use crypto/rand; add function get ChainID by core.ID
use crypto/rand; add function get ChainID by core.ID
fix chainid for polygon zkevm cardona
fix chainid for polygon zkevm cardona
Remove old zkEVM params
Remove old zkEVM params
Add Linea to supported blockchains. Add ChainIDs for Polygon zkEVM an…
Add Linea to supported blockchains. Add ChainIDs for Polygon zkEVM an…
Update deps
Update deps
Create zkEVM and zkEVM Cardona testnet under Polygon blockchain. Depr…
Create zkEVM and zkEVM Cardona testnet under Polygon blockchain. Depr…
Add Privado chain as a part of a core library
Add Privado chain as a part of a core library
fix getting SchemaHash from int for short ints
fix getting SchemaHash from int for short ints
Add Amoy network as a part of a core library
Add Amoy network as a part of a core library
Add NetworkByChainID function to return network and blockchain for re…
Add NetworkByChainID function to return network and blockchain for re…
Pull request merge
Add NetworkByChainID function to return network and blockchain for re…
Add NetworkByChainID function to return network and blockchain for re…
Add errors to register the same values to DID Method, ChainID, Networ…
Add errors to register the same values to DID Method, ChainID, Networ…
Pull request merge
Add errors to register the same values to DID Method, ChainID, Networ…
Add errors to register the same values to DID Method, ChainID, Networ…