <= 1.0. Otherwise, the axis will be separated and both have the full range.

JoyGetX(): number

Returns a value between -1.0 and 1.0 that reflects the horizontal position of the joystick. Negative values go left, positive values go right.

JoyGetY(): number

Returns a value between -1.0 and 1.0 that reflects the vertical position of the joystick. Negative values are upwards, positive values go downwards.

JoyGet{A,B,Go,Menu}(): bool

Returns true when the {A,B,Go,Menu} button is pressed.

JoyHit{A,B,Go,Menu}(): bool

Returns true when the {A,B,Go,Menu} button was pressed since the last call to this function.

JoyRelease{A,B,Go,Menu}(): bool

Returns true when the {A,B,Go,Menu} button was released since the last call to this function.

Audio System

PlaySound(name: string, volume: number) void

Plays a sound called name with the given volume (between 0.0 and 1.0).

LoopSound(name: string, volume: number) object

Plays a sound in a loop and returns a handle to the playing sound. The loop can be controlled via this handle:

SoundHandle.Stop() void

Will stop the loop from playing and will make the sound handle invalid (destroys the object).

SoundHandle.Pause() void

Will stop the loop from playing at the current position.

SoundHandle.Resume() void

Lets a paused loop continue to play

SoundHandle.SetVolume(volume: number) void

Will change the volume of the loop.

PlayMusic(music: string, fade_time: number) void

Starts playing the track music, stopping all previously played music. The tracks will smoothly fade one into the other over fade_time seconds. If fade_time is not given, 0.5 seconds will be used to fade the tracks.