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Hello, I am running a seismic imaging code related to Spyro where the code is:
from firedrake import *
import numpy as np
import finat
from ROL.firedrake_vector import FiredrakeVector as FeVector
import ROL
from mpi4py import MPI
import spyro
# import gc
outdir = "fwi_p5/"
model = {}
model["opts"] = {
"method": "KMV", # either CG or KMV
"quadrature": "KMV", # Equi or KMV
"degree": 5, # p order
"dimension": 2, # dimension
"regularization": True, # regularization is on?
"gamma": 1.0e-6, # regularization parameter
model["parallelism"] = {
"type": "spatial",
model["mesh"] = {
"Lz": 3.5, # depth in km - always positive
"Lx": 17.0, # width in km - always positive
"Ly": 0.0, # thickness in km - always positive
"meshfile": "/Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/spyro/paper/FWI_2D_DATA/meshes/marmousi_exact.msh",
"initmodel": "/Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/spyro/paper/FWI_2D_DATA/velocity_models/marmousi_exact.hdf5",
"truemodel": "not_used.hdf5",
model["BCs"] = {
"status": True, # True or false
"outer_bc": "non-reflective", # None or non-reflective (outer boundary condition)
"damping_type": "polynomial", # polynomial, hyperbolic, shifted_hyperbolic
"exponent": 2, # damping layer has a exponent variation
"cmax": 4.5, # maximum acoustic wave velocity in PML - km/s
"R": 1e-6, # theoretical reflection coefficient
"lz": 0.9, # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
"lx": 0.9, # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
"ly": 0.0, # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive
model["acquisition"] = {
"source_type": "Ricker",
"num_sources": 40,
"source_pos": spyro.create_transect((-0.01, 1.0), (-0.01, 15.0), 40),
"frequency": 5.0,
"delay": 1.0,
"num_receivers": 500,
"receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect((-0.10, 0.1), (-0.10, 17.0), 500),
model["timeaxis"] = {
"t0": 0.0, # Initial time for event
"tf": 6.00, # Final time for event
"dt": 0.001,
"amplitude": 1, # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
"nspool": 1000, # how frequently to output solution to pvds
"fspool": 10, # how frequently to save solution to RAM
comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)
# if comm.comm.rank == 0 and comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
# fil = open("FUNCTIONAL_FWI_P5.txt", "w")
mesh, V =, comm)
vp =, mesh, V, guess=True)
if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
File("guess_velocity.pvd", comm=comm.comm).write(vp)
sources = spyro.Sources(model, mesh, V, comm)
receivers = spyro.Receivers(model, mesh, V, comm)
wavelet = spyro.full_ricker_wavelet(
if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
control_file = File(outdir + "control.pvd", comm=comm.comm)
grad_file = File(outdir + "grad.pvd", comm=comm.comm)
quad_rule = finat.quadrature.make_quadrature(
V.finat_element.cell, V.ufl_element().degree(), "KMV"
dxlump = dx(scheme=quad_rule)
water = np.where([:] < 1.51)
class L2Inner(object):
def __init__(self):
self.A = assemble(
TrialFunction(V) * TestFunction(V) * dxlump, mat_type="matfree"
self.Ap = as_backend_type(self.A).mat()
def eval(self, _u, _v):
upet = as_backend_type(_u).vec()
vpet = as_backend_type(_v).vec()
A_u = self.Ap.createVecLeft()
self.Ap.mult(upet, A_u)
kount = 0
def regularize_gradient(vp, dJ, gamma):
"""Tikhonov regularization"""
m_u = TrialFunction(V)
m_v = TestFunction(V)
mgrad = m_u * m_v * dx(scheme=qr_x)
ffG = dot(grad(vp), grad(m_v)) * dx(scheme=qr_x)
G = mgrad - ffG
lhsG, rhsG = lhs(G), rhs(G)
gradreg = Function(V)
grad_prob = LinearVariationalProblem(lhsG, rhsG, gradreg)
grad_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "jacobi",
"mat_type": "matfree",
dJ += gamma * gradreg
return dJ
class Objective(ROL.Objective):
def __init__(self, inner_product):
self.inner_product = inner_product
self.p_guess = None
self.misfit = 0.0
self.p_exact_recv =, comm)
def value(self, x, tol):
"""Compute the functional"""
J_total = np.zeros((1))
self.p_guess, p_guess_recv = spyro.solvers.forward(
self.misfit = spyro.utils.evaluate_misfit(
model, p_guess_recv, self.p_exact_recv
J_total[0] += spyro.utils.compute_functional(model, self.misfit, velocity=vp)
J_total = COMM_WORLD.allreduce(J_total, op=MPI.SUM)
J_total[0] /= comm.ensemble_comm.size
if comm.comm.size > 1:
J_total[0] /= comm.comm.size
return J_total[0]
def gradient(self, g, x, tol):
"""Compute the gradient of the functional"""
dJ = Function(V, name="gradient")
dJ_local = spyro.solvers.gradient(
if comm.ensemble_comm.size > 1:
comm.allreduce(dJ_local, dJ)
dJ = dJ_local
dJ /= comm.ensemble_comm.size
if comm.comm.size > 1:
dJ /= comm.comm.size
# regularize the gradient if asked.
if model["opts"]["regularization"]:
gamma = model["opts"]["gamma"]
dJ = regularize_gradient(vp, dJ, gamma)
# mask the water layer[water] = 0.0
# Visualize
if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
g.vec += dJ
def update(self, x, flag, iteration):
vp.assign(Function(V, x.vec, name="velocity"))
# If iteration reduces functional, save it.
if iteration >= 0:
if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
paramsDict = {
"General": {"Secant": {"Type": "Limited-Memory BFGS", "Maximum Storage": 10}},
"Step": {
"Type": "Augmented Lagrangian",
"Augmented Lagrangian": {
"Subproblem Step Type": "Line Search",
"Subproblem Iteration Limit": 5.0,
"Line Search": {"Descent Method": {"Type": "Quasi-Newton Step"}},
"Status Test": {
"Gradient Tolerance": 1e-16,
"Iteration Limit": 100,
"Step Tolerance": 1.0e-16,
params = ROL.ParameterList(paramsDict, "Parameters")
inner_product = L2Inner()
obj = Objective(inner_product)
u = Function(V, name="velocity").assign(vp)
opt = FeVector(u.vector(), inner_product)
# Add control bounds to the problem (uses more RAM)
xlo = Function(V)
x_lo = FeVector(xlo.vector(), inner_product)
xup = Function(V)
x_up = FeVector(xup.vector(), inner_product)
bnd = ROL.Bounds(x_lo, x_up, 1.0)
# Set up the line search
algo = ROL.Algorithm("Line Search", params), obj, bnd)
if comm.ensemble_comm.rank == 0:
File("res.pvd", comm=comm.comm).write(obj.vp)
# fil.close()
But it occurs the following error:
(base) (firedrake) yw11823@IC-FVFL80FW1WGC demos % /Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/firedrake/bin/python /Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/spyro/demos/
firedrake:WARNING OMP_NUM_THREADS is not set or is set to a value greater than 1, we suggest setting OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 to improve performance
INFO: Distributing 40 shot(s) across 1 core(s). Each shot is using 1 cores
rank 0 on ensemble 0 owns 7339 elements and can access 3827 vertices
/Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/ FutureWarning: The use of `interpolate` to perform the numerical interpolation is deprecated.
This feature will be removed very shortly.
Instead, import `interpolate` from the `firedrake.__future__` module to update
the interpolation's behaviour to return the symbolic `ufl.Interpolate` object associated
with this interpolation.
You can then assemble the resulting object to get the interpolated quantity
of interest. For example,
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
assemble(interpolate(expr, V))
Alternatively, you can also perform other symbolic operations on the interpolation operator, such as taking
the derivative, and then assemble the resulting form.
warnings.warn("""The use of `interpolate` to perform the numerical interpolation is deprecated.
INFO: converting from m/s to km/s
/Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/ UserWarning: The use of `File` for output is deprecated, please update your code to use `VTKFile` from `firedrake.output`.
/Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/ UserWarning: The use of `File` for output is deprecated, please update your code to use `VTKFile` from `firedrake.output`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/yw11823/ACSE/irp/spyro/demos/", line 238, in <module>
algo = ROL.Algorithm("Line Search", params)
TypeError: __init__(): incompatible constructor arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. _ROL.Algorithm(arg0: ROL::Step<double>, arg1: _ROL.StatusTest)
Invoked with: 'Line Search', <_ROL.ParameterList object at 0x16e56adf0>
Do you have any suggestions? I would be very appreciative.
Many thanks
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Hello, I am running a seismic imaging code related to Spyro where the code is:
But it occurs the following error:
Do you have any suggestions? I would be very appreciative.
Many thanks
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: