The :doc:`user guidelines and notice for MESSAGEix <message_ix:notice>` also apply to ixmp in their entirety. We ask that you read the notice and take the actions whenever you:
- use the |ixmp|, or any model(s) you have built using this tool
- to produce any scientific publication, technical report, website, or other publicly-available material.
The guidelines include the optional step to cite the code via Zenodo (in addition to the required step to cite the peer-reviewed publication). You must decide which records to cite:
- If you are using both :mod:`message_ix` and :mod:`ixmp`, then cite the MESSAGEix records.
- If you are using only :mod:`ixmp` without :mod:`message_ix`, then cite the ixmp records.
ixmp has its own Zenodo records that are distinct from message_ix:
- The DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4005665 represents all versions of the :mod:`ixmp` code, and will always resolve to the latest version.
- At that page, you can also choose a different DOI in order to cite one specific version; for instance, 10.5281/zenodo.4005666 to cite v3.1.0.