Bootstraps running a docker image in current directory.
The name "inducker" is inspired by a special kind of cricket delivery where the ball dips "in" before it reaches the batter. The default mount location is "lords" which is considered the home of cricket.
brew install ikhurramraza/tap/inducker
Usage: inducker IMAGE [OPTIONS] [-- EXTRA_ARGS]
IMAGE Docker image to use.
EXTRA_ARGS Extra arguments to pass to docker run.
--directory Which directory to mount as working directory. Default: .
--entrypoint Command to launch inside the container. Default: /bin/sh
--mount-location Working directory path. Default: /lords
inducker-ffmpeg Uses jrottenberg/ffmpeg image.
inducker-gallery-dl Uses gallery-dl pip package.
- Create and push tag to GitHub.
git tag --sing -a "v[VERSION_TAG]" -m "[RELEASE_HEADER]"
git push origin "v[VERSION_TAG]"
Create a release on GitHub.
Update url and SHA in the Homebrew formula definition here.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details