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Releases: iegomez/mosquitto-go-auth

Migrate to MongoDB driver

07 Jun 15:17
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The Mongo DB backend was migrated to the official driver
Fixed Mongo DB auth issue.
Added auth tests for Mongo DB and Redis.

Log options

17 May 15:58
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Options to log to stderr, stdout and a file are now available.

Go modules

07 Mar 17:59
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This release adds Go modules support.

Mysql and file patterns fix

25 Feb 17:41
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Mysql now supports a unix socket connection properly.

File patterns had a typo on the check that was introduced when adding mosquitto 1.5.x support. It's now been fixed.

0.1.0 mosquitto 1.5.X support

12 Dec 17:29
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This release stabilizes support for mosquitto's latest versions. Check the readme for instructions on building for 1.5.X and 1.4.X.